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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. probably because some exec hears something in what they do that makes him say to himself, "With a little work they could sound just like ''X'", where 'X' is some group that made someone else a lot of money. Attempts at copycatting in the entertainment industry have been going on for as long as there has been an industry. Same paradigm as sitcom and movie genre copycatting. The boardroom won't care if you don't have the creativity and luck to start the next big thing, if you are at least good at jumping on the bandwagon when someone else starts one.
  2. This assumes he is even interested in continuing a baseball career. Does anyone know that? I can't see the Tigers doing anything low class. OTOH, they have paid him $8.3M for 42 games over 2 yrs. There would be no reason he should be suffering financially that he needs to remain a ward of the Tigers.
  3. You can put that one at Leyland's door. Old school. Play your regular guy even if he is hurting because somehow he'll overcome it. Polanco didn't. It's an even starker contrast to a management that won't play a guy with a hangnail now.
  4. I'd be surprised if Turnbull only netted 2.4 in arbitration.
  5. They have him - his name is Andy Dirks. If they can't see that it's everyone's loss.
  6. How would we remember Sandy Koufax if he had pitched 5 more years at a 100 ERA+? Cabrera was more dominant at his peak than a Jim Thome ever was and that does count for something. Greatness is not only all about counting stats (and I'm taking WAR as fundamentally a counting stat). The fact that some of the greatest players of all time couldn't play 20 years doesn't diminish the value of their dominance in its time. There is nothing wrong with recognizing that even it demands more subjective considerations. Some value judgments deserve to be argued about on aesthetic grounds instead of always being reduced to the quantitatable.
  7. Oh - I already write them off. Thinking more along the lines of suburban Moms. Lets just say, Jordan is not their type.
  8. Funny thing is, I'm not sure Jordan would be 'worse' in the long run. McCarthy is a much more glib and polished liar than Jordan is. Jordan is so transparent I can't see him fooling nearly as large a segment of the population.
  9. Some GOP members seemed genuinely surprised the Dems didn't bail McCarthy out. The same McCarthy that a)never even asked, and b)trashed them for enabling the success of his one righteous act. Same problem - take responsibility for yourself then maybe the other side will be willing to trust you enough to work with you. This is like a dependency problem - it still hasn't gotten bad enough for the non-MAGA GOP to see they have no choice but to make a break. If they can't get there, the Dems can't help them. Maybe if they get to the end of next week and can't elect anyone, the light will start to dawn in their little grey cells, but I doubt it.
  10. Then the GOP shouldn't elect him, should they? He's sure not going to get any Dem votes. When are voters going to start holding the GOP responsible for what they do instead of complaining about what Dems haven't stopped them from doing?
  11. I don't see it as throwing any bones, it was more a case of refusing to fall into the trap of playing "the enemy of my enemy is my friend", because neither were/are.
  12. The original critique was not that ICE shouldn't do or attempt border control, it was that Trump threw out ICE's plans for systems of integrated controls at the border that included fences, surveillance and technology in favor of a one-size fits all massive physical barrier which was going to cost much more and probably work less well in total. Like any and everything else in US politics, that has been sound-bited, twitted and shorthanded to Wall = Trump = bad/racist/stupid.
  13. This absolutely. I think Shep is taking the fall for a broadcast that is weak across the board. The loss of Morris hurt. For as much issue as anyone would have on his old school takes about the game, he did have a high level of presentation skill/talent. I wonder if the Tiger org may be deluding themselves that because Al Kaline rated well without having a high level of media skill, that media skill doesn't matter in the player in the booth. But it does matter. No-one else is, or will be, Al Kaline. It was not only his level of insight as a baseball mind, but also the fact that he was still on the field working with all these guys all Spring every year which gave him even more insight into the team than being just a run of the mill ex-player.
  14. They've moved on. More likely to get Mike Morris' mom.
  15. and I go back to my original point - I don't see that you can argue it's necessarily favorable to either O or D if the period whistle is late. Why wouldn't the offensive lineman be as likely to let down in anticipation of no play as the D men? You either stay ready to play or you don't. That kind of lapse can happen to any player on either side of the ball. Maybe it happened to the Lions, maybe the execution was good enough the Lions would have given it up on that play if the play had been run 2 minutes earlier in the qtr. The Lions could have as easily given up the yards on the 1st play of the next qtr. I think there is a little bit of fan paranoia that anything that happens out of order has to have been detrimental to my team.
  16. actually an interesting gambit might be for the Dems to nominate Mitt Romney. I've never agreed with any of his politics but I do trust he would be an honest broker and you might get enough GOP crossovers for it to happen.
  17. IDK, I don't follow football rules issues that closely, but every official on the field has a whistle don't they? You hear the whistle you stop?
  18. Right - so how does that get you closer to a successful baseball franchise?
  19. To me the thing with Monroe is that I know he could be better than he is. He forces things when he is in the booth, and there is always too much force or tension or growl in his voice. He'd be much better if he'd lose that and just be normal. That and his basic game breakdown sucks. I'm close to catatonic with the number of times he has told me that a guy who has absolutely zero intention to is going to try to 'use the big part of the field'.
  20. I thought the official game clock is kept by an official on the field - or at least it once was. That's why the ref often tells the scoreboard operator to reset the clock to whatever?
  21. Do you get the impression that Ray's ownership is whistling past the graveyard with the notion that a new ball park at the same spot is suddenly going to draw more fans? I'm very skeptical that whatever co-development they do in the area will make any difference to baseball attendance either. Buying tickets to a sporting event is pretty disconnected from any consideration of whatever level of civic activity is going on around the venue. There just isn't that much connection other than maybe having places to eat - and probably more than 3/4 of fans see eating in the ball park part of the experience. Maybe the presence of a ball park benefits commerce in the area around it, but I don't think the equation works much in the other direction.
  22. This was the pretty much the take on him before he ran for Speaker. He does have one sort of striking feature I noticed with all the video of him this week, and that is his absolute stillness when he pauses while speaking. It's almost mesmerizing in a weird way. I was checking my internet connection to see if my feed was freezing.
  23. Hard to know where the Tigers are on Kieth vis a vis 2nd vs 3rd. I don't want to bring in a 2b if that's going to be Keith's preferred position - things are already getting log jammed there. If Keith is going to play 2nd, go find a honest to MLB glove for 3rd. If Keith is your 3b, commit to him there.
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