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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. well, I don't really care what he says about it, I'd prefer he act to reduce Lange's leverage because he has better choices. I know they don't really care if they win games right now, but as a fan I don't have to accept that.
  2. Only thing I have used it for is to follow the tactical reports out of Ukraine and Musk has been messing with the visibility of posters he regards as too anti-Russian, so screw him. Have no intention of giving him a first nickel if/when he asks for it.
  3. Oh - he could have said a lot of things. He might have said something like "We know Lange has been fighting it and we'll try to reduce his leverage until he rights the ship" which is not unlike things he has said about other relievers who have had struggles in the past. For me it's mostly that I think they are oversold on Lange's repertoire. I go back to what I have always believed. It doesn't matter how much your breaking ball breaks (i.e. how well you spin) if you let any MLB hitter see enough of it and know when to expect it, they can hit it or learn to take it. You have to be able to throw your fast ball (or something else) too, and Lange can't right now. I think the org tends to be oversold on spin for the sake of spin on a particular pitch instead of spin as a tool to create variation between pitches.
  4. I was glad to hear the other day from Hinch that he has complete faith in Lange, even if it is completely unjustified.
  5. Hinch pulls Foley for Lange, who promptly gives up a double, walk, Make that a BS.
  6. yeah - something wrong on that bunt. If it was a suicide Baddoo broke way too late, and if it was a safety squeeze he should have stayed put.
  7. Appears the Russians no longer have the resources to keep defending the Karabakh Armenian separatists. Azerbajani's reportedly have destroyed a Russians base and the Russian have chosen to withdraw. Have also seen reports Russian is pulling artillery pieces out of Syria for deployment to Ukraine. And Russian state TV extolling the virtues of living like North Koreans to the population. And here we thought the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991.
  8. Tearing your UCL on a fall would have to be a one in a million chance - but that would figure for the Tigers.
  9. Seems a lot of variation in how people react to Shringrix, both in terms of how much discomfort you have at the injection site and in how much general reaction you have. I don't remember reacting to the 1st dose at all. The 2nd one I felt pretty lousy the 2nd day. Various friends have had reactions all over the map. But I don't know anyone who's had shingles who didn't describe it as totally horrible.
  10. I'm looking at it pretty much as having passed into the same category as the flu. It's always going to be around, it will keep morphing marginally as time goes by, I'm not particularly worried about getting it (have had mild cases at least once, possibly twice ) so at this point have both natural and vax based immune response. But if a 10 sec shot saves me even two days of sniffles and a cough, I'm not passing up that trade.
  11. And why would you? Your best hedge is to wait until at least the end of ST to see what work he may have done on the off-season and how well he does. I think Javy knows full well he has to get shorter to the ball, but that kind of adjustment is not easy for anyone to do on the fly. Assuming he's not opting out, the Tigers have nothing to lose by not burning any bridges that would preclude him making some level of comeback, regardless of what the probability of that looks like now. There is certainly a chance you could persuade him to opt out, but it could as easily blow up in your face as a high profile and (likely successful) MLBPA grievance. Not to mention it sounds very un-Ilitch-like.
  12. Why does Elon assume the people that run propaganda bots aren't willing to invest $ in their activity? Will small fees stop state sponsored Russian disinformation efforts? I doubt it, they are already investing big money in the hardware and manpower behind these programs, why would a few more bucks stop them?
  13. yeah - I don't see any downside to just riding it out in this case.
  14. Iggy lost a season to stress fractures. Addressed it in his training and it never recurred. Lower leg stress fractures can happen in younger players who over train and don't have sense enough to stop when they start to feel the first warning signs, so I'm not so alarmed by that as long as the training staff stays on top of him in the future. Definitely agree Riley has to stop playing such a reckless style. No one can keep playing like that and stay healthy. Just moderate things. You don't have to stop diving, but keep it to low dives more along the ground. If you are going to have to leap up and across like on the play where he hurt the arm, just play it off the wall. Hopefully playing next to Meadows (if he can stick) will help as an example as it's pretty clear Parker plays a more under control style - maybe it will rub off a little on Riley.
  15. EROD was going to LA, Rogers was going somewhere - probably LA, but I don't know if that was established. Still, I'm not sure if I'd be unhappier on a top team in a top city playing backup to a guy I can at least respect than sitting on a bad team when the guys my manager is playing in front of me are clearly worse.
  16. Playing the best players is so yesterdays tech. Jake is going to keep smiling and being a good teammate, because he's tied to the Tigers until 2027, but I'd guess he was not the happiest person the Dodger deal fell apart.
  17. The degree to which a bunch of people who are lawyers decide it is or isn't is probably proportional to how much money he walks away with. 💰
  18. IDK - economics of the game have changed so much in 20 yrs it's hard to compare. There may be enough revenue sharing today that teams can more easily flounder for a long time without being in danger of actually going under. It must have been pretty dire in 2001 in comparison for them to actually take a vote on contraction. Those were some bad years for baseball in Detroit so I wasn't paying enough attention to remember it well.
  19. LOL, I was talking about Musk but if the shoe fits...... Probably on an ethical/world view level there isn't much to separate the two of them. The difference is that Elon hasn't gone bankrupt, yet.
  20. Loria was only a 24% owner when he bought in so if he had plans to kill the team at that point he'd have had to persuade the rest of his partners. He tried to get a new ball park. He put in more of his money when the other owners wouldn't until he ended up almost sole owner. When it was clear there would be no new ball park, he bailed. He only owned the team for 3 yrs. They were failing before he got there and but true enough he basically took anyone and anything he could carry when he sold the team to the league. It's probably true he soured on owning the team pretty quickly after he bought it and found he couldn't do much with it - but remember he couldn't find any sources to work with. The province turned him down, local business wouldn't ante up and the the league even voted to contract his team out from under him, so at that point I would have some sympathy with him saying 'screw it'. And in the end the MLB could have tried to save the franchise once they ran it and didn't either so they weren't seeing any future either. I don't mean to defend Loria per se, I don't know him from Adam, but I don't know if it's fair to lay the failure of the Expos at his feet in particular. He seemed to be a relatively bit player in their overall history. He was just the guy holding the bag at the end. I don't think one guy can kill a franchise's fan base and its regional market goodwill value in only 3 yrs. That failure had to have had a lot of contributors. I would guess the Montreal fans who blame Luria are a little like the people who never forgave the Tigers for leaving the old ballpark. They were a group that were loyal but too small to make what they wanted to preserve economically viable. Owners don't owe vestigial fan bases permanent economic subsidy.
  21. Documents case is a slam dunk. Even Marcia Clark and Chris Darden couldn't lose this case. Trump knows his only chance is to keep it from ever coming to trial.
  22. I beg to differ. It is perfectly clear what he meant by that.
  23. LOL - Problems of the 1%ers. I imagine if Schlissel were just a middle class schmuck he and his wife would probably already be divorced and he could just have married his girlfriend, but probably too much money at play for such a simple solution.
  24. Well, notifies him that they are going to try to fire him. Now he has to hope his lawyers win more than his football team. 🤣
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