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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. I'm sure they did, but one has to assume that claim is negotiable given enough $$. With the A's leaving, any expansion in the bay area will face some kind of objection from the Giants, which is probably why it will happen somewhere else.
  2. If you were going to add a team in the Bay area, wouldn't you go to somewhere on the south end like San Jose?
  3. I get the impression TPTB in Tampa aren't particularly interested in getting the team to their side of the bay. But there are nearly a million people living West of the Bay. If they pick a location that splits the difference between St. Pete and Clearwater they should be able to sell 30K, which is a small ballpark.
  4. The rose tint on Henning's MiLB glasses is at least 2 full f-stops. I wouldn't put money on anything Lynn reports about any of these guys being able to play in the field. I'm glad Lynn is down on the farm reporting on these guys, just keep lots of salt handy when it comes to all those adjectives he so loves.
  5. It's ironic that they say it's mostly the older generation that supports the GOP, but the Dems never have the heart to cut off SS payments. If they did it would be over in 5 min.
  6. Only if you call having two pretty good teams fail in the WS 'getting way with it.' 😢
  7. Offensive stats on each side very close to even. You can always use more pass rush (and also having holding called....), but Seattle's overall pass D was no better than the Lions. It came down to Goff making one throw behind an open receiver -or maybe the receiver ran a sloppy route. Either way it was an unforced error and Seattle's D didn't have much to do with it but have the luck to have the D-back, who could not have broken up the play if the throw had been on target, standing where the ball went. Add in two more losses of possession and you end up short in the end. But the expectation the Lions would have a top D this season were never realistic. Improved, sure. Middle of the pack - maybe. But you don't go from a pretty terrible D to a great D in one off-season.
  8. World is getting to be a weird place. What possible point?
  9. It's why keeping your sh*t together in life is a victory. 🕉️
  10. yeah - anytime you get to overtime in a game where you are -3 TA/GA you prolly did OK on the rest.
  11. The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics would like a word with you...
  12. Should have sent out an MDOT crew to block the space while they repainted the lines or replaced the signage. Granholm needs to have her people talk to Chris Christie's people to learn how to do this kind of thing right.
  13. I happened to have the radio on this morning and heard Boomer talking about QBs and throwing catchable balls. JJ should have been listening - he was talking about not trying to break guys' hands - basically touch. JJ is trying to wait too long to get deeper into the progression, but the cost is that he's having to throw all heaters, which are both harder to catch and easier to misfire. It's impressive to show all that arm, but you don't want to be making every throw that way.
  14. There was a report that his focus is working to improve his FB. I think that's that's the right strategy though it probably won't drive K's directly.
  15. that was last year's last year. 2 starts for this year's last year.
  16. I'm going to guess that GSL needs to find a little more consistent life on this FB to cut down on the those MiLB HR numbers. Maybe between Fetter and the Tigers Kinesiology crew they can get him there.
  17. Only goes to show that no matter how much we try to keep perspective, we fans still end up giving too much credence to games against bad opponents, which remain meaningless evaluators.
  18. The last couple of times they got back to 10 under they promptly crashed. Here's hoping for a better result this time.
  19. W + BS. Actually that's pretty appropriate notation. I think the scouting has caught up with Lange and while he's gotten his earlier streak of wildness under better control, I don't see him being dominant again unless he comes up with a new pitch or two.
  20. was at UM as and undergrad years ago with a couple of Sawchuks. Terry's nephews or maybe couzins IIRC, but neither played Hockey beyond IM, though both were pretty athletic. A Sawchuk playing now could be one of their grandchildren.
  21. Seems to be a common theme after a Dombrowski tenure.
  22. I haven't put a stopwatch on it, but earlier in the season when I was listening to more of the broadcasts opposite the video feed I became pretty well convinced they were cheating time on the radio cast - that is, running the breaks longer and then clipping time during game play to catch up each inning, so they were always coming back late but starting the inning with buffered audio. If that's the case, then if the buffer resets/is lost, coming back in the middle of the 1st AB is exactly what you get.
  23. Skubal featuring 99 on the FB several times tonight. Hot gun maybe. Torkelson with some opposite field approach in a couple of his AB. Good sign. Javy put up some numbers tonight but he is still showing the backswing before getting the bat moving forward. Javy should go to winter ball and figure out how to leave the hitch there before he returns.
  24. apparently Turnbull finally pitched Thurs night for the Hens. 48 pitches, 5 outs via 4 Ks but 5 batters reached, 1 ER.
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