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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. The last couple of times they got back to 10 under they promptly crashed. Here's hoping for a better result this time.
  2. W + BS. Actually that's pretty appropriate notation. I think the scouting has caught up with Lange and while he's gotten his earlier streak of wildness under better control, I don't see him being dominant again unless he comes up with a new pitch or two.
  3. was at UM as and undergrad years ago with a couple of Sawchuks. Terry's nephews or maybe couzins IIRC, but neither played Hockey beyond IM, though both were pretty athletic. A Sawchuk playing now could be one of their grandchildren.
  4. Seems to be a common theme after a Dombrowski tenure.
  5. I haven't put a stopwatch on it, but earlier in the season when I was listening to more of the broadcasts opposite the video feed I became pretty well convinced they were cheating time on the radio cast - that is, running the breaks longer and then clipping time during game play to catch up each inning, so they were always coming back late but starting the inning with buffered audio. If that's the case, then if the buffer resets/is lost, coming back in the middle of the 1st AB is exactly what you get.
  6. Skubal featuring 99 on the FB several times tonight. Hot gun maybe. Torkelson with some opposite field approach in a couple of his AB. Good sign. Javy put up some numbers tonight but he is still showing the backswing before getting the bat moving forward. Javy should go to winter ball and figure out how to leave the hitch there before he returns.
  7. apparently Turnbull finally pitched Thurs night for the Hens. 48 pitches, 5 outs via 4 Ks but 5 batters reached, 1 ER.
  8. Sadly (maybe?) how 'hard' a job is relates pretty weakly to how much it pays.
  9. I would have liked to wait until the new vax was out, but since I was due for a booster this summer I figured I better do it before I came back to campus. Glad I did, "rampant" might be too strong a word, but there is a LOT of Covid about in A^2. OTOH, I don't know of anyone that has been particularly sick from it this time around.
  10. I'm no fan of American business, but of all the industries in the US to bang on, the Auto industry is pretty close to organized labor's worst choice. They may be a target of opportunity, but a foolish choice strategically. And 40% is never a realistic ask. But the corps have themselves to blame. Put the Union on the board and you wouldn't have to worry nearly as much about unrealistic demands being made. Of course you would get demands for more rational upper level compensation plans....ergo there are is no union representation on the boards.
  11. I'm tired of Romney's Crocodile Tears. If Romney was really fed up in any serious way he'd have switched parties, which would have done more to accomplish something constructive to put an end to the problem than all his hand wringing.
  12. I never felt this offense was even close to average, and it's still going to be a long way away next season without a lot of luck or money. There is only so much you can expect to do on the run prevention end, and the Tigers have done a better job there already.
  13. so how long before the Big 3 decide to take a shutdown and lock out the UAW in response to the rolling strike strategy?
  14. about the only thing errors still tell you anything about are bad throws - they are harder to scorers to mess up on.
  15. People have to remember that talents are necessarily transferable. I respected McCain's service, his honor, that he was a man who did care about his country and service, and that his heart was generally near right place. I never thought he was a particularly deep political thinker, was on the opposite side from him on many policy issues. I also thought he caved on a lot his independent principles once it was the brass ring of the Presidency that he was reaching for, which was somewhat a disappointment. Least appealing was that he occasionally couldn't hide the sense of entitlement he clearly felt by being challenged by Obama. But in retrospect, he'd be even more the man among children in today's GOP.
  16. "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds" -Ralph Waldo Emerson
  17. No sale. That is the 'D' that has been relegated to history.
  18. Just remember, program income is pretty meaningless separated from program expenses. Most NCAA programs are already burning through every dollar they get their hands on.
  19. One problem with Meyer could be that the pool of donors willing to pony up to pay his salary might less than for someone without his baggage. I don't know if MSU generates the kind of income to pay a Meyer without a lot of outside help. In today's world you almost have to be matching donors to your hiring decision as you go.
  20. JJ is 23? It's an good question when the clock runs out on the ability to improve as a fielder. Some hitters may still improve up to their middle 20's, I suspect on average your ceiling as a fielder hardens sooner than that, but I don't know of any real data/research about it.
  21. I'm going to guess his first subconscious instinct was that his squad car represented safety - as it would in a shooting situation for instance, so that was the direction his instinct told him to take his first step, but that is just a guess. LOL, I remember when my daughter, who was a big Descent player, kept trying to teach me to dodge missiles by always going toward them as well as to the side. Not your first impulse!
  22. cop is lucky he isn't in 100 pieces. Rule one: Don't run toward where the car is going.
  23. "Lithium Ion" which more or less what's in your laptop computer and which uses cobalt has been most common so far but builders are starting to look more at Lithium Iron Phosphate. And there are a couple of other variations on Lithium chemistry challenging as well. As an example, LiFePO4 does not provide as high an energy density but it uses no cobalt, which makes it cheaper, may be capable of more cycles, and it is also much less prone to burning up your car. The thing about a car is that ultimate performance is not as important as reliability and life cycle cost. It made sense that early models went with the highest performing batts so they could market the biggest range numbers, but I would guess that as the market matures and people begin to understand how they will use an EV in the real world, they will begin to shop smarter. People right now are obsessing about battery size, but that isn't really what matters for most people most of the time, it's only recharge time per mile driven that is going to matter in the end. A smaller battery is fine if it charges just as fast per mile driven, and charging is readily available - and you will go further per kWhr by saving the extra weight. And in fact since it is easier to move residual heat out of a smaller battery package as a practical matter they may achieve better max charge rates.
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