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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. No sale. That is the 'D' that has been relegated to history.
  2. Just remember, program income is pretty meaningless separated from program expenses. Most NCAA programs are already burning through every dollar they get their hands on.
  3. One problem with Meyer could be that the pool of donors willing to pony up to pay his salary might less than for someone without his baggage. I don't know if MSU generates the kind of income to pay a Meyer without a lot of outside help. In today's world you almost have to be matching donors to your hiring decision as you go.
  4. JJ is 23? It's an good question when the clock runs out on the ability to improve as a fielder. Some hitters may still improve up to their middle 20's, I suspect on average your ceiling as a fielder hardens sooner than that, but I don't know of any real data/research about it.
  5. I'm going to guess his first subconscious instinct was that his squad car represented safety - as it would in a shooting situation for instance, so that was the direction his instinct told him to take his first step, but that is just a guess. LOL, I remember when my daughter, who was a big Descent player, kept trying to teach me to dodge missiles by always going toward them as well as to the side. Not your first impulse!
  6. cop is lucky he isn't in 100 pieces. Rule one: Don't run toward where the car is going.
  7. "Lithium Ion" which more or less what's in your laptop computer and which uses cobalt has been most common so far but builders are starting to look more at Lithium Iron Phosphate. And there are a couple of other variations on Lithium chemistry challenging as well. As an example, LiFePO4 does not provide as high an energy density but it uses no cobalt, which makes it cheaper, may be capable of more cycles, and it is also much less prone to burning up your car. The thing about a car is that ultimate performance is not as important as reliability and life cycle cost. It made sense that early models went with the highest performing batts so they could market the biggest range numbers, but I would guess that as the market matures and people begin to understand how they will use an EV in the real world, they will begin to shop smarter. People right now are obsessing about battery size, but that isn't really what matters for most people most of the time, it's only recharge time per mile driven that is going to matter in the end. A smaller battery is fine if it charges just as fast per mile driven, and charging is readily available - and you will go further per kWhr by saving the extra weight. And in fact since it is easier to move residual heat out of a smaller battery package as a practical matter they may achieve better max charge rates.
  8. It's a chicken and egg thing. It's good to talk it up, get as many early adopters that the current tech can work for as possible, because volume and experience is what moves you along the learning curve.
  9. well - good. And a direct contradiction of his previous stated policy. This is one more nail in McCarthy's coffin with the non-freedom caucus majority of this membership who know it's not going to help them get re-elected. While it's still pretty unlikely, moves like this by McCarthy only improve the chance of a centrist majority ultimately taking over the House before the end of Biden's term.
  10. I wonder if there is any reluctance for charging stations to put in fast chargers because of potential liability claims from damaged/degraded batteries? Fast charging is still bleeding edge.
  11. the one and only perfect season, undefeated 1972 Dolphins send their regards.
  12. It's silly to say it because you'd think it couldn't possible be an issue, but I think for starters he needs to go with a different design or maybe slightly smaller glove. I now these guys all believe to their core that that extra inch of glove is what is going to make them a gold-glover, but Tork's more common problem seems to be not being able to keep the ball in the glove once he gets the glove on the ball.
  13. I thought the recent report was that Keith's problem at 3rd was an arm he was still rehabbing?
  14. Consider it a gift, the Tiger fielders apparently considered it one...
  15. well, assuming we *allow* ourselves to keep driving gas cars. If they are banned we're driving EVs whether they go 500 miles or not. Btw, weird weather all around the world this year, ain't it? Seriously, cars might be a place where a cap and trade system might work. You get a fossil fuel allotment and you can sell it someone who needs to drive long daily distances. Those with fossil attachment syndrome can keep their F150s if they pony up. Another interesting question, assuming EV adoption continues apace, is whether there is some critical mass of EV adoption where the gas station distribution business starts to fall apart? I suppose trucking will not be electrified for a longer time - maybe if you are a gasoline holdout you're going to be relegated to truck stops to refuel? At any rate I think there is an assumption that both systems can co-exist for an extended period. Maybe that is true, maybe not. When do you suppose the last public stables closed in Detroit?
  16. that should do it. I was expecting even more scoring in this one - Johnson with the smallest strike zone I have seen an umpire call in a long time.
  17. baseball is funny they way different players seem to have 'cycles' that vary so much. Take Ibanez. Seems to always either do nothing, or have a multi hit game. And at the other end we've talked a lot about Candelario who seems to have long stretches on and then off. Now Vierling similarly.
  18. Wentz wasn't much, but it might have helped if the Tigers had caught the damn ball better.
  19. I'm not really seeing what they think they are going to get out of Wentz. The FB is mediocre, and the breaking ball command isn't sufficient to get guys out without a better FB. I guess he doesn't have a relief profile either so he starts until they give up on him ?
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