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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Leyland is the kind of guy who would do that. Hinch, I doubt it.
  2. Yankee's had enough luck early to win two games. But down to two hitters again, the Tigers will be playing for lottery balls.
  3. probably set off by school starting. Definitely a lot of it about.
  4. there is sure a lot of love for the Lions out there for KC to only be favored by 4.5 at home.
  5. the one big difference is that BH draws its water from a lead free source and never made any systemic changes that would have ld anyone to think anything in the system could be driving lead levels. (and one of the things that is irritating in these stories is that there is always companion talk about smelly, yellow water, and those things have absolutely zero to do with lead contamination. Lead in water doesn't smell and has no color.) What is probably true in BH is that there are local service lines that contain sections of old lead pipes and those have to be found and replaced, and there is a large program in place to do exactly that. It's not a matter of a political policy issue like switching water sources was in flint, it's a matter of relatively micro level system maintenance/repair. Like almost everywhere in older American cities, BH is decades behind on their infrastructure upkeep.
  6. Interesting question, especially for players in the reserve clause days who had virtually no freedom of mobility. But on the other hand, if you were an athlete you probably had to learn to deal with or make your peace with that stuff long before you reached the majors. And even a guy like Gibson is just a guy, doesn't mean another teammate won't/can't lay him out if he pushes too hard. I suppose a lot of what guys like Gibson did was just sophomoric stuff, which other guys could just ignore. And of course doubly ironic that by the time Gibson got to LA it was the Dodgers' lack of seriousness that T'd *him* off.
  7. If you want to do a little alternative history exercise on the Detroit metro area - imagine what would/could have happened if cross-district bussing had been the decision. White Detroit may have sighed in relief when the decision came down, but it was the death knell for their town. I would argue the level to which Detroit fell would not have been nearly as severe if it had gone the other way. All cities did badly in the last decades of the 20th cent, but it didn't need to be as bad in Detroit as it was if people hadn't been given such an easy choice to flee.
  8. that concept was trotted out wrt Riley at one point as well. You can call it cocky and in some cases that's probably true, but in some cases it's just not understanding what you don't know yet. Think about JV coming up for those two starts in 2005 and getting hammered. He had to experience that a FB good enough to put away any MiLB hitter still needed secondary pitch support in the Majors so he went back and learned what he had to. But it's not like the confidence he had wasn't justified based on his experience to that point.
  9. having lived in Detroit at 'ground zero', which is to say a neighborhood about to go through 'white flight' in the late 60's 70's I would say you are no under no obligation to call this a theory, it was fact. There were two good sized Catholic parishes in our area of NW Det that both operated schools, St. Mary's of Redford and St. Scholastica/Benedictine and I knew any number of kids that moved back and forth between the public and parochial system. There were three primary reasons a family sent their kids to a parochial school. 1) the family was devout 2) the student had worn out their welcome at Public School and it was suggested to the parents that their child (well OK, mostly 'he' ) would do better in an environment where discipline was meted out somewhat more sternly. 3) the fact that Detroit was making even modest efforts to integrate our public school and that a bigger busing case was moving through the courts was more than many families could take.
  10. In a 6 across coach std body, Delta 1st class would normally be 4 across? 1st class in a wide body is variable. I wonder if It's possible that with air travel picking back up to record levels after the pandemic slowdown, airlines/air leasing companies are having to pull air frames that went into storage in 2019-20 back into service and some airlines are settling for less than what they would have in their new orders. Air travel today is running just about at Dante's 8th circle of Hell. I spent a few years flying ~3 x month when it was a relatively civil experience. You couldn't pay me enough to do it now.
  11. He's ordered 200K more conscripts be called up. Dream scenario is the he depletes his army to the point where the provinces tell him to sod off and he finds he can't do much about it. Prolly not likely but we can always hope. Then again, it might only take one to start something....
  12. maybe. Then again, as you get older you are sort of forced to get used to the idea you are on your way out, at least for some.
  13. People assume this is going to be a problem, but in our experience it has not. The stores know they are in instant trouble if they pick bad stuff for the order ahead customers and that grocery store loyalty isn't very strong, so that have plenty of motivation to have the staff put good stuff in the bags.
  14. as an example, Torkelson's OPS ahead of the count is 1100, behind its 505. The cost of taking a strike early in the count looking for something better is quite high for him - although ironically in his case his OPS swinging at 1st pitchers is poor also (500 again), which could indicate he's over-swinging at the pitches he does like early - which is what the eye test tends to.
  15. Adrain Beltre had 5 but while he has 3166 hits - good for 17th all time (18th if Miggy catches him) and 72 o-War for his career - In 21 years he never lead the league in BA, OBP, SLG, OPS, or OPS+. Just very good every damn year.
  16. Maybe when they told him that *he* assumed he was on the way out, only to find out it they meant something less. So "not playing" here actually means what? Protected member of the taxi squad for a week?
  17. Over the years I become more persuaded that more batters fail because of what they don't swing at rather than what they do, especially after watching Cabrera for 10 yrs. And I think it's doubly true against good pitching. Your goal should be to never take a strike you can hit looking for a better one, you probably won't get it and now you are down in the count. It's the part of what Ted Williams said years ago that is now the most ignored part. His first admonition when you got your pitch was "Don't take it"
  18. OK - I think that is another way of saying the same thing. A hitter who is not really in control of his swing is still going to 'run into a few' and may get some BaBIP luck, a pitcher whose control is gone is not going to accidentally throw enough strikes. But that doesn't change the underlying condition that both may not be in their top condition to be playing the game on a given day. Their is nothing about hitting or pitching that a priori makes athletes more immune to physical ups and down doing one than the other. It just that the outcomes get more disguised for hitters.
  19. Torkelson shows some range moving laterally, but not the kind of quicks or hands you'd like at 3b and IIRC the reports about his arm when he tried third after the draft was that it wasn't MLB quality for 3B even if it might be above average for a 1b. Henning's reporting was tantalizingly incomplete with regard to the prognosis for Keith's shoulder. If there wasn't permanent damage and it's just a matter of more rehab it would seem there really shouldn't be any debate about who is going to be at 3b next season. My guess is that giving Malloy more time there is just a hope and a prayer and maybe even an effort to pump up his potential trade value. I've come around to where I'm OK with Carpenter in RF so as I see it, DH is wide open for Malloy and I'd stop worrying about where he is going to play in the field - he doesn't have to. Bigbie might be the bigger dilemma but if he spends some time in Toledo next season they have another 1/2 season to figure that out.
  20. but there is no human factors reason to believe that should be true. I think what is at work is simply that you have more randomness superimposed in the 'signal' from a batter (like BaBIP luck) so it's harder to find. The assumption that all the things you happen to be able to measure is all there is is a risky one. 😱
  21. Exactly - that's the calculation you'd have to do - how wide a range of initial velocities can a backboard shot have versus a direct shot. I think it's very possible the back board might give you more leeway, but I think the argument about the consistency of hand to eye for all the other shots they take doesn't make it worth it to take a different aim point for free throws - just always look for the back iron, or whatever point works for a player. Ironically, if you take a totally different shot, like Berry's underhander, then you maybe wouldn't care because it's a totally different muscle memory set, though Berry did not shoot his UH FTs off the backboard.
  22. they pulled him and Lipcius from the same game together as though they were both going to be called up and then......crickets for Wenceel. 🤷‍♂️
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