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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. I don't think so. He's not in control in the court room, that would not be to his liking at all.
  2. There are a lot of angles here. On one hand, maybe they'd just as soon see Wentz, Faedo, and Olsen get the innings? You're going likely to lose Turnbull after next season anyway - and of course he goes to 3rd year arbitration as well before you even get to see him in ST? If you keep him in Toledo his arb evaluation is going to be depressed maybe? We don't really know yet what kind of attitude - i.e. hard line vs softie - that Harris has a disposition to take. EDIT: one other aspect that may or may not be at work is you have a young GM who may think it's worth his while to prove to Boras early that he won't be out maneuvered in the future, or conversely may want to make nice with him for future considerations. Anyway lots of agendas people might have here.
  3. Fair question - but I think given the capacity of MAGA world to happily maintain black is white, I'm not sure if there is any kind of evidence with enough epistemological force they wouldn't find a way to wish it away. My own guess is that most destructive thing for MAGA world would be the televised trial in GA. MAGA is mostly conditioned by television, and MAGA world makes sure they never see Trump in a bad light on the TEE VEE. But they would be drawn the trial broadcast like moths to the fire, and there they would be forced to listen to real people right there in front of Trump, talk about what a loser he is and him having to just sit there in the dock with no evident superpowers. That I think could be powerful - but the odds of that trial happening before the election are not all that good.
  4. OK - I would buy it 100% if it saved burning an option for say - Lipcius, but he's already on the 40 so aren't we burning one his options already this season? Why not give him a 'cup-o-coffee' when Baez is out - I would think if anything that kind of treatment is a great morale boosting move for the your AAA players.
  5. Some guys are just more comfortable making certain plays. But there is some justification here. You don't want the ball at your feet so you have to go one way or the other. At 1b if you come off the bag toward 3rd you are pretty much giving up the out as the bag and the runner are now behind you (an issue a MIL doesn't have when he charges a hop) and you can't see and may not find either once you have the ball. Sometimes the blind behind the back tag works, sometimes someone gets hurt. If you go back, the risk is being run over but if you take a full step back from the line the runner is going to have room to stay in front of you and you can tag him as he goes by - most runners are going to avoid a collision if they can, though there are always a few crazies.
  6. Not a link - just a nerdy STTNG reference - it was a parasite that had a preference for military officers.
  7. I believe (and Edman will correct me if not) that if they option him now, he can be kept at AAA through the rest of the year but he'd have to be on the 25 man to start next season or he could walk. Faedo and Olsen are doing OK, we are committed to playing Manning, and Skubal and ERod make 5, so I don't why he should be on the Tigers roster getting hammered every 5 days - unless Harris has decided to play for a lottery ticket. Some guy's don't get their command back in their first season after TJ - a few never do.
  8. can he make another Hen's start before his rehab runs out? If not, I would. He wasn't right even before the neck issue.
  9. Faedo's success also in spite of not having a whole lot on his FB. Pretty much junk balled them to death - 60% off speed.
  10. Just what exact calamity would befall the universe if Zach Short, our regular normal utility SS, actually just started a game in place of our missing regular shortstop? Would Polaris suddenly careen into Andromeda or what? We just *have* to have some retread waiver waif instead? Harris, and maybe Hinch as well, is trying to prove himself too cute by half and it's getting outright stupid.
  11. These indictments have been long in the making so their release was not big 'news' per se. I think the only interesting aspect was that we didn't know if Willis was going to try to go narrow and indict just Trump on a narrow charge, or go for the whole enchilada with the RICO charge against the whole White House election fraud cabal. A few commentators like J. Rubin (who was legally trained) thought that Willis would be taking the most risk with the RICO type case, so we'll see where it goes... I had to laugh a bit as we were with some friends last night when the announcement came, so they had to turn on the tube to 'get the news' but it was typical cable news time fill babble in a circle. They didn't actually have anything to report beyond that they were all there reporting to you.
  12. I guess it's a wash to me. Petry has little remaining future, but neither did Lindstrom. And Montreal is picking up 50% of the $
  13. Yeah. Original assessments tend to be very sticky. A guy like Pacheco still gets a top 30 based on his incoming assessment despite being pretty dead in the water development wise while there is a lot of resistance to guys like Carpenter (dare we say Bigbie?) ever getting much notice even as they advance to the majors.
  14. Lakeland seems pretty unimpressive right now - maybe they are on the cusp of an infusion of talent from this latest draft - Clark etc.
  15. So a tidbit that ties old warbirds and current movies; The procurement costs for the B29 were about 50% greater than for the Manhattan project.
  16. I've noticed a few softball Harris stories in the MSM recently. There is a movement afoot to try and burnish her image.
  17. Perfect solution. What org already has more experience with dual family ball players?
  18. It seems to be a hard call deciding how much weight to give power vs contact skill with young hitters. I think it was true going back a few decades, the Tigers consistently overvalued power over contact skill, which is one reason they ended up with the all time minor league HR champion. But Hessman was just one in a long line (up to at least C Stewart) of power guys who couldn't hit enough for the power to bring any MLB value. Funny since the two greatest home grown hitters to come through the org after the '68 era were Whittaker and Trammell, who were all contact skill as youngstera - neither showed any power until into their MLB career. The org forget the lesson quickly I guess. One purely physiological grounds, I've always thought a player with great contact skill always has a chance to grow into enough strength to start showing some power. Granted that's not the profile for a 40hr guy, but maybe for a 20 hr guy. But unless it's a guy with bad mechanics you can fix, a guy without the neuro-motor-visual piece to be a high OBP player at lower levels doesn't strike me as very likely to improve in that area just because he gets older. Reps will help some, but if a guy is at his brain/CNS speed limit there is nothing you will ever be able to do (again - C Stewart is a classic example) The more recent regimes we are seeing some of the opposite. Paredes was the case of a guy they stayed with (at least for a while) based on contact skill, not knowing whether he would ever hit for power. Unfortunately the tigers were a year too impatient with him to find out their initial hopes for him were justified. Workman was a power guy who isn't going to be able to hit, then OTOH, Lipcius is a guy they drafted who has good bat skills but whose question mark was and remains power. Bigbie maybe another. So they are making or at least risking mistakes on both sides of the power/skill specturm, which is what you should see - That would mean you're in the sweet spot in the middle.
  19. Aerobatics in bleeding edge technology platforms moving at 1000 ft/sec in the vicinity of large numbers spectators is one of those things that if you thought about in a vacuum, you might doubt actually happens, then you'd realize you knew better. Have been to one. It was spectacular but the heat was almost fatal (NAS Miramar, when it was still that)
  20. Umpires really getting themselves on shaky ground - now they're taking on Donnie Kelly. https://www.espn.com/mlb/story/_/id/38187886/mlb-looking-social-media-posts-involving-rays-wander-franco
  21. I don't know how many eyeballs Yahoo reaches anymore, but Dan Wetzel chimed in with a column they won't like https://news.yahoo.com/sports/not-a-cheeseburger-comment-suggests-the-ncaa-is-hellbent-on-hitting-jim-harbaugh-hard-015020596.html The weakness for Michigan if they really wanted to go to the wall for JH in court (not suggesting they would or wouldn't, but who knows?) would be that he's such a long way from a 'beloved member of the coaching fraternity" type where UM could expect any additional inside political support from other institutions.
  22. We heard some kind of fast fighter aircraft fly over earlier in the day - like as not that one. Pilots bailed into the lake and were fished out. The MIG found the parking lot of an apartment. Just think, we may get a Farmer's Insurance commercial about the claim for a pickup truck taken out by a MIG.
  23. Toledo with an 8-4 win. Keith 2/4 2B. After scuffling a bit getting his feet wet at AAA for a 607 OPS for July, he has found his footing with the turn of the calendar page - 951 OPS so far in August. Lipcius and Nevin also with HR in that game, Wenceel with 2 BB.
  24. Russians lost another MIG. This time over Ford Lake in Belleville!
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