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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. LOL - there is no more dangerous ground to be on in a US corporation after a project goes south than to have been right about something your bosses turned out to be wrong about..... If they all get fired, you probably get caught in the backwash too, if they don't, you will likely become the unforgiven and shown the door at the survivors' earliest convenience. Your best shot is attempt a lateral move into a different group ASAP!
  2. Even here you run into the Constitutional issue since he is their boss and at least theoretically is the source of the authority of all the rules they operate under other than legislation that explicitly binds a president's actions, and even in these cases the SCOTUS may find for a president if he challenges it. e.g. the Mar-a-Lago case wouldn't exist if Trump could have shown he declassified the docs before he took them because he had the authority to do it. It's a powerful office, the Founders never imagined it had to made idiot proof.
  3. They don't have any legal authority to prevent their protectee from doing anything. If they won't take advice, (and since when does Trump accept advice from anyone?) they just have to salute and do the best they can.
  4. If they can show the campaign took actions that ignored SS advice or acted in ways that subverted security efforts in place I suppose they would have a cause of action. As practical matter to sue the SS under the Fed Tort Claims Act I think you have to prove actual negligence and in the kind of multi-model failure to communicate situations like this was, explicit negligence might be a hard standard to meet, not to mention that SS can shield its procedures under security classification etc. So the lawyers must think the bar to show partial liability on the part of the campaign is a better bet.
  5. I'd guess when they made the schedule they wanted to make sure to capture a high gate day on the holiday but SD has drawn well enough it didn't make that much difference. They had 45K yesterday but are averaging 40K anyway.
  6. Does the point finally come when the only fair thing to do is send in a Seal team and extract Maduro to Gitmo? Does the rest of the world have some kind of obligation to save the well being of the population of what was once close to a 1st world country from being completely destroyed? Same argument as Iraq I suppose, but does it make a difference that Maduro's junta is still far less well organized or funded than the Baathists or even Isis? Not easy questions.
  7. LOL - I loved Inception. I thought Oppenheimer was very good but occasionally it seem to hit the wrong note tone wise. Came into the middle of Tenet one night and just had to give up....Though I suppose that would have been true of Inception as well. My daughter loved Dark Knight but I pretty much dislike all superhero/super villain movies.
  8. the team mostly looks homer crazy - they need to reign it in and just get some hits. Jace Jung on a 1 for 15. Keith was 0 for 18 before the single in the 9th.
  9. 100 mph off the bat but wrong inclination
  10. I think I hear the fat lady singing....
  11. no magic tricks in Hinch's bag tonight.
  12. Local fans might fall for the 'they're just not showing the playbook' line but I doubt the handicappers do.
  13. Tiger production crew are such amateurs. Can't get a mic for JK, and they haven't gotten the crowd sound volume mix right yet.
  14. the approach is all wrong - other than Vierling and Meadows. When a guy throws everything but the kitchen sink but only has 94 you have to stay back and play for contact and the tigers are mostly going big swing.
  15. He was trying to throw over Tatis. We've seen umps call interference for less but no such luck today.
  16. brainfart by Hanifee. Gotta know when the play isn't there.
  17. This one is quite the snoozefest so far...
  18. Next two batters are RH, this should be it for Holton.
  19. I don't suppose UPS has ever been a big sponsor?
  20. maybe give him a pass on taking the very first pitch of the day, but he better not take any more middle-middle at 94.
  21. IDK, seems unlikely a guy with Decker's seniority has never played against a rookie before. Or maybe he just never prepped properly under the old regimes......🤷‍♀️
  22. Not only the rhetoric, but just that he can speak about real life in ways Trump just doesn't have any experience about and Vance has lost any remembrance of. Another one the other day was someone put up a clip of Harris in a kitchen and she cracked an egg into the mixing bowl with one hand. How can middle American not love a pol who can also crack an egg one-handed?
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