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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. It's been reported that they are working with him to cut down on his whole body rotation to he can be shorter to the ball. It's pretty major surgery - if it works at all probably not until he can commit to it full time for a ST
  2. This is a very mechanistic, analytics focused management team. That is probably a perfect match for supporting pitchers, not sure it's that much real help to hitters. At this level, hitting is as much between the ears as it is the mechanics. In Tork's case in particular, I think the idea of a few more days off here and there seems an obvious move to which Hinch seems oblivious. Just from his body language you see nights it looks like the game is wearing on him.
  3. Mickey Redmond looking pretty hale and hearty. I wonder if he'll be traveling with the team more this season.
  4. Tork needs to back off and stop trying to hit every pitch to Toledo.
  5. He had a slow start. (Seems like the entire system starts slow every year.....) But he pretty hit that in June and July, has cooled at little in August - 832
  6. That’s my AAT! I had given up, assumed he was buried.
  7. But TV contracts and networks are transient. What happens when current tv contracts expire and Fox changes its mind? Do we go through conference re-alignments every time we get new media contracts? That should work well.
  8. I was just thinking that to move Bigbie up the choices were Meadows to Det or cut Witherspoon
  9. Absolutely. Hard to imagine you could rig up a system more ripe for graft and abuse than funneling $$$ to athletes through third parties if you had sat down and tried.
  10. No sleeves for the ballots? Our system is a paper ballot in a sleeve. You mark it, put it back in the sleeve, walk it to the tabulator, slide it out far enough for the end to catch and the tabulator sucks it in, reads it and drops in the lock box down below. Easy peasy, nobody sees nothin' Like a lot of us 'seasoned' fans here, I came of voting age with the huge old grey half-ton 6 ft tall machines that unfolded into a whole booth around you - curtain and all. But I never trusted them because as you pulled that big red handle to open the curtain when you were done, all of your selections on the panel were cleared out. Of course the machine had to reset for the next voter, but you never got any confirmation at all your votes had been counted. I always found that unnerving. I suppose the scanner could be throwing your vote away just as easily, but at least it's taking the effort to lie to you if it is.
  11. It's not like this a just a 75 AB fluke. He has hit 300 across 750 MiLB PA and 1000 OPS over his last 300 at A+/AA. He found a stride after a slow start in rookie ball and hasn't looked back. I assume he's another guy they don't know where to play. Future oriented move: Send out Ibanez or Maton, bring Meadows to Det, Bigbie to Toledo.
  12. Not sure there is a good answer to the question. So better to avoid it. You have to immediately respond to that first response with "It will have to be by Wed because... (insert whatever reason sounds likely)" Now you are covered and they are forewarned to be timely if they are really interested. You can give them more slack if you want, but it's your decision. And you have a re-recruitment date. With practice it becomes second nature not to offer open ended choices to people except those that mean enough to you that you don't mind if they upset your life.
  13. Joe Rogan comes to Bud Light's defense ?!*&!?? https://finance.yahoo.com/news/people-silly-joe-rogan-drinks-160246436.html
  14. GOP referendum in OHIO to limit the public's ability to pass future referenda is going down in flames. The immediate result is that Ohio's harsh legislative abortion bans are going to be repealed by the public in the next general election. We can also hope that the reaction against this GOP overplay may push the state back toward the middle where it has traditionally been, but that is more doubtful. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/08/us/ohio-election-issue-1-results.html
  15. I think you have hit the nail on the head in a way. Short would put up good numbers at AAA but then get to Detroit and seize up once he got on the MLB diamonds. Maybe it's just maturity finally allowing talent he had to show. I think he was basically an 'anti-clutch' player who is now leveling out.
  16. It looks like by giving up any serious attempt to drive the ball he's found a set up and swing that is keeping the knee issue at bay - and he still has the vision and hand to eye to handle good pitching. He'll probably end up finishing between Brett and Beltre on the list.
  17. Cabrera will retire in the top 20 for hits all time. At the end of last season tt was questionable he was going to get there.
  18. OPS is over 800 since early June and HR every 20 AB. Hinch staying a little behind the curve on his catchers. Played Barhhart in favor of Haase too much last season. Haase has played too much over Rogers this season.
  19. Eduardo building the warrantee on that opt out tonight.
  20. This is getting silly. Bigbie 4/4 so far tonight. Hitting 378
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