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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. @chasfh - some results from NYT/Sienna poll. Trump may be claiming Fox is hostile, but so far Fox nation is still absolutley with Trump.
  2. German NTV now reporting that the yacht supposedly linked to the Nord Stream sabotage, purportedly in the control of Ukranians, was actually in the possesion of a Russian woman well connected to Putin's gov. https://www.n-tv.de/politik/Nord-Stream-Sprengung-Die-Spur-fuehrt-nach-Moskau-article24250566.html
  3. And make sure you don't forget: "On DL at A ball 7 yrs later" on your prospect Bingo card. Could be a winner.
  4. So much for the the Musk X https://www.cnbc.com/2023/07/31/elon-musks-x-corp-seen-removing-giant-glowing-sign-in-san-francisco-.html
  5. I would not be surprised at all if you are correct, I just wonder because Fox has spent so many years honing their appeal to their particular market - they know it very well and their mutual attachment goes back far further than DJT. As long as Fox keeps using bouncy blondes to report to old white men about all their angst inducing issues, maybe viewers they lose on transient political anger end up filtering back anyway because it's still home culturally.
  6. I notice that in this report by the Hill, that the one Alabama Pol they don't mention is Tuberville. I wonder why? (Hint - It woudn't be because it just might be TT's fault? - noo, a weakling senile Pinko Dem Prez could never play that kind of political hardball, could he?) biden-overturns-trump-decision-to-move-space-command-hq-from-colorado-to-alabama
  7. Depends on what pitches he's giving up the bombs on. If he's hanging breaking balls and they're getting hit, that happens to everyone and it would bother me less than if his FB is getting hammered because it has no life and he can only use on the corners.
  8. It the rift continues it will be interesting to see how it shakes out. I could believe the Fox viewers' attachment to Fox's world view, and thus the durability of their ratings. might well transcend Trump- in which case Fox may not feel the need to make up to Trump as a news network - and of course there would still be Trump supporters among the on-air staff even if they don't. The Fox News viewer could go vote for Trump and keep watching a less sympathetic to Trump Fox network just as reliably as ever. What's one more cognitive dissonance to add to the list?
  9. Yup. Even in his last successful outing I don't think I saw him throw more than 2 FB for strikes. Batters were helping him out not forcing him to throw a strike. He's going to get less and less of that if his FB command doesn't get better.
  10. I have heard enough other players talk about observing Cabrera and they describe him being very thorough and systematic. It's true players tend to talk up their mates, but in this case, they could as easily be saying say "He's amazing, how he doesn't seem to have to work at it at all" but I've never heard that, so I do tend to believe he is capable of being 'studious.' Of course your point stands in the sense that the bigger question is "does he want to" when it comes to anything besides hitting. As I noted, my skepticism would also go to his reluctance to become more fluent in English. Latin players serious about wanting public/semi-public facing post playing careers in the US usually get serious about becoming more fluent than Miguel ever has bothered with. That's not an issue if he wants to stay in the game in S/C. America, but I don't think he wants to leave Miami either. Could be his life plan was go back to VZ and he is stuck for now by the fact that the political situation there is still so bad.
  11. Detroit population peaked as of the 1950 census at about 1.8M, IIRC that made D the 5th largest city in the country at that point (after NYC/CHI/LA/PHIL) It's been falling ever since - 630K as of the 2020 census. Of course most of the SE MI population is still here - it's just not inside the city limit anymore.
  12. it's a good question. Maybe in part because he's never become a willing English speaker, he's still an enigmatic character. There is the publc personna that argues the 'doesn't care to work' side, but OTOH, over the years other players also seem to describe him fairly often as a pretty disciplined guy - so IDK.
  13. It is depressing that given the draft resources Avila committed to pitching how thin Tiger MiLB pitching is again already.
  14. Surprised looking over that list how many players Holland drafted did at least make the NHL. Just too many that weren't very good.
  15. Player notes must really be fun when they play the White Sox.
  16. Moderation in all things - you can't win without either.
  17. !? You get an A for that one Perfesser. yes. and....
  18. Leadership in the B10 isn't abyssmal? Who knew? When you have enough income, competence matters a lot less! >california is still a top 3 recruiting ground for football players By population they'd be #1 by 20%
  19. that's true. The original B10 and Pac10 were AAU conferences. That became part of the controversy over Nebraska, which had been an AAU member but got booted before switching conferences to the B10. The B10 consoled itself that NEB was booted for purely 'political' reasons so it wasn't really making an exception to bring Neb in. It's still the only non-AAU member of the conference. 50-60 years ago the you might have been able to make a case that the AAU schools did run their programs to different standards, but that was ancient history by the time the PAC10 decisisions referenced above were being made (~2011)
  20. Pet Peeve: the SAD EMOJI. It should be labled "welp", or 'gulp", as something like that is closer to the emotion the graphic actually portrays.
  21. Agree. Miguel doesn't seem to have much desire to make a cross over into the anglo world - and in fact has almost made it a matter of priniciple over the last 20 yrs not to, and a FO or coaching position with the Tigers that was anything more than ceremonial would pretty much require that.
  22. does B10 networks have a partner? Serious question - I have no idea.
  23. HS football participation rates have been falling for a decade or more in CA, AZ, OR. While there isn't an easy direct line between that and football conference health, it seems logical that the two things have enough underlying common premises that they might track together.
  24. IDK - I was thinking that a couple of weeks ago. But since then it feels like the probability of more moves has gone up.
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