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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. I though Warren showed some decent accuracy short and mid-range and plenty of zip. If they give him time and someone else besides Loveland steps up and gets open he could do some damage, but as of now Mullings is the indispensable man. Lose him and they are in deep do-do. And if Orji can't complete at least a few more passes, the QB rotation will quickly get pointless.
  2. It's hard to know if he just has an animal instinct for or if he actually works out his rhetoric but this is an example of something Trump does which is quite clever - he hides an invalid premise/assumption behind a question that has a more reasonable answer. No, no-one has ever heard of being indicted for interfering with an election - but the false premise at work here which is implicit is that you've never heard of it because it has happened but no-one has been indicted, when of course the truth is you haven't heard of it not because someone shouldn't be indicted but because it simply never happened before. So the outrageous get glossed in what appears to be a reasonable compliant. This technique is one way he is able to appear to normalize things which should never pass for normal. And, really, I don't think it's any conscious intellectual effort. I imagine is just another reflection of his narcissism and the projection that entails. Since he projects all his behaviors on others, the idea that he is unique in trying to upset an election doesn't occur to him, thus it's normal and thus to him it appears he must be being singled out for prosecution.
  3. One second thought though - to be fair there is nothing wrong with trying to shame people into more socially responsible behavior, that's actually not a bad role for the gov, and if it works a little it is a better long term outcome than more market regulation would be in places where it's not really a good idea.
  4. Ironically, if you look at Sweeney's early scouting reports, they were that he was a 'bat first' guy who it was assumed could not stay at short. At this point that has turned around. His range, hands and arm have proven out to be at least average at SS but as he has moved up the weaknesses in his bat have come to the fore: can he get the ball off the ground enough, cover enough of the zone, and can he hit LHP enough to ever play everyday?
  5. The problem with something the Kroger FTC hearing is that it's asking the wrong question. At a fundamental level, every price in the economy is "as far as consumers will go". If you are in business and are charging less than your customers will pay your are either an altruist or a fool, but neither of those will ever build a functioning economy. The real question is how bad does a price location need to be before it's in the public interest for the government to take a role? I would argue that inflated egg prices for a few months doesn't come close to rising to that level of importance, and any 'cure' would be far worse in the long run that the impact of what happened with eggs, i.e., bureaucratic costs plus unforeseen dislocations as business learned avoidance behaviors etc. This is just political pandering based on the general economic ignorance of the population and a chance to score political points at the expense of a corporation most people already don't like.
  6. will it also be 5 seconds long?
  7. there is a certain irony because in a market economy, every price should rise to the maximum that people will pay for the supply available, which is really all that was happening on eggs. They could have left the price lower and they would have sold out sooner and been left with empty shelves. In a "true" market economy, the idea of "price gouging" is an oxymoron - there is no such thing. Just another example of half the people thinking they know what they want policy wise (a government hands off market economy!) but really having no understanding of what they are talking about. And there is also a counter argument to be made that prices *should* be allowed to rise with scarcity because that way some product will stay on the shelves for people who have more dire need of it. It's easy to imagine cases where it's less disruptive to the economy for people who really need something to be able to get it, even at higher prices, than allow people who don't really need it to be encouraged by a low price of a scare item, to buy more than they need forcing other with greater need to go completely without. This is pretty much what was happening with TP during the pandemic because more retailers *didn't* take the opportunity to "price gouge." And of course this latter approach can go way overboard as well as happened with scarcity pricing in the Texas electricity grid during the '21 storms. Every complex problem has an answer that is easy, quick, and wrong.
  8. Right. As MiLB fans at a distance, we have less sense of what's behind a MiLB hitter's numbers. Unless you are investing the time to review all his ABs in gameday or are watching MiLB games, you'll miss that there may be things that are quite obvious to the staff - for instance an MiLB player can keep up a pretty impressive OPS, esp if he has some power yet is unable to handle either top velo or good spin at all, while another MiLB player may have a 100 pt lower OPS but have much better contact skill against the kinds of pitching he'd see on promotion and is thus a better candidate to make the majors. Christin Stewart sort of the classic example.
  9. I can see the weather angle - the game would be over and you are moving inside for dinner somewhere before the temp starts falling. If it's a weekday it also means you are off the road before the worst of rush hour.
  10. and you have to catch either Minn or KC? Minn has Cleveland, KC and Baltimore left as their tougher series. KC has Minn, NY, Atl, Clev and us.
  11. and KC just lost 4 to the Astros with Cleveland up next.
  12. even more than that. A character Trump played was pre-famous and the jerk he is got credit for the character the NBC show managers polished him into.
  13. Tigers with 17 wins in August, Padres with 18, both one for one in Sept. Two hot teams running into each other.
  14. Brookens should have gotten a shot in place of Ausmus and I bet he would have done fine.
  15. I won't argue he does *look* like a SS. TBF - two of the bad plays were him just trying to do too much, he needs to heed the same advice they gave Keith - get you feet on the ground getting the routine plays down before you start testing your limits,
  16. I always switch off after the last out lest I accidentally subject myself to the trauma of a Trevor Thompson interview. I check the game day video page later to check for the manager's post game comments.
  17. IDK. They seem to be in love with Sweeney currently even though he booted his third ball in as many games yesterday and his OPS is <550. I'm OK with giving him a shot but so far he looks the part better than he's acting it.
  18. IDK why they don't move him to receiver and be done with it. They would still have the option of pitching to him in the slot or running reverses where he could just run to daylight if they want to see him run from scrimmage.
  19. There is no doubt coaching in the NFL is a different skill set than coaching in college - there are ample cases of guys successful at one that weren't at the other. That's why I said don't have a strong opinion on how good Harbaugh was in college because he didn't do it long enough anywhere to show what he could do absent a 1st round NFL pick QB. And as I said, getting that QB is part of the skill set so that's only a partial knock. But he never sustained a program to anywhere near the degree of a Saban so I don't see how you can reasonably compare them. I tend to think at this point he's becoming too much a legend in his own mind for his own good, but we'll see if he proves me wrong on this next go round.
  20. he was 29-21 at Stanford and 20 of those came only after Andrew Luck got there. He floundered at UM until he found McCarthy. He burned his bridges and escaped Ann Arbor one step ahead of the Gendarmes. If he's your role model for a college coach that's fine. Meyer is a great college coach too, better than Harbaugh. He is also a creep. That a guy can coach isn't necessarily a good reason to like him.
  21. Of course with 2 attempts on the night and only 5 carries, Orji is not really playing QB, he's just playing snap receiver. Pretty pointless.
  22. Someday classy will probably make a comeback, it always does, but I'm afraid it will after I'm long gone.
  23. Meyer shuffled QBs around one year at OSU, heck UM once tried to run Henson and Brady seriatum for too long. So it happens, but agreed the results are more often bad than good because in most cases it just means neither guy is showing enough to deserve the gig full time.
  24. Damn good question. If there is one unintended effect of all the changes in media since the three network days, it's the loss of people/institutions in the media with proven credentials and widely accepted integrity who you could rely on to be fundamentally trustworthy. And even non-profit media like NPR, where you would assume the lack of profit motive would insulate them from the worst effects, has also gone off the rails in the last few years, though nothing on a par with commercial media. Now TBF, I think most mainline newspapers are still good sources for primary events coverage, you just have to ignore everything where they are writing opinion. Technical press in any given field is usually trustworthy. But I came across one today that just made me scratch my head. WaPo story about the US/Iraqi raid on some ISIS targets where some US personnel were wounded. It was fairly straight up news reporting right through to the last paragraph, where the writer just inserts "Iraqi's oppose the continued presence of US troops" Bang. Just an assertion of what, since there was not a shred of evidence supplied, is simply an opinion. Not even "most Iraqi's we have talked to" or anything. So maybe that is true - probably is, but maybe not - I'm sure it depends on who in Iraq you ask. I'm sure the Iraqi military doesn't feel that way. But regardless of whether they are right or wrong it just violated every rule of good journalism to not keep fact reporting and unsupported opinion assertion separate, and immediately made me question whether anything related in the paragraphs above was trustworthy. That's where we are in today's journalism.
  25. I haven't heard an explanation to my satisfaction, but I've always assumed there was something below the table that lead to the HoJo trade. Maybe he told Sparky to stuff it one day, maybe he showed up in Sparky's office with a J. 🍄 🤷‍♀️
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