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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. It's so common for hitters to drop off rapidly, irreversibly after 30 that you have to be really sceptical when any player has a down year after that age. It's possible that it doesn't mean anything or there was some other reason than that he's started his decline, but you have to approach it from the standpoint of finding evidence he is still going to be good instead of assuming he just had a down year. When you sign a guy at 30 you hope he's an Ian Kinsler - who performed pretty well to about age 36, but you have to understand that the odds are he is not. So if I'm the Tigers and there isn't some body of evidence explaining to me why his OBP was down and why whatever it was isn't going to happen again, I'm passing. And of course we don't know their conclusions from the deep dive into his performance that they have undoubtedly already done. If they pass, maybe he does fine somewhere else -- but they decided they were OK letting some other team wager on that particular risk-reward.
  2. I understand all the reasons the FED always wants to move slowly and deliberately, but I think now is a time where 'sending a message' with a 25 point *increase* would have a lot more psychological effect on long terms rates than any actual slowing effect 25 pts would have on short term economy. If markets lose confidence that inflation is coming back down the rest of the way, it will make it much harder to actually make it come down. But of course the individual Fed governors also know that to bump rates would be to incur major wrath from 1600 Pennsylvania.
  3. He's lucky Charles Koch probably won't live much longer, because the Koch's have played a long and strong game with their political money and I wouldn't have bet against them getting their kind of people back into control of the GOP again over the longer run, other than that there may be no 'longer run' for Charles at this point.
  4. could get worse if the PCE comes in at 2.8% (or more) again at the end of the month.
  5. the dems would have been too worried about ticking of part of their base to have done that. It's an interesting asymmetry. Both parties contain sane people and crazy people. But in the GOP, the public believes the sane people control the party when it's the crazy people that do, while on the Dem side, the people believe the crazy people control the party, but the sane people do.
  6. Agree. As I would read this, FLSA is clear, but there *could* be a question of whether it covers stadium employees. If they are non-ICC employees they are only covered by MI law. My understanding is that MI law incorporates some/most/all(?) of the FLSA but I don't profess to know any details of what MI may exempt. Obviously if the suit was brought in Federal court, the employees are arguing they are Federally covered ICC employees, and maybe their standing is the core of the case. The team is certainly an interstate operation, but it's possible they've tried to carve out the stadium operation in such a way that that it isn't, or at least claim it isn't.
  7. I don't know if what they are charging is a legal requirement or not, but I do know that my ex-employers did include shift premium when calculating time-and-a-half rate. FLSA, CFR 29 part 778 says this;
  8. Yeah - I'm not sure every guy has to be a totally finished product when they come up, talent can still be an improvement over the status quo even if it's still growing. That said, in the game he started for the Wings it looked like he hadn't quite developed an NHL level sense of positioning - he found himself wandering too far from the net a couple of times - pretty much the kind of thing that experience should fix.
  9. So of course the irony for Trump and the car market is that the more EV's get sold the more it depresses the price of gasoline!
  10. So I guess you can't decide where you want to play unless your name is LeBron? Still, based on what was stated here, I don't it's clear it applies to Butler - he's just saying he wants out, he's not demanding to go to a particular team - so far as has been reported.
  11. IDK -I guess a rule like that would make sense after all the guys that have already blown up their teams, but there's an old truism in contract law that it's close to pointless to try to force an artist to do what they don't want to do and basketball players are pretty close to that. 🤷‍♂️ I guess if you go back to the old reserve clause days in baseball players were pretty powerless to do anything but shut-up and play or they couldn't play anywhere,
  12. same thing happened in his first term. Trump is apparently a lot more attractive as a candidate than as the office holder.
  13. IDK anything specific either other than that according to the Griffin's home page he's on the roster and has played in some games.
  14. I imagine at some point they also want to give Campbell some run at GR to see if he can find 'it' again as he has already shown he can be a decent pro in the past so Husso, Cossa and Campbell makes for a crowded goalie room at GR.
  15. it would be funny if it were not tragic.
  16. won't they just lose before an arbitrator? So he's demanded a trade, so have half the guys in the NBA today on the way to the HOF.
  17. So play him once a week. Next Question? 😉
  18. Maybe it will turn out better for the Lions as well. Did not want to play the same team twice in 2 weeks even if we did win going away.
  19. and then there is this (from AP): LOL - Science provides data, what the hell it all means is up to us - 🤷‍♂️ Also the Wiki article on Erythosine says it was already scheduled to be banned by 2027 anyway. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️
  20. apparently. Bread and Circuses as SB likes to say.
  21. don't look for egg prices to come down anytime soon - from Jan 10 WaPo: (note: 40 million hens would lay something in the order of 10 billion eggs in a year.....)
  22. Rates are going to go up everywhere but FLA and CA are going to get hammered. So we'll probably see more people dropping their coverages and the next round of catastrophes there will be more uninsured people wiped out. Although this guy in the thread above argues the net effect will go in the opposite direction with more people ponying up for insurance before the 'next round'. I suppose that's possible too.
  23. Wall Street pretty excited this morning with a CPI report that the Dec "Core" CPI increase fell to 0.2% , from 0.3% where it had been stuck since July. OTOH, overall CPI was up from 0.3% to 0.4% on the month.
  24. a lot of shows might ben more fondly remembered if they had stuck to the original arc and wrapped it up when it made sense instead of retconning plot extensions - but too much money on the table. I'm actually quite surprised they didn't engineer a miracle remission for Walter White.
  25. The thing I don't get is why the Trump supporters aren't more upset about these clearly incompetent picks. Look at every administration that was ever able to achieve its goals and the accomplishment is directly proportional to the quality of the top tier of people installed. Trump is basically a solo operator, he just wants people to direct so he doesn't care if his picks are independently able to initiate in their roles, but even after holding the job once he's a fool, because the job is way too big for one man be at the center of everything that needs to be done, especially one as allergic to hard work as Trump. So he is basically guaranteeing the ineptitude of his presidency. The only things the Trump admin will pay any attention to are the things that get all the way to Trump himself, and that's pretty much a recipe for a government >95% on autopilot. For those of us who believe Trump is more likely to damage than fix anything he touches, that's actually fine, but If you voted for him I don't know why you'd be happy about that.
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