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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. They will probably have to put ERod and Lorenen together in one trade - and thus likely a 3 way, in order to get one solid piece back.
  2. didn't see this one live but running through the recording, I hope McKinstry bought the scorer dinner. Two bad throws both ruled hits.
  3. He's had a good career with it. But I would guess he's an exception to the rule. For the average pitcher the cost in lost delivery reproducibility/command is like as not going to be greater than the advantage gained against hitters.
  4. I'm surprised you didn't fine dozens. Has to be a pretty common name.
  5. The choice comes when you have a team that you know is going to the playoffs, and you are offered a chance to trade your top prospect for a player that will improve your team even more. At that point you are facing a complitcated choice. If you improve your team from 95 wins to 100 wins, does that actually make a material difference in your chances to get through the playoffs to the end, vs how much have you decreased your chances of getting back for another shot in 3-4 yrs? It's pretty clear that you improve your odds of winning a WS the more times you get to the playoff. The historical record is weaker when it come to trying to build a super team for one all out shot. But even that isn't all there is to consider in that deal. The way the CBA has evolved can you even keep your team together until that prospect is ready to help you win? Are you just as well off to gut your system and go all out because there is no way to get off the boom-bust cycle MLB has set up for teams. (not saying this is necessarily true, some teams do manage to be more consistent, but it's certainly a part of what every team faces looking 5 yrs out).
  6. In Malloy's case I can accept the argument that he would not be able to play everyday in the Tiger line-up and you want him to keep getting the max AB. OTOH, I have trouble with the argument that his D is somehow going to get better faster chasing fly balls at Toledo than it would in Det. Grab a coach or teammate and go out early. Take a field at BP and run down everything you can. It's basically the same level of opportunity whether it's at 5th/3rd or Copa - the where doesn't change the physics. The series are longer in the minors so there is less day to day re-location, but OTOH, you travel 1st class by air in the majors so the fatigue factor is less - that can't be much more or less than a wash. But that's JHM, Meadows could play virtually everyday, and his defense is purportedly excellent. If you are still a fan of Baddoo's, at this point getting his head straight at Toledo is probaby better for him than continuing to flail at Det. His BA in 70PA since June 1 is 097! You can't even effectively work on stuff in AB's when your failure rate is that high.
  7. that's true enough. Of course remember the Freep had their Tigers' guy get himself frozen out (Fenech) without even needed any outside help. BTW - I saw the they got a testimonial from Fenech for John Lowe. I guess wherever he fell of the Earth to has internet...
  8. interesting because you would think that with pitching staffs expanded right to the 13 man limit, that short position rosters would be driving things the other way. I suppose the shift made it much less profitable to play LHHs everyday - if that was any part of it maybe we see more 140 game LHHs with the shift gone. The other question would be how much is management choice vs losing starters to injuries? If you follow the Tigers it would be easy to believe injuries are up for all ball players, not just pitchers.
  9. Actually I think Rob's analogy between the web and HAM operators is fairly apt. But you assume anyone at the Freep cares if he knows what he's taking about. Nobody does. Sports is entertainment. and today any pretentions it ever had about being more serious that that have long since evaporated. Heck - the Tigers themselves run a largely incompetent team out there to broadcast their games everyday. National outlets lke ESPN spend half their day running people out there there who don't know what they are talking about. The bottom line is that it is only about the entertainment value. The Freep could care less if Gorosh does or doesn't know baseball or is or isn't a jerk (at least until he crosses one of the current cultural trip wires!), as long as people will listen so htey can see some kind of payoff - either in direct $$ or building Petzold's brand. And they don't have much choice - when your industry on on life support you need be trying every low cost tie-in you can muster.
  10. So much for him skipping all the way to Lakeland....🤷‍♂️
  11. Ha - I think the legitimacy of the Freep has been on one long slow slide since Joe Stroud retired
  12. LOL -you could put it that way... ..though Snyder would probably argue that his is an analytic observation about the lack of efficacy of myth based thinking.
  13. So Tim Snyder's whole "History of Ukraine" class at Yale last fall is on Youtube. Up to lecture 4. State should make it a part of whatever Continuing Ed req's they have. One amusing point he raised is how the purely quantitative OSINT type guys have done a better job forecasting events in the war than the conventional political/military establishment, because not knowing any 'conventional' history, they didn have so much to unlearn before they got to reality.
  14. yeah - describing that as a 'dive' was charitable. That is the big problem with highlight baseball. They never give you the the view of batter and the fielder from the start of the play so it's very had to know if a guy on the highlight reel is really just making what should have been a easy catch hard by either a bad read or a bad route. And of course a fair proportion of the dives in the modern game wouldn't be necessary at all if the number of modern OF able to make a basket catch hadn't been falling for decades.
  15. Right. If any of the PAC schools beside USC/UCLA would actually bring more total $$ than the current B1G share, they would likely have already been asked. The B1G's problem is how to jettison the deadwood. They can't maximize their profits until they find a way to do that.
  16. Pitcher 0-13 on stolen bases, Baddoo can’t read him
  17. Got away that time but Tork needs to learn to read a batted ball. He’s pretty terrible.
  18. Tork is ironic. I think he generally has more trouble not being aggressive enough than the opposite and when the team preaches ‘look for your pitch’ Tork can get too picky/greedy looking to guess on a pitch for a blast instead of using his ability to just see ball hit ball.
  19. you could add Faedo to the list with that diagnosis
  20. Who is going to tell him 'judical review' of Congressional acts is not in the Constitution either.
  21. Notice this all comes from Austin, not a locally elected Houston official. And what shade of student do you suppose those 28 schools feature? Sounds like a typical definition of institutional racism.
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