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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. the best outcome for the Tigers is to combine the value of ERod and Lorenzen into one better player. That probably means what we need is Harris to come up with a three way where Lorenzen goes to team A, ERod goes to team B, team A sends something decent to Team B, and Team B sends us something better than decent - i.e. better than we could have gotten for either alone.
  2. WASHINGTON (AP) — Signs that inflation pressures in the United States are steadily easing emerged Friday in reports that consumer prices rose in June at their slowest pace in more than two years and that wage growth cooled last quarter. Together, the figures provided the latest signs that the Federal Reserve's drive to tame inflation may succeed without triggering a recession, an outcome known as a “soft landing.” A price gauge closely monitored by the Fed rose just 3% in June from a year earlier. That was down from a 3.8% annual increase in May, though still above the Fed’s 2% inflation target. On a monthly basis, prices rose 0.2% from May to June, up slightly from 0.1% the previous month. Sadly for the GOP, inflation will be yesterday's news by election time.
  3. They’ve been stringing new lines in our neighborhood all summer and it still all went out.
  4. Getting harder to see what they are waiting for with Malloy and Meadows. It’s not roster spots since it’s pitchers that are going to get moved.
  5. the other side of that calculus is that stars usually spend minimal time/move fast in the minors, so the guys with the highest upside also probably have short track records to look at. Neto being a case in point.
  6. and of course - there will be tapes about the tape.
  7. So it's pretty clear that the level of Russian disnfo maps directly with the battle field stress they are under. I suppose the idea being to try to bury whatever bad news seeps out domestically under an increase in the propaganda noise level. I did see a report from a Polish(IIRC) research group that claims evidence that Russian State Television's credibilty has been dropping with the public but who knows if that's accurate or even whether it makes a difference if it is.
  8. For a supposed specialist apparenlty Hersh doesn't know anything about Russian idiom. I imagine you saw that the supposed "US official" used an idiom common in Russian ("waif in underwear") that is pretty much unkown in English - which should have been a dead give away he was dealing with a Russ.
  9. Why is Briceno still at FCL with a 1000+ OPS?
  10. notice that Cabrera had a live round next up in the chamber - singled in his 1st AB today. Just sayin....
  11. I think it's a pattern. When the deadline starts closing in and a team that made some kind of feint toward relevance realizes that the party is over because the FO is going to sell, the air goes out of the baloon in a very big way. I'm prepared for a collapse the rest of the way.
  12. Why do you hold the CIA in partcular fault for the Iraq War - it was the Presidential administration that drove us there and it was White House "leadership" driving the aspects of CIA bad behavior. I don't claim to have a clue about Slotkin's CIA work, but in as general proposition, large institutions are generally bigger and greyer than their individual actions. The CIA was an arm of a basically outlaw administration, but as we saw with the Trump admin - it's sometimes a lot better in the long run if some good people stay and throw what sand they can in the gears of the bad actors than to just all flee and leave the field to the baddies. Like a lot of things - it's situational. A high profile resignation can be politically signficant. At the analyst level maybe all that happens is the replacement is a more ideologically driven flack less likely to generate reliable intelligence. Unless you are self employed you aren't likely to ever go very long in a career before you disagree with the ethics of your employer. What you do about it will often depend on how much freedom you happen to have to not participate in what you don't like and how much positive value you think you bring in spite of the company.
  13. Drawn in IF saves one run, costs one run. Never really been a fan though. It's a lot like bunting - I'm surprised analytics haven't put an end to the strategy. In the long run getting outs always should take priority - it's the corrolary of not giving them away with the sacrifice. Of course with this one trending strongly toward shut-out, runs allowed won't matter.
  14. the guys are pros - sure, but your emotions have to be in a strange state knowing you're about to bid farewell to your teammates of the last 4 months.
  15. Andy Dirks is hilarious. Riffing on Moustakis admiring his hitting handiwork instead of legging it to 2nd.
  16. that is about as out as a runner will ever be out on a contact play.
  17. I suppose if someone is willing to break their piggy bank in return for Foley you have to listen, but the rest of the season would be really painful without him. No team can lose their best BP arm wthout it hurting. The book is out on Lange - just keep the bat on your shoulder and let him miss until you are ahead.
  18. Trees and above ground utities are not particularly compatible. My peeve is that the storm did not knock out my power but then DTW disconnected me early this moring anyway when they apparently had to shut the area down completely. I have a gas range, and a generator just big enough to keep the fridge and Router going. It's all good.
  19. the thing about mine fields is that once your enemy makes a path through, you then lose a lot of manuever space yourself lest you you get pinned in place by your own mines.
  20. I assumed that tweet was satire, but maybe not.
  21. I first learned what a clown show the NCAA was when they screwed Jamal Crawford* and it's only gotten worse since then. *Crawford landed on his feet and had a fine NBA career, but no thanks to the NCAA.
  22. and Trout while still a great player when he plays, can't stay on the field - has only averaged 3.2 WAR/yr over the last 4 seasons.
  23. And Giolito is a FA at the end of the season?
  24. Keith finished 2/3 HR 2BB, Meadows 2/5 HR also Wenceel 2/5 2B
  25. Syndergaard is ready/close to come off the DL
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