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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Supposedly he was a starter before we got him. >-------checks BR---------> He threw 120 last season - he was at 53 before tonight. So not innings per se - but sure - he could still be having trouble with how to prepare/condition for volume relieving vs starting.
  2. Nice illustration that the ballpark hasn't been the reason the Tigers can't score runs.
  3. that's the hope, but that's not a particulary reliable strategy - not that any is when it comes to pitching. They brough in Boyd, he went down to injury, they signed ERod and prompty lost him for most of his 1st season. It's still nice to have a pipeline of MiLB guys and ours isn't much to write home about currently.
  4. and Turnbull is probably gone at the end of next season - hard to predict if that will be a big loss or not.
  5. If he were throwing strikes when he wanted to with the breaking stuff he'd have a shot - that's been the difference between the good and bad outings. When guys can just wait for the FB you get --- today.
  6. Pitching is still a large potential problem. If we assume Mize and Turnbull replace ERod and Lorenzen next season, a) will either of them pitch well? b) can the starting staff stay healthy? You have Faedo and Wentz but it's not clear either of them can hold down an MLB starting gig if pitchers start going down next season and beyond those two it's just off a cliff. Flores and Madden have been underwhelming, Jobe is too far away. So you'd think they have to bring in at least one FA starting pitcher - can they find one as good as either of the two leaving? And another decent reliever.
  7. His FB velocity has been on a long slow slide downward since opening day.
  8. Yeah - Tichenor's been bad, really squeezed Manning to start the game and the ring up on Torkelson was ridiculous.
  9. This depends a LOT on your running game. If you have Sewell and a power runner, you should get to where a yard is automatic.
  10. Faedo back tomorrow I believe? I get you need to move both Lorenzen and ERod to maximize roster value, but it is going to be a very tough slog the rest of the way if both do get moved. And here we all thought the Tigers were done playing for lottery picks.
  11. I don't Englert threw a breaking ball for called strike. Everything was too low and the Padre hitters just waited in the BP fastball.
  12. wow - didn't think we'd see that again with the consolidation A ball into one level.
  13. Omar Visquel played 24 seasons - he might be a candidate for one end of one of these.
  14. Sports has always been political. SA was banned from international competition under Apartheid. Putin's Russia is as evil as the Boer government ever was.
  15. People refuse to - well more like just don't want to - understand how whitewashed the history of the US they think they know really is. Desantis is just the lastest in the long line of white and capital representing power trying to control history to their own advantage. And overcoming that, at it's core, is what getting woke is really about. Just came across an essay by a NY journalist who returned home to W. VA and began learning about the erasure of the history of the violent suppression of the minors union movement (I'll link it if I can find it again). This one isn't even black vs white but the more general case of monied interests having rewritten/erased history to subvert the consciousness of the more general public. And in the end isn't that at core the force that has always kept racism alive in the US as well? The capitalist class using racism as the wedge to politically control both lower class whites and blacks?
  16. maybe early to count on that. Reverse this year yes, last year no, so either could be anomalous or maybe in the end it just means he'll average little or no split - we'd certainly take that.
  17. It's sort of cheating though - Minny's appearances in in the 70's and 80's were 'unserious' (for lack of a better word).
  18. In fact it's exactly the opposite. The Boomers grew up conditioned to hearing all their music over the analog artifacts of the day, which is fine - if that sounds like home to you I have no problem - spin away, but don't try to tell other people it's 'better' reproduction, it's not. What is true it that digital tech exposes poor production in a way analog did not. You have to pay a lot more attention to ambience and what's happening down at the bottom of the signal that you could just ignore in the day when the vinyl scrap would bury it for you.
  19. In sum: He has the speed and his hands are OK. His routes suffer because he doesn't have the best innate mental fight computer. And the arm is ....mostly mental. He can throw moderately well when he slows it down and thinks it through, but he mostly just fires the ball in a hurry with predictably erratic results. In theory that can be fixable but in practice for many guys it never is. So on this team I'd put it: Riley (arm pretty noodly, but the rest very good) > Vierling (his hands can be questionable) best arm > McKinstry (seems sound in every aspect of the game) > Baddoo >>> Carpenter, Ibanez, Maton (might be able to be a decent OF but no experience/evidence either way yet). Aside from the scouting reports we also have Riley's testimonial that Parker is a better fielder than he is, with more straight line speed and stronger arm, so if you put Parker in this OF it's an immediate upgrade no matter whose place he is taking. I'm OK with waiting to see if Parker's bat can sustain for while more, but not more than another couple of weeks if Baddoo can't get it in gear.
  20. Interesting observation. If I had to think back I'd say I preferred going to my right (I'm RH), easier to see the ball to your glove.
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