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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. so tell me if I have this right: If a deal falls through, you get a pick back next yr and lose the slot amount of the pick that isn't signing. So if deals planned to be underslot fall through, you get charged the whole slot amount even though you weren't going to spend it, and if you've already make your overslot deals then you can end up short? Ergo, nail down all the underslots first.
  2. Paul is in idoit, and he's wrong anyway. if you can use Chinese money to defeat the Russians, by all means go for it! Almost as good as using Iranian money against the Contras, except that Ronnie apparently forgot they had passed a law against that. (Sadly, he was soon to forget a lot of things......)
  3. Vladdy must be having a very bad day.
  4. only a simple minded person would fail to see the distinction between censorship and holding someone accountable for lying under oath - which was known long ago in a time far away as 'bearing false witness' and has been duly categorized in well known lists as a no-no ever since then.
  5. if they both get traded and Lorenzen doesn't sign an extension and ERod opts out so they are both on the market, I don't see the Tigers being interested in ERod. Maybe Lorenzen.
  6. Well, if they think they can get him under control, maybe they better take him!
  7. That's your Dombrowski/Leyland axis. JL, bless his heart otherwise, just didn't much value defense and that mindset permeated the org pretty deeply for a long time. Avila came in talking about defense, and he brought in some decent CF gloves in Maybin, Jones, Cameron, Martin. But he never got as far as improving the corners much and most the CF candidates ended up not hitting or if they proved their value, got flipped like Martin.
  8. I still have to belive Ukraine is basically slow walking. They want to use the long range fires they have to chew up Russian rear echelon supplies, keep the Russians firing as much as possible to burn burn more supplies, and then make a bigger commitment when they can field more effective air power. I still believe the single biggest pivot in this conflict would be Ukraine finding a way to take down a Russian long range missile platform like a TU95. I don't know if adding F16 capabilities gets them there, but that is what would have the Russian MOD forcing Putin to find a way out.
  9. because it's what the little green men are whispering in your ear?
  10. Has this Lions mgt ever had a backup QB before the last minute?
  11. and you know StL is probably willing to move him, it's what they do.
  12. Exactly - your're playing a long shot that depends as much or more on what MN and CLE do anyway. If you make your best moves for the future and it breaks your way anyway (e.g. Faedo comes up to fill ERods spot and pitches well etc) enjoy it, but don't make a dumb move for the sake of a long shot.
  13. for a player of Arenado's calibre yes, but not that particular article. Too much to pay for a 32 yr old.
  14. you'd have to believe they can play 600 the rest of the way. Just hard to see. If you could add hitters without losing Lorenzen and ERod - maybe, but how could you do that without giving away the future? Can't do it.
  15. This pitching staff is so brittle, I'd just as soon they made Lorenzen an offer to stay, but in his comments in the Freep the other day there was no indication at all they were talking.
  16. So Grienke calls his own game with Pitchcom. I think we are slowly going to see that be the future. If you think about it, the reason the signal system had to be catcher-> pitcher originally was only because that was the only way to do it without the batter seeing the signal. With that constraint removed, there is isn't any reason for pitchers not to call their own games and it's bound to evolve back that way. Right now catcher->pitcher is deep tradition, but is now a tradition without any underlying support.
  17. not listening right now but my usualy experience is that the on air radio is at least 30 seconds ahead of the internet audio stream. I also think they are time manipulating the radio audio to lengthen the commercial break to more than 2 min, then slicing silence to catch up to real time each inning so the radio comes back late each inning compared my video but ends the inning almost in sync. Quite weird.
  18. LOLGOP. Eliot's been flogging this line ever since Trump lost re-election. No more 'compelling' than the 1st two times he wrote it and not likely to get any more traction this time either.🤦‍♀️ And of course ironically to the article, the Ford/Nixon precendent pretty much guarantees that no President is going to pardon his predecessor of the other party again and risk losing re-election over it.
  19. they are talking about it being used for payroll processing which is generally considered 1st party. IDK, I'm not sure it's necessarily the transfer method per se that always determines 1st vs 3rd party but it's a fair question and I freely stipulate it's not something I know much about.
  20. and Ukraine drops the other shoe. Bold - if they can back it up:
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