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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Lets see if Miller can perform when it matters.
  2. yep - needs to heed Magglio. Try to do too much, you won't do too much.
  3. "ones", not quite "boy" but I'm sure it's heard the same way by the target audience.
  4. Well Miller did close the door on the Tiger's chances. That's something.
  5. I'm biased of course, but the they way Bash pleaded for more "Is that all?" just encapsulated exactly how needy the media is for click bait as opposed to substance. I just don't think it plays badly at all.
  6. I think maybe they get into bad habits when they have a couple of series against teams like the WSox that can't pitch.
  7. dan just noted Boston has been averaging 6 runs against. You should have a chance even if you spot them 4 Tigs are at 16+ innings without a run.
  8. Torkelson took the best pitch to hit for strike one. Backsliding on staying aggressive in the zone.
  9. Did. One run was *not* earned regardless of how mis-informed the scorer is.
  10. just when it looked like Casey was having a good inning........ I guess first time back it's not that terrible, but when the O isn't doing anything it seems worse.
  11. replay crew fails again. Tigers used to have one of the best replay teams, what happened?
  12. The weird approach by official scorer's that you have to have touched and then booted a ball to have mis-played it is about as dumb a thing as anything in the current game. The play that Sweeney missed was absolutely ordinary effort to catch. Missing it completely instead of getting a glove on it and dropping it can't be double.
  13. His FB velo has picked up from where it was at the beginning of the game which is good to see - he'd really be in trouble at 91-93, but yeah, Casey is suffering lack of reps. You have to pitch to develop command and there is no way to undo all the time lost.
  14. Exactly Also interesting that at Politico's site the headline is: "Harris sidesteps the spotlight when it comes to her identity" which is a much less negative spin and the article is actually pretty positive. So the question is who at Politico runs their twitter feed and how much more influenced are they by Axel Springer than the people writing the stories.
  15. at least it isn't Faedo's hip again. One more round with that and you'd have to think it was something chronic. Still, between shoulder, hip, TJ he's turning into a guy you never get much out of.
  16. JD is the gift that keep on giving.
  17. We've done a driving trip to each coast in the last few years. The SO plans very meticulously but we always put about 20% 'slop' in the schedule for exploring and often it's what you find along the way you didn't know about that ends up the best time.
  18. It goes back to the fact that voters have all the wrong premises when looking at candidates and the media just drives the misconceptions. How did Reagan win 49 states? It was not by being a policy wonk or giving a lot of chapter and verse on policy detail, it was by persuading voters that they could trust his judgement to do things in the public interest. And even the worst things that Reagan did - starting down the trickle down path - he did in the belief that it would work for everyone the way he described it, so even though he was wrong, the public picked up on his sincerity that he thought he would lift all the boats with tax policy reform. So a question like "will you embargo arms to Israel" is a fundamentally dumb one to ask a candidate. That's a level of situational detail that can only be assessed when the exact time comes that that decision is ripe to be made. It's not important that the candidate have a position on it now, it's important the candidate create trust in the public mind that they will make the right decision given the situation when it has to be made. The press complains, and a politicians opponents complain because it's much easier to play the 'gotcha' thing if a candidate allows themselves to be pinned down to what eventually becomes a "wrong" answer. It's fine that the opposition does this, that's their right, but the media misunderstands what people actually vote for if they think those position details are the core of what gets people elected and it's why the central mass of the public just tunes out on so much of the argument. Positions statements are useful to candidates only to the degree they help paint a candidate's philosophy at the broadest level, not the detail level. And of course for anything that has to be legislated it will be miles between the proposal and the finished product anyway. I think the Harris campaign understands this and they are basically taking a page out of "Morning in America." They want the campaign to be about creating an emotional aura that forms a break with the vitriolic politics since ....well pretty much since Gingrich, but of course mostly since Trump.
  19. what I saw was fine but I I switched to record it as I was tired of waiting through all the junk. I'll watch the rest later.
  20. Harris wouldn't take the bait when presented with Trump's complaint about her 'turning black' - when Bash pressed again she just said 'Next Question' Perfect. No reason to play the game by their rules.
  21. BIG CNN interview is gonna end up 20 minutes of CNN production time, 30 minutes of commerical, and 10 minutes of interview.
  22. There was a lot of alcohol in the student sections in the Big House in the 70's because they didn't stop you from bringing it in. I suppose if they are selling it now, the cost means it will go mostly into the non-student sections, so that will be a difference.
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