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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Sure - maybe just a moonshoot there, but then again, you can't give Harris a pass for not putting a better 3b on the field (or in the near pipeline) by saying he knew the guys he picked up as possible replacements couldn't play there in the first place. >Was there, in your opinion? Not my job man! If you have a working knowledge of league personal and you know you aren't going to find a 3b, why do you let Candelario go? And of you say Ilitch didn't give him a choice I'm going to say he may have already failed as a GM if his relationship with his owner is such that he can't move him on a $7M decision. That's my angle on it. I was fine with letting JC go because my assumption was Harris was going to competently fill the hole. Now in retrospect, my hindsight view definitely swings 180 because he didn't. Now that's not to say I'm grabbing a pitchfork. As posted above, I've liked most of his personnel moves other than 3b - nobody's going to bat 1000. But I'm not going to give him a pass and blame 3B on some forces outside Harris' control either.
  2. So I was just looking at Jeimer's splits for the last few years and what's interesting is that his performance as a RHB has been pretty consistent in the 675-725 OPS range. But it's his performance as a LHB that has yo-yo'd up and down from year to year - up to over 800 and then back down into the 600's. Now the funny thing is the wrist issue was in his left wrist and supposedly bothered him batting RH as per here. That actually dovetails with that fact that his RH performance has never gotten close to where it was in 2018 since. But it doesn't explain why his LH batting has been up and down year to year.
  3. The odd coindence is that what I would say were Harris' only two misses both related to 3B, Maton and Malloy. And Malloy may yet end up a valuable MLB hitter, he's just apparently not going to do it at 3B. A couple of possibilities: 3B just happens to be an unusually hard position to fill right now, or who ever was assigned to grade 3B glove work wasn't up to the task.
  4. The whole Superior coast. It's best to do this not too long after the spring thaw when water levels are high and the wildflowers are peaking, but if you start at the WI border and work east on the Superior shore you can spend two days just stopping and hiking into all the waterfalls. Awesome
  5. It appears his performance in this game has moved Torkelson to positive WAR on BR. Huzzah!
  6. Life is too short to even think about trying to know NBA trade rules. The only thing I can take from this is that it is a strange use of the word 'apron'
  7. Tigers seem like a decent org most of the time. You'd think they'd at least call around for him and see if they can move him. Or if his agent is any good he'll know if he has a potental landing spot somewhere if he refuses assignment. Otherwise his best career move would be to go to AAA so he can keep playing and work toward getting a ST invite from a team next season. Of course the other question is whether they have playing time for him in Toledo. Once Baddoo is activated their roster shows 4 OFs. Parker is going to play everyday. Witherspoon and Steele are filler, Solak is just as much an IF, so why not?
  8. The arithmetic is that they are not going to carry 5* OF only players. A number past 4 and that player has to double somewhere else. So with Greene, Baddoo, Vierling, Carpenter as 1-4, Haase is #5 and he is filling a second spot as the backup catcher. For Marisnick to stick, you have to have another OF doubling on the IF. Vierling can supposedly play on the IF but since he has only played 3 innings there this season the Tigers don't appear to take that possibility seriously. P - 13 C - 2 IF - 6 DH - 1 that leaves only 4 OF. Marisnick's attraction is that he is a RHB and he is a better OF than Haase, but he can't replace Haase as the 5th OF because he can't catch or replace a utility infielder.
  9. Even though it's still early for seasonal judgments, I'm fine with most of Harris' pickups. I like McKinstry, Vierling, Holton, Eglert, Ibanez. Maybe a lower grade coming for Malloy if he's going to be limited to DH duty. Even in Maton's case, it probably wasn't his 1st choice to be put at 3B.
  10. Of course he's hitting at Toledo.... I have to say I don't see the fascination. Decent walk rate but other than that a dime-a-dozen 4A 2B. Obviously the right guy likes him (Harris)
  11. Kody Clemens back to AAA https://www.mlive.com/tigers/2023/07/phillies-sending-ex-tiger-down-to-minors.html
  12. Hill, Schoop. Heck Maton has been such a wreck I'd guess he'd get through waivers easily if they wanted to get him back into the system but off the 40.
  13. Good column by Jennifer Rubin about why the SCOTUS AA decicsion is probably not going to make much difference in practice. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/07/02/affirmative-action-swallows-rule/ Speaking of Roberts: "However, what he takes away with one hand he immediately gives back with the other: “At the same time, as all parties agree, nothing in this opinion should be construed as prohibiting universities from considering an applicant’s discussion of how race affected his or her life, be it through discrimination, inspiration, or otherwise.” Perhaps realizing the exception might swallow the rule (and usher in a flood of “Tell us something you had to overcome in your life” questions and clever college counselors to help craft replies), Roberts hastened to add that colleges shouldn’t try to do indirectly what the court doesn’t want them to do directly. But once again, his “limitation” will not stop determined admissions officials and savvy students:" This is almost as though Roberts is virtue signalling to the conservative movement that "I'm here for you" while in reality leaving a loophole that admissions officers will drive a Mack truck through.
  14. Bertuzzi suppled some open-ice fore-checking. That may have only stood out on the Wings because the team as a whole has been so inept at it. Then again, I got the impression Blashill was less interested in guys fore-checking than just collapsing back into the zone after a change in possession. Of course that in turn could be because no-body he had could fore-check without ending up caught up ice. I liked that last season Lalonde had them playing less passively in that regard than Blashill, even if the overal season result was only marginally better.
  15. I would guess that at many mortgageshouses there is a lot churn in the contact level employees - their incentives probably do not align long-term.
  16. Hope they make a big push with this ad. Should really help poison the well among those suburban women for all GOP candidates.
  17. I count Manning, Rodriguez, Skubal, Lorenzen.....and Olson. At least until Faedo is activated, and right now I would rank Olson ahead of Faedo anyway, though maybe the team will see it otherwise.
  18. sounds like a guy that has a hell of a case of pen is envy.
  19. Oh Boy, Shreve. Gasoline not normally what you pour on a fire.....
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