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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. OK - just to play counselor for the Defense here 😉, the con went like this.: Jeimer is 30 in '23, he'll be a declining asset by the time they are ready to win, you don't know what you are going to get from him, your new spiffy GM has a chance to show what he can do finding you a shiny 3B prospect that can be part of the future (what if Malloy had been able to play 3rd?). There is nothing to play for in 2023, they will be a 4th place, treading water team at best. I think it's the fact that there could be/could have been/may yet be, something to play for that puts the decision back into the hindsight binoculars in a way it would not be if they were 15 games out. And that's perfectly fair.
  2. Old friend Daniel Norris started for the Columbus Clipper agasint the Hens today. Threw 4 innnings and left with a 3-1 lead. Lipcius touched him up for a HR.
  3. Build a fundamentally solid team, keep your economics sound so you have the money to strike if a star becomes available on the market, and meanwhile scout like crazy and hope for a star with the picks you get. So, true - not an exciting swing at the fences strategy, but a tactically sound one that should at least get them back to consistent playoff presense.
  4. The worse decision this week might have been that the Post Office couldn't fire a worker for refusing to work on Sunday. TBF, the Post Office could still previail because the court sent the case back to be reconsidered under different criteria. I think as a general principle Americans would say if your religion conflicts with the job I'm offering - go look for another job.
  5. But not 'Scott'. It would have to be more along the line of maybe "Deadalus Aldred"
  6. The case was certainly manufactured but it also turned on a fairly narrow point -- the definition of what 'expression' is vs what commerce is. The ruling further carves out an exception sort of along the same lines that while baker can't refuse to sell a cake to anyone that walks in the door, they can refuse to decorate a cake with a piece of text they find objectionable - the theory sort of being along the same lines that you can't force an author to write a book that says what you want said instead of what he wants to say. It hinges on finding the crossover point between ordinary tasks and tasks that 'express speech.' I think anyone would agree with the principle in the limiting case - i.e. Probably everyone would agree Steven King should be allowed to refuse to write a screen play for Mein Kampf. Whether Scotus found the correct reasonable scope to the principle is debatable. Since as I understand, the 'web site' in question never existed, It's pretty hard to say whether the commerical request demanded 'speech' by the web builder - unless you are a conservative Judge and just stipulate it did.
  7. For starters, they should tell Putin that if he screws-up Zaporizhzhia, NATO will close the Black Sea to Russia for as many years as any ground remains contaminated.
  8. LOL - The ratio of typical summer job income to tuition and R&B costs at UM between 1970 and today as dropped from about 1:1 to about 0.25:1 or maybe even less.
  9. yeah - and he has to crash a little bit at some point soon, what he is doing isn't sustainable at any level. Just as soon that happen and he plays through it at Toledo. He should have that experience once before he reaches the majors. Torkelson probably suffered for lack of it.
  10. I could easily have missed it but I don't think Malloy has played an inning at 3b in 3 wks. Have to think that ship has sailed.
  11. OTOH, if he's going to be an OF, then less need to extend any apprenticeship in the minors if the bat is ready.
  12. I wonder if this isn't a result Biden is happy to live with. He gets the props from the progressive wing, doesn't have to live with the results, which could be questionable. And he can further energize young voters on Supreme Court oppostion.
  13. "protect the plate" apparently has no meaning for any of the Tigers when they are down in the count late in the game and need base runners.
  14. Bally guys in the production booth couldn't come up with Otis Randal blowing on the ball for Kirk and Shep. 10cent production team.
  15. 5 runs isn't so bad. They lost this one on the defensive side in the 1st when when they couldn't stop the bleeding.
  16. Keith finishes 3/5 Malloy 2/5 Parker brings up the rear with a single and SB
  17. LOL - today's outing didn't help him.
  18. also a good outing for Wilmer Flores. Wolves lose 1-0 but Wilmer went 6IP 0R 3H 2BB 5K
  19. LOL - maaaaybe...... actually if I had to take a WAG about a clubhouse issue it would be that if anything Jeimer seemed like he might have been a bit of a stick in the mud and maybe Hinch enjoys a looser clubhouse and Jeimer wasn't always comfortable with that.
  20. Malloy and Keith both homer in the 1st inning for Toledo tonight. 🎉
  21. I have a feeling he thought they would be better last year. It's easy to forget now how many things went wrong last season - especially if your frame of reference is the Tigers! 😭
  22. TBF, we don't know if they had a discussion and didn't reach a deal. From the fact that Dorion is out there complaining that the offers weren't good enough, we can infer that someone has been making the offers he didn't like.
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