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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. actually it would be more ideal if they had a high level fielder for Keith to be able to watch/work with when he's not playing. Sadly that's not in the cards either - at least until Kreilder is ready to start working out again, and I'm not sure that will even be this season.
  2. How many 100 point season/scoring championships did Conner McDavid and Mario Lemieux win when their teams didn't even make the playoffs? You have build the strongest whole team or those guys don't matter anyway. That's going to take the Wings a few more years yet of picking players for their total win added potential across their whole game, and in that time all you can do is hope that one or two of the guys they draft, which could even be a Danielson - end up out pacing their projections and becoming the scorers you need, or they swing a deal for one, or they win like Vegas did without them. The conventional route to getting an offensive star by tanking has been denied the Red Wings despite no lack of their trying, and they don't get traded much, so the Wings are going to have find an alternate model -possibly like Vegas'
  3. and stayed under 100 pitches. Sadly, "A's" is for "Asterisk" .....jk
  4. So read 'So far the best offers are still only pennies'
  5. IIRC he wasn't/isn't very good with his footwork trying to play 1st either. Apparently not cut out for Swiss Army Knife Duty.
  6. so the next question is who has a shot to make it to make the team this season? Soderblom and Edvinsson for certain. Mazur?
  7. For me it depends on whether they are pulling the plug on JHM as a 3b. if they are, then fine, you have 2 3b's to give time to: Keith and Maton, and since you want to give Keith time at 2B as well, no problem. The Tigers are so desperate for a competent 3B that if you still believe against all odds Maton can improve there, fine. But that means you are giving up reps you could be giving to a younger, higher ceiling (supposedly) player, so I hope they are pretty confident that JHM will never be a ML 3B.
  8. they gave up a grand slam in the bottom of the 9th so the game could go to extra innings and Keith could get on base for the 5th time.
  9. Wentz probably the least prepared of the guys they have had to use this season. Just a bad situation.
  10. If if makes you feel any better, both Maton and Camargo have throwing errors from the left side for the Hens tonight. OK, didn't think it would....
  11. good skater, big body, plays strong in his own end, makes himself available for the outlet pass. Those all match up pretty well with glaring RW needs. Don't know if he'll be a plus player but it won't be because the fit isn't there.
  12. yea - the Rasmussen, Sundqvist, Soderblom line was certainly fun while it lasted.
  13. well, you have to cut the interviewer some slack, you would never expect anyone who didn't work the word 'organ*I*zation in to the conversation with the heavy accent on the "I" could possibly be an NHL GM.
  14. That's the a shot to persuade you that a checked swing broken bat can be real.
  15. you mean for a 2nd then? Ok, sure. At this point every pitcher is at risk at all times. My original post about Skubal was for the langauge joke, not the science. The counter example is maybe Anibal Sanchez. Again, have forgotten the exact details but at the time we got him I didn't think his arm had a chance of going much further after what it had already been through, but the guy made though another 1200 IP after his trade here.
  16. Tigers should probably think about making the organization a 'Perez free' zone. Too many bad experiences with that handle already.
  17. It's just Trumps usual strategy of throwing stuff at the wall in the Court system trying to muddy pools, taking advantage of the excessive forebearance US courts have traditionally had about dismissing nuisance suits out of hand. If there is anything good that could come out of America's experience with Trump, it would be a little more confidence on the part of Judges to refuse to entertain crap cases. People like Trump who abuse the court system that way create just as much denial of justice overall as an occasional unrighteous dismissal would. The idea that *always* erring on the side of admitting cases doesn't eventually create a net loss of justice is a logical fallacy.
  18. Yeah - the 2023 version of Boyd looked pretty much like Matt has always looked so that part was smoke. OTOH, $10M for a single year to 4.5 FIP/90 ERA+ FA is not a serious enough overpay to complain about. Really in baseball today almost anything you give a guy if you can limit it to one year is not so bad deal for ownership.
  19. Hopefully they both are and some misguided GM is willing to give up something better than bag of practice pucks for one of them.
  20. Mercy! I'd still be in PTSD recovery therapy if I'd suffered your fate. Could never stand Barr, Could never stand Allen.
  21. I've seen various speculations that Lukashenko may have an idea that he can use Wagner to increase his own military credibility - either as added leverage to keep Putin at a distance or alternately to defend his own regime if Putin's regime does collapse and he find himself facing a revolt at home with a domestic army he can't trust and no Russian support. So there are scenarios one can spin where Lukashenko has an interest in defending Wagner and Prigozhin. But then you have to get to the practicalities of who's going to pay the bill? The Achilles heel for any private Army is need to pay the bills. Can Luka afford Wagner even if he has some idea of how he might use to his advantage?
  22. I heard that. Monroe was trying to be a little diplomatic instead of just saying Marisnik (or maybe Shep) was FOS with that particular language. Of course no-one can see actual spin on the ball from 300' away. But credit where due, Craig did get to the correct answer that you are trying to read the flight of the ball (effect of the spin, not the spin itself) off the bat. And in CF you can more easily read the hitters swing - whether the hitter is inside-outing or pulling the ball before it ever leaves the bat. The one thing I remember about seeing ball spin the OF is when a liner starts getting closer to where you can see it well and you realize you *can* see stitches - because the ball's not spinning - because it's a damn knuckle ball coming at you and you don't where the hell it might go. 😱
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