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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Certainly with Cabrera, the consistent power to the opposite field most guys just are not going to have, and without that you probably don't gain trying to emulate that style.
  2. Of course, on the other hand it was also easy to for Ted Williams to say about that perfect pitch "Don't take it, don't miss it, don't foul it off" because he had the bat command to hit that ball hard every time he got it, most guys *will* foul it off half the time and not get another one. So no question, no matter what your approach it helps a lot be a better hitter!!!
  3. I thought they would just activate Brieske - go figure.
  4. Rookie mistake - as Monroe rightly noted, ball to left from LHB is going to tail toward the line more.
  5. He still would probably benefit from an occasional day off. I really hadn't thought about the fact that the only game he has had off so far this season was the 2nd game of a DH, so he hasn't actually had a 'day' off from the schedule at all.
  6. I might like to see the Tigers shift some of the emphasis in their team hitting philosophy. The "Get a good pitch to hit" mantra sounds nice, but it can put you in the hole against every pitcher with decent command. It was interesting to hear Pudge last night talk about never worrying about looking for inside/outside/up/down, he said he just saw a strike coming he tried to put his bat on it no matter where it was going. Now Pudge was a great hitter, and he said as much as all hitters can;t hit the same way, but Pudge's approach is one that might give you a better shot in games against good pitching. Too much waiting for perfect pitches doesn't seem to be working for the Tigers even if it makes their peripherals look better than last season.
  7. I get that, but it was in the other order for Skubal. He had his UCL in college and then Flexor this time.
  8. Should have been happy with 5 in his first outing. and Hinch pulls him before he can lose.
  9. I don't know what has him thinking he should be on top of the plate the way he is. They are getting him out inside and he can't get out of his own way on the inside pitch.
  10. I'm curious whether Yzerman counts Ras as part of the nucleus he sees being built or just sees him as a transitional (and thus tradable) piece. I would guess yes but I could see it either way. Is he good enough now? Or does he just seem decent by comparison to a lot of substandard players around him? He was certainly improved last season but how much more upside does he have? OTOH, I pretty much doubt Zadina or Veleno count in that list.
  11. I suppose he can go straight to the 60 so they get the 40 man roster spot back immediately. EDIT: Direct to 60day confirmed by Stavenhagen.
  12. What is a 'lower leg strain' ?(Vest), pulled calf muscle? What a waste of two years for Boyd. If they'd done UCL when they did the flexor surgery he'd be back now. So you wonder - did they see degradation of his UCL two two years ago and think is wasn't that bad, or miss it or did Matt just manage to damage a UCL that hadn't been that bad two yrs ago?
  13. Petzold tweeted that there is a locker set up in the clubhouse for Misiewicz
  14. yeah - orgs have tried working on this premise - Nolan Ryan when he was running Tx I remember in particular. Nothing they tried made any difference.
  15. surprised nothing is posted yet. Maybe they are waiting to see if the guy they want is going to make his connection to get there on time before they make anything official.
  16. I waded through the whole hour of Yzerman's presser and I only got a few things that may apply. One, he said several times he's basically not looking for players older than Larkin, so DeBrincat checks that box. Two, Goal scorers are hard to find - so check that box. Three, "young nucleus" is the paradigm. Four, he think it's a deep draft for fowards, Andm Five - (so) he values top picks. So I'd agree it sounds like any player that he doesn't see as part of "Larkin plus the young nucleus" is on the table with any combination of non-1st round picks. If he can swing the deal on those terms I rate him being in. If it comes to a 1st then it's anyone's guess.
  17. This case was another case of the minority attaching themselves to a detail of text but missing the whole import of the Constitutional structure itself. The plaintiff's fundamental argument was that when it comes to elections, a state Constitution cannot constrain the power of its own legislature. But that flies in the face of the fact that the US Constitution (and Federal Courts) do exactly limit the power for the Federal legislature in exactly those ways. Despite the use a the word ' legislature' at that sentence in the US Consitution in reference to state governments, it flies in the face of the overall logic of the US constitutional system to argue that the Framers intended in that sentence to neuter the liberty protections of checks and balances of Constitutional Democracy at the state level.
  18. If this had gone the other way it would pretty much opened the door to majority mob rule as opposed to a system of protected rights and ordered liberty. The fact that Alito, Thomas, and Gorsuch were on the other side just proves again they are a clear and present danger to the Republic, and have no business being alowed with a country mile of where they're sitting. FWIW, which isn't much, Thomas would have punted the case but he still rejected the majority opinion.
  19. The interesting question to me is how the funding worked. Does Prigozhin have any Putin-independent funding sources that would allow him to keep some number of Wagnerites on his payroll? For instance -is he pillaging blood diamonds in Aftrica or some such? That would make for an interesting dynamic. I've also read that Prigozhin paid his people a pretty hefty multiple over what Russia pays the regular army - might make Wagnerites reuctant to join MOD forces. Also waiting to see it Putin does the Stalinesque thing and just starts throwing any Wagnerites that return home into the Gulag.
  20. Error from the original draft: Williams inserted at 12, Vera-Tucker missing at 14.
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