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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. I don't think so just because that would run counter to his owner's avowed objective, which is a team that wins over time, but you never know. Just because C I. spent a lot of energy preaching that line in the past is no guarantee he hasn't changed his mind. Getting a little more greedy as things get closer to fruition is not exactly a rare human reaction.
  2. Imagine that Lalonde had said to his players "Every time you are about to make a pass, forecheck, or take a shot, you are to freeze and count "one mississippi, two mississippi, and *then* do it". And McLellan came in and said, "forget all that" and it would pretty much capture it. Of course that is isn't what happened, but it is what *looked* like happened. More specifically I can take a guess at one specific thing which probably is directly tied to coaching scheme - which is that under Lalonde, the Wings *never* reversed the puck to keep possession - it was always straight ahead whether there was anything there or not. Now the wings better skaters like Edvinssion, Seider, Raymon, Larkin, Kane, are using their skating talent, reversing the puck to get their break outs organized, and amazingly enough, the team's passing, puck possession and facility at breaking the other team's forecheck has improved by leaps and bounds. They suddenly don't look like a poor skating hockey team anymore. I don't know if they are all just on a high and will not be able to keep this pace of play up, but so far so good.
  3. Photographer with unparalleled composition skills.
  4. I guess they needed a new coach.
  5. He's only half right. There is nothing wrong with spending the money if you are willing to raise it. The real problem is that most of the GOP wants to spend money just as much as the dems, they just don't want to take the responsibility for raising any.
  6. Kulfan with a story about the Wings shooting the puck more, which is great, but I think he's missing part of the story. I'm sure one reason the Wings wouldn't shoot the puck without a perfect chance in the past was because they couldn't get pucks back after shots. That always makes an offense reluctant to shoot. A big key to getting them to shoot more was in getting them to skate harder to recover pucks. Also liked McLellan talking about changing up lines to match-up with the opposition. Kulfan quotes him as saying he likes to keep pairs of forward (e.g. Larkin and Raymond) mostly together but then rotate the third player for some immediate objective/matchup.
  7. why does anyone think the asylum system got backed-up by the millions? - Because no-one would pay the bill to expand the ability to process people. Lack of funding has been at the heart of immigration chaos since Reagan. Passing more laws will pretty much make no difference if funding doesn't materialize for them to executed.
  8. If you've ever watched the dynamics between men vs between women in the workplace, they are different, and I don't imagine that even in the rarefied air of SCOTUS, in the end, things are so different than the rest of the world in that regard. I will venture the supposition that over time the three women on the court will have more influence on each other, despite any initial ideological differences, than the male members of the court generally have on each other.
  9. It would be nice but I'm not sure it's in the cards for him. The TS he should be able to improve though and no excuse not to shoot >80% from the stripe.
  10. Yeah - starting with listening to him..
  11. Nailed it - exactly.
  12. That's beyond silly. Nobody who approaches investing on such a dogmatic basis should have a platform to be giving advice to anyone. Debt is financial tool, it has no more intrinsic moral nature than a hammer - only particular debts or purchases can have any moral value and the moral value doesn't even relate in any consistent way to whether a particular use is profitable or not. All separate issues.
  13. Anyone who says there is such a rule is just straight up wrong. It's *always* a matter of comparative returns. If the interest rate on you mortgage is higher than your likely return, pay it first, if not, don't. In general over the last couple of decades it has not been hard to find investments that pay substantially more than the interest on most mortgages. That may not be true for small investors right now, but the point is that it's a situation that has to be constantly evaluated.
  14. Of course, obesity is so epidemic in the US now that even a 150lb 'fireman's carry' req still leaves more than half of citizens in line to be toasted. The ship has sailed on that concept. (average body wt for both men and women >170lb! - https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/body-measurements.htm)
  15. Is that a Judge or a parole board recommendation? TBH, I don't know what the complaint is, PizzaGate ended up as a property crime and 1st time offenders for property crimes are generally not hammered that hard. My question is what parole was he violating now? Was he still on parole from 2017 or something since? - Story didn't say. Pretty stupid thing to pull a gun on a Cop over a parole violation unless you're looking at some kind of heavy time.
  16. seems to be some debate - NBC and NYT articles say he got 4 yrs. Suspended later maybe? https://www.nytimes.com/2025/01/09/us/pizzagate-shooter-killed-police.html
  17. It was interesting to hear him talk about trying to get guys who were having success in the minors to fix things before they were exposed at the next level, holding back Madden because he hadn't, and then thinking about the contrast to Torkelson, who the previous regime kept promoting on the basis of his ability to hit the long ball without ever forcing him to become a better hitter. I also wonder if Torkelson is or is not in the group of guys who he referenced as 'coming back' from their private coaches to more reliance on the team's people.
  18. yeah - Alito flaunts his privileged immunities in a more unseemly way than any member of the SCOTUS in my lifetime. He's worse than Thomas in a lot of ways.
  19. FWIW, I also saw Skubal projected at $11M last week.
  20. Ignorant easterners have no idea what happens when it doesn't rain for 10 months and then you get 60mph desert winds coming at you through a bunch of rugged terrian. It's like saying "people aren't prepared for a volcano." The planet usually gets the last word on human efforts to 'be prepared'
  21. Bread and circuses. Need something to keep the masses riled up or they might actually notice what is going on around them.
  22. And I would just wager that there will probably be a disproportionate number or black and brown people trying to put out the fires that are threatening the houses of a disproportionate number of white people.
  23. A neat non displaced Fibula fracture could have been less but apparently Ivy wasn't that lucky. Just for comparison, and granted Hutchenson broke his Tibia also, but he were to make it back by the SB that would be 4 months and that's still considered unlikely by most people.
  24. One man's viable internal candidate is another man's sub-replacement bum
  25. I have a theory () that building red tape is another misdirected recognition that there are too many people already. But the human species doesn't really have any accepted, established social mechanisms for expressing it's desire for population control, other than a short experiment in China, and the topic remains controversial in so many places, so the psychic pressure that builds up in a crowded society manifests itself indirectly in all kinds of rules to make it harder add more people to the neighborhood (If you have no-where to live hopefully you will go away! - etc).
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