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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. wild Of course it could all just be some Kabuki on Putin's part but here's hoping it all goes South for him no matter how it starts.
  2. What can you do? He should be in Toledo developing his command/consistency.
  3. Good luck. I don't see anyone taking the nomination from Trump other than the possbility of the Federal corrections department refusing him furloughs to campaign - and a lot of things have to break right to get there.
  4. well, that means it's a pretty sure bet the strikes did happen.
  5. It wouldn't be half so bad if he were even a competent Judge, but he's an idiot. Invoking the 13th century in Dobbs - then yesterday he was the *sole* dissenter in the courts rebuff of a couple of states trying to control how the Federal gov runs immigration. You can have all the complaints you want about US immigration policy from admin to admin, but the idea that a State has any standing force the Federal government's hand on policy is legal drivel. Even Normally-I'm-a-mile-off-the-reservation-Thomas couldn't see his way to disagree with the majority on that one.
  6. sadly I think there is zero probability of this. It's the crazies that tend to be the most monomaniacally committed. They will all stay with Trump while more secondary voices peel off slices of the remainder who are looking for less crazy voices. The thing is each voice will appeal to some of the sane because of the natural breadth of concerns of more normal people. Thus the sane vote divides and the crazy vote congeals -- to Trump. You can book it.
  7. Pittsburgh is a traditional salary bottom feeder so there's some conventional wisdom that they would rather underslot the HS player. Ownership did spend a bunch of money on Bryan Reynolds, maybe they've changed their tack.
  8. yeah - for whatever reason the cop probably just didn't want to deal with it. IIRC, a proper Miranda warning (at least in MI) ends by asking the suspect if he understands his rights. If he assents I would assume the police are then off the hook if he starts talking. If the suspect doesn't reply to the Miranda that he understands but then starts talking what is the situation? Is that where you tell him to shut up as you may not be able to use what he says anyway?
  9. Big boost from the defense too - errors by Cruz and Workman opened the door to the big inning. 5 of the 6 runs unearned.
  10. 5 people dead because ---- apparently because of a loophole in the law. Almost any kind of vehicle used to carry paying passengers operates under some kind of certification process: Buses, trains, boats, airplanes. But apparenty not submarines. Of course the owners of Titan wouldn't want to have to 'certify' it because that almost certainly would have required pressure testing the hull - probably to 150% of it's intended use pressure, and that would have been an expensive proposition - which by the way would also have certainly revealed the weakness in the design. Hard to understand why they choose carbon fiber composite for the design of something that was going to be used in compression in the first place- maerketing? Fad engineering? Maybe to save cost handling it at the surface - (smaller cranes required etc). Carbon fiber provides no engineering advantage over steel once the vessel is in the water.
  11. Hard to say. It could also been that for the sake of his own sanity he didn't want to hear Doerman say anything that might have led him to leave another body at the scene.
  12. Keith made it 3/5 2B in what will likely be his last AB. Navigato 2/4 2B, HR, BB at Toledo: Parker Meadows 2/4, SacFly
  13. Another ho-hum night for C. Keith, H 2B in his first 3 AB. Manning one hit and 6K in 4 IP. Unfortunately also 5BB!
  14. IDK, I'd wager that a lot of these young athletes know a lot more about gambling than the average crossection of the population, and I'd probably do it without giving a thought to where I was.....
  15. stepping back from the case details though, it *is* a stupid set of rules. What possible difference does it make to anything *where* you are when you place a bet? The wager either is, or is not an issue. Nothing could be more immaterial to any possible consequence of the wager than where it was placed. Maybe the basic illogic of the rules had something to do with why guys may have found them hard to make sense of or take seriously.
  16. Franklin Perez got his 1st win in 5 yrs today. Didn't do much to get it: 2H BB ER in 1 IP. OTOH, if there was ever a guy who needed to start having better luck..... 😉
  17. MOC baby! You live by it in the process industries, avaition, anywhere hazardous. (management of change)
  18. Santana was the most the Tigers had ever spent. QED.
  19. OTOH, they have spent their money in Latin America on infielders so that also goes to the mix.
  20. Of the top 12 pitchers by 2023 WAR on fangraphs just now, 7 are 1st round picks and Valdez was an international. Of the top 12 hitters by WAR, only 3 were 1st round picks (several internationals). Taking pitchers may have terrible injury risk, but I think they may be more projectable than hitters - so it's a conundrum.
  21. only one hit for Meadows today but it went for 3 bases. Malloy with a dinger but his June is still not exciting.
  22. I thought for sure Pudge would have 67 games at 400 bracketing his month at 500, but his best 67 game stretch fell a bit short - 384, and that's not starting at the 1st game of the season either..
  23. I wonder if that challenge was Hinch sticking it to Quatraro a bit for asking for the replay on Marisnik, which was a stupid challenge.
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