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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. yeah - we played a lot of handball up through HS - mostly because it was nearly cost free and in the city walls are not hard to find.
  2. I wouldn't put too much stock on any comparison numbers, more interesting to see year to year changes at each institution. At least those would likely be based on the same accounting systems. The other thing to note is that these say they are revenue numbers, but profitability is the real key to program health. If a system is spending $100M on fundraising to bring in $105M, their revenue may look a lot better than another school with less income but also lower expenses.
  3. Miggy's favorite line is 'do my job,' If he believes that then you'd think he has a sense of working within the hierarchy, and to be fair, I can't remember him ever saying word one to bad mouth any current or even past Tiger manager. I mean sure, he probably thinks, and is probably correct, that other players/coaches can't teach him much/anything, so he wouldn't look up to them in that sense = agreed there. But OTOH, he appears to be respectful of the role of his manager in the organizational sense if you take 'look up' in that meaning.
  4. I see it as all a matter of degree. The human mind always wants to fit things into some kind of consistency. It's basically an analogy machine - sorting which things do or don't match this, and if not must match up with that. On the other hand, in the physical reality in which we exist, all defined relationships breakdown at boundaries. At one end, matter completely disappeares as you zoom into fine enough grain, while at the other end the Universe itself dissolves into contradiction at the first contemplation of its boundary. Between those limits the human mind spends its time trying to put things in boxes. Nothing ever quite fits in the boxes perfectly, but some things fit much better than others, and many things do fit at least well enough to have allowed humanity to understand enough to survive up to the present. But the limits of appliation of every human concept are always still there at all the edges, waiting for the unsuspecting to fall off the edge into error and failure, and also engendering the same terror that bedeviled 15th century sailors that should they get too far away from the seas of their comfortable beliefs, they would either land themselves on dangerous terra incognita, or worse, fall off the edge of the world.
  5. I was surprised at Oregon. I guess they do have one of the better attendence rates in the conference, I guess Eugene is no farther to drive to for a game from Portand than Lansing is from Det - it just seems to be more in the middle of nohwere because of the geography I guess.
  6. OTOH, the arguing is finally over in the US United Methodist Church. As of this summer's governance meetings the two sides have agreed to go their separate ways with the conservatives "disaffiliating" from the UMC to form a new denomination to be called "Global Methodist Church" Woman pastors are apparently still safe in the GMC...for now.
  7. A plain reading of the NT would tell you that 1st person to go 'preach' about Jesus to others was the Samaritan woman at the well, who went and told her town about him - long before he commissioned any man to do the same.
  8. There are too many of them out there in this same situation. And here is the irony: They want to dismiss GOP-Facism as abberation instead of inevitable consequene of underlying principle, because to throw those underlying political principles overboard is to jettison the exact same kind of comfortable certitude in political understanding that French argues in his column does need to be resisted in religious understanding.
  9. Plates and screws below the elbow here. Between us we have the bionic limb Colonel Steve Austin didn't get.
  10. Jake is sporting a 550 point OPS platoon split. When I see somehing like that I always wonder that they can't coach shifts in setup or mechanics that would help a guy improve a little against the outside pitch (the usual problem) even if costs them a little in their success rate against off hand pitching. Just more evidence to me that hitting coaching is pretty close to useless.
  11. The title of David French's last column in the NYT: "‘Shiny Happy People,’ Fundamentalism and the Toxic Quest for Certainty"
  12. interesting that a couple of apparently wannabe schools from SoCal don't make the top 25.
  13. thought you were talking Daytona? Now that you meniton it I haven't seen anything about New Madrid in awhile. I do remember some number of years ago the concern about it got pretty high.
  14. It might be a little consolation on the season if Cabrera manages to stay healthy enough to have a little run in his last season. If i'm Hinch I'm looking to up his AB's to maybe 60% from the current 40%. But I still would not have played in both ends of a DH.
  15. OTOH, it won't be underwater by the time the mortgage is paid on the the stadium 🤷‍♂️
  16. If we get two "out of nowhere"s in two years we might have to assume the MiLB coaching system for hitterss is improving.
  17. Hen's being shut out but Meadows with another 2/4. 40pt uptick in OBP for June so far.
  18. Jake Rogers has 9 HR in 115 AB. 45% of his hits have left the yard.
  19. The 'primative' form of photoshopping was hand tinting B&W originals. My aunt actually did this as a job in the 40's. Things like professional HS graduation pictures were done in B&W right up through the early 70s for the sake the better contrast, grain and stability. You filled out a slip with the photographer listing the colors of the clothes you were wearing, plus eyes, hair, etc. Then a colorist hand painted the colors on the enlargements. There must have been a similar step at some point in the photolitho process for printing.
  20. The Capitalist class knows that if the Dems win 2024 marginal and corporate tax rates are going up, and since a Biden win probably carries Congress, we are going to get the full court press against Biden till then as the result, . They don't really care about the cultural issues and they don't really like Trump (e.g. Koch is going to spend primary money against Trump), but the sure foreknowledge that a Biden win is going to hit them in the wallet means nothing else matters.
  21. I was a big fan of Mannings upside when he we was coming up, but at this point my doubts are high about his future ability to stay on the field.
  22. Its the kernel of truth that makes the ones that work stick. In this case there may be some generational effect. Voters old enough have watched and remembered the WhiteWater hearings (and esp GOP voters) would recall that Hillary was the stocking horse for some of that good-old-boy graft in Arkansas that funneled money to the Guv'ner. The one in particular that I still remember was that payoffs from Tyson (as in Chicken) were laundered through an options account held by Hillary rather than Bill. Now she maybe have been a semi-unwitting 'victim' of Bill having put her up to it, much like Warren was of what her family had told her - but those are the kinds of things that bite in the asz years later if you get to where the lights are brigher. I still maintain the if Hillary had really been the total political mercenary and all in on wanting to be President, she should have jettisoned Bill. It would have allowed her to walk away from a lot of political baggage.
  23. What would be interesting to see the batted ball data by pitch type. You might see something there - like maybe he hits most of his lazy fly balls against off-speed or something that might offer an idea of where he needs to improve. One thing that does show from his his heat maps is that he has more success with the ball up. So then you want to know whether he tops low pitches and grounds out or underswings on them and pops out? Either way it looks like the adjustment he needs to make is better swing path to pitches lower in the zone. Maybe his buddy Riley can show him that golf swing hack he uses on low pitches.
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