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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. thought you were talking Daytona? Now that you meniton it I haven't seen anything about New Madrid in awhile. I do remember some number of years ago the concern about it got pretty high.
  2. It might be a little consolation on the season if Cabrera manages to stay healthy enough to have a little run in his last season. If i'm Hinch I'm looking to up his AB's to maybe 60% from the current 40%. But I still would not have played in both ends of a DH.
  3. OTOH, it won't be underwater by the time the mortgage is paid on the the stadium 🤷‍♂️
  4. If we get two "out of nowhere"s in two years we might have to assume the MiLB coaching system for hitterss is improving.
  5. Hen's being shut out but Meadows with another 2/4. 40pt uptick in OBP for June so far.
  6. Jake Rogers has 9 HR in 115 AB. 45% of his hits have left the yard.
  7. The 'primative' form of photoshopping was hand tinting B&W originals. My aunt actually did this as a job in the 40's. Things like professional HS graduation pictures were done in B&W right up through the early 70s for the sake the better contrast, grain and stability. You filled out a slip with the photographer listing the colors of the clothes you were wearing, plus eyes, hair, etc. Then a colorist hand painted the colors on the enlargements. There must have been a similar step at some point in the photolitho process for printing.
  8. The Capitalist class knows that if the Dems win 2024 marginal and corporate tax rates are going up, and since a Biden win probably carries Congress, we are going to get the full court press against Biden till then as the result, . They don't really care about the cultural issues and they don't really like Trump (e.g. Koch is going to spend primary money against Trump), but the sure foreknowledge that a Biden win is going to hit them in the wallet means nothing else matters.
  9. I was a big fan of Mannings upside when he we was coming up, but at this point my doubts are high about his future ability to stay on the field.
  10. Its the kernel of truth that makes the ones that work stick. In this case there may be some generational effect. Voters old enough have watched and remembered the WhiteWater hearings (and esp GOP voters) would recall that Hillary was the stocking horse for some of that good-old-boy graft in Arkansas that funneled money to the Guv'ner. The one in particular that I still remember was that payoffs from Tyson (as in Chicken) were laundered through an options account held by Hillary rather than Bill. Now she maybe have been a semi-unwitting 'victim' of Bill having put her up to it, much like Warren was of what her family had told her - but those are the kinds of things that bite in the asz years later if you get to where the lights are brigher. I still maintain the if Hillary had really been the total political mercenary and all in on wanting to be President, she should have jettisoned Bill. It would have allowed her to walk away from a lot of political baggage.
  11. What would be interesting to see the batted ball data by pitch type. You might see something there - like maybe he hits most of his lazy fly balls against off-speed or something that might offer an idea of where he needs to improve. One thing that does show from his his heat maps is that he has more success with the ball up. So then you want to know whether he tops low pitches and grounds out or underswings on them and pops out? Either way it looks like the adjustment he needs to make is better swing path to pitches lower in the zone. Maybe his buddy Riley can show him that golf swing hack he uses on low pitches.
  12. Most hitters would kill to have a 30% LD rate. In 2013, considered by many to be Cabrera's best yr, and one of best in recent right hand hitting history, his LD/GB/FB was 26/40/29. The difference is that right now Tork is hitting his LD's harder than his FBs. That's is an almost microscopic level adjustment to make and yes, 675 AB is a little soon to give up on him making it. Also note that almost every '23 value is improved over '22. Thus the unbiased extrapolation forward is upward.
  13. The players will start buying more training side tech from outside venders. The teams may end up liking that economy wise, but coaches aren't going to like losing management of their players. There is already more of that now than they like. That part would creates more gulf between have and have-not players also.
  14. Other than last night, I don't think Torkelson has been a very aggressive hitter, and I think HR hitters tend to be aggresive. Hopefully it's just something he'll grow into with more experience. His selectivity early in the count can get him behind and then he may have to put a worse pitch in play than one he had taken hoping for something even better. But those 1-2, 2-2 pitches are going to have a lower probability of ending in the seats. So I think he has room to refine his balance there. Plus, it's already true that when he gets ahead his zone judgment is good enough and pitchers have already been reluctant to give in to him so instead of hitting when ahead in the count, he often walks. Walks are good, but they also cut down on chances to drive mistakes. I did like moving him up in the order for that reason.
  15. Brieske rehab relief appearance at Toledo: 1 IP, 0H 1K 1BB. 14 pitches/8 strikes.
  16. It just started raining again in A^2. Radar looks like the big part of the system is going to curl right back up from the South and move over DT again. Don't see where they still see a window unless the wind shifts soon.
  17. It's the hidden variable problem. If a system is complex, you don't really know for sure if there is a hidden variable you don't know about that causes the predictive value of two things that normally correlate to fail. The longer the correlation continues to fails, the more the probability that there is a hidden variable you don't know about rises.
  18. Probably exactly what BaBIP is most useful for: When a player is on a streak, if his BaBIP diverges from his own career baseline as much or more, you probably want to take the results with a grain of salt.
  19. The answer about how he felt about the places he had been in his career was elegant.
  20. if he doesn't need to stretch out he might be back in by the end of the week? Faedo might be close as well as the fingernail fixed apparently worked well and he hasn't been out that long.
  21. Today, Christie comes across as loyal to small d democracy, which is more than the rest them other than Hutchinson - or maybe Pence in his otherwise totally moronic way. But no matter what Christie looks like now, the fact that he *did* once go into the tank for Trump. and that he has also proven himself not to be above abuse of his office when he had power, argue that the level of his commitment to principle still has to be regarded as strongly suspect. In the end talk and posturing are cheap. If he wants to play the useful tool to take Trump down, I'd be glad to shake his hand for doing it, but I'm still not going to offer him my car keys.
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