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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. so tell me again why the Tiger brain trust is constantly preaching "use the big part of the field" to our hitters?
  2. Tigers struggle to get one to tie the game, DBacks come back with multiple extra base hits.
  3. and TBF, at his age he can still improve some at 1st as well. But for all this stuff, sooner would be a lot more fun than later!
  4. Middle-middle FB at 93. That is what you are supposed to do with it! Unfortunately Lorenzen threw pretty much the same pitch to Carroll and he hit his even better.
  5. Surprised I haven't seen him moved to the 60, he's already been on short term IL for 60+ days. Team is a disaster and they don't even have a player they'd like to add to the roster to help?
  6. Funny how his play has gone downhill since Riley went down. Either Riley is a better coach for Tork than anyone the TIgers have hired, or maybe with Riley out he's pressing - that latter is not unlikely I suppose.
  7. Ya Think? Boris Epshteyn has probably been on Moscow's payroll since before he even attached himself to Trump.
  8. So I don't mind so much if a guy takes the first pitch in his 1st AB - for timing and all that. But yeah - with that exception you've got to be ready to hit strike one to give yourself a chance.
  9. I think the idea that you can ever trade your way to being a better team is a little mythical. No-one is going to give you back better than you give up on a regular enough basis to lead to any great overall team improvement. When trading does add to a team's value (value as measured as win potential) is when a team has more resources than it needs in one area that it can trade to improve resource in another - IOW blocked players. You get better because you have talent in your org but you can't use it - trade it for talent you can use. All of this depends on having the talent in your system to begin with. Where do the Tigers? They have nothing to trade that they don't already need desperately (ie. a player like Greene). You can't gain ground that way. You can make some headway by giving up young players for older ones, but that is the Dombrowski dead end. Been there, done that, got the "I've Now Got an Empty System AND a REALLY Terrible Rebuild Ahead of Me" tee-shirt. Now MAYBE - if all the pitching depth comes back healthy, then the Tigers will have some excess value they can't utililize to trade for value they can, but with starting pitching, even that is not easy to do because you can't play a starting pitcher part time to showcase him. A guy like Mize will have to come back and be in the rotation to build up any trade value, but that means some guy like Wentz who is also part of that depth (just speaking hypothetically) that might be building trade value in the majors has been sent to the minors where he can't build trade value as effectively. So before you can trade you have to either spend (you are dead on correct there) to buy more talent, or draft/develop enough talent to have a tradeabe excess. Then you can trade to balance a team for better overall performance. I don't see how anyone can build a team by trading good players until they have the depth to fill behind them so those trades are "adds" instead of just "replaces"
  10. Haberman(NYT) this moring reports that turnover in Trump's legal team is driving largely by everyone hating Trump BFF Boris Epshteyn, who is literally a convicted bar brawler and apparently a drunk as well.
  11. Right. And based on the above, I think we can see Casey has basically two ways to get better once he get healthy. One - after full recovery from the TJ his command *might* actually improve. It does happen for some guys, in which case being able to keep his FB out of the middle of the zone can compensate for it not being the best FB. OR, a grip, release or arm angle tweak gives the FB more life. It's certainly not that he can't (or at least couldn't) throw hard enough. He had plenty of arm - at least before it started to hurt.
  12. Where has Navigato's surge come from? His numbers are closing in on Keith's.
  13. I was leary about Mize because he was a trick pitch pitcher. I don't care how good a college or HS guy's off speed is, in the majors if you can't get guys out with your fast ball when you need to, you are going to be in trouble. And that has been Casey's problem - when he has had to throw his FB it gets hit. On the injury side it would be interesting to know if Pedro was just riffing or if any good data on injury rates vs mechanics has yet emerged. It's mostly just been ambiguity in the past. I still think Torkelson's ability to square up a baseball is well above average and his mechanics are smooth as silk, but his struggles are dismaying. He seems to ping-pong around. For a while too many Ks, then the K rate improved but then he went through a stretch where he got so many walks I think he's gotten too passive. Maybe he needs to just level out. His mantra this Spring had been 'trust the process' and maybe he's let himself get away from that.
  14. I don't think there has been much talent, but the count of guys who are hitting better since having left is threatening to build a counterargument.
  15. was drafted by the *Pistons* in the top ten. That's your difference. I think the Nuggets show two things - it helps not spend your picks on players like Johnson and Killian , but also that 19 is often too young to get much of a handle on what the guys in the 7 foot class are going to turn into.
  16. a little wisdom from the system's best hitter: Of course, the thing with Torkelson is that he says the right things, but I think he still has to turn up his aggression level maybe one notch. Just 2 less cookies a week that are crushed instead of taken would make all the difference.
  17. I'm also not sure if the game hasn't already moved on from the basic predicate about 'getting the starters pitch count up.' We've done that in a number of series game ones already and have pretty much nothing to show for it. Today all teams have deeper BPs with guys that also throw breaking balls.
  18. Axios reports Fox wants to shut down Tucker's podcast https://www.axios.com/2023/06/07/fox-news-tucker-carlson-contract-breach
  19. McCarthy, Jordan, Gaetz, Greene, Hawley, Grassley, Rubio among GOP Congresscritters still all in for Trump after the indictment.
  20. Assange has one less appeal left in the UK https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12174521/Julian-Assange-loses-appeal-against-extradition-espionage-charges.html
  21. It seems they wanted Meadows on the record before indicting. So either that, or I suppose it might not even be as much a matter of Meadows turning on him as they needed Meadows under oath not exonerating him either. IOW, just having Meadows on record that he could not contradict other incriminating testimony. That way Meadows would be risking perjury charges if he were testify in Trumps defense at trial in some way they didn't expect.
  22. media getting excited over SCOTUS voting rights ruling in Alabama case. And certainly any voting rights win from this court is better than the court further eroding democracy. The problem is the looked at this case purely on racial discrimination grounds, which means that sadly, it will have no applicability to gerrymandering in general.
  23. The list of guys not good enough to play for this team........Pretty much a whole damn team all better than this one.
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