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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. media getting excited over SCOTUS voting rights ruling in Alabama case. And certainly any voting rights win from this court is better than the court further eroding democracy. The problem is the looked at this case purely on racial discrimination grounds, which means that sadly, it will have no applicability to gerrymandering in general.
  2. The list of guys not good enough to play for this team........Pretty much a whole damn team all better than this one.
  3. If there hadn't already been so many already, Lange turning into a pumpkin would be the last straw for this team!
  4. well, more a squib than a boom, but maybe enough - if Lange is on tonight.
  5. Ford probably lost the election over pardoning Nixon. Argues no-one will make that mistake again.
  6. It's beyond weird how one one hand, we can keep getting such gut it out, fight your way through performances from pitchers no-one ever heard of, and other hand it doesn't matter whether the bat came here from trade, college, HS, international, they all come to the Tiger org to die.
  7. there were reports the DOJ had a meeting with the Congressional leadership (the so-called gang of eight). Speculation was to tell them about a Trump indictment. EDIT: Aaannd there it is. Indictment just popped onto the front page of the NYT.
  8. I know it's beating a dead horse, but it keeps happening. Someone needs to write "Stop taking middle-middle fastballs for strike 1" on the bill of all of Torkelson's caps. And if this is coaching, it needs to change.
  9. You remember how Pedro Martinez looked at Casey Mize pitch and said he was going to break down? I remember a Sports Doc before the draft that watched Zion play, even broke down the way he walked around in street clothes, and said he was trouble. Maybe the guy was FOS and it's just been blind bad luck with Zion, but I've always remembered that.
  10. I don't know if A^2 was just in a clear patch but they said yesterday that Detroit air was supposedly very bad but vis here was fine - infact we drove out to Pickney area and the sky was fairly blue everywhere. Now today it's definitely a lot worse - almost no blue to the sky.
  11. There has been a lot of back and forth at various councils since, but for practical purposes, for the Western Churches most canon was set under Augustine's leadership in the 4th century. The big change after that came when the Protestant movement switched their choice of OT authority from the Septuagint (Greek) to the Masoretic Text (Hebrew) - (KJV reflects this) . For the Protestants reformers, this helped remove authority for some RCC doctrines they didn't like that were supported in the Duetorecanon/Apochrypha since those book are not in the Masoretic Canon . The Protestant reformers may have also viewed the Masoretic text as more 'authentic' than the Septuagint (the Greek OT which contains the Dueterocanon).
  12. While never Orthodox by choice or practice, I was born into it, which left me with sort or a positive disposition about it just because of it's history and persistence. But the abject failures of the Orthodox churches in Russia and the ex-Yugoslavia just go to prove no matter what its roots, any institution anywhere can go seriously wrong.
  13. Looking back from today's perspective, Graham's work against the election of JFK out of fear that electing a Catholic would deliver the presidency to the Pope seems hopelessly Quixotic. Graham later in life did say he had regrets about his involvement with politics and political figures. But whether you think someone's theology is broken and whether you think they are a grifter are separate questions at different levels. And it can go the other way as well. Just because a guy is a grifter doesn't mean he can't preach anything that has some truth. It's being able to get close enough to what people will recognize as some piece of the truth that is what makes the grift work.
  14. Was Billy G even really a 'televangilist' though? A lot of his events were televised but I don't remember that he ever did any kind of scheduled TV where it was the major focus, though I could be wrong. He did do a regular radio program at one point. The granddaddy for TV would have to be Fulton Sheen I suppose. Sheen had all the standard RCC hang-ups about human sexuality but I don't know that anyone ever accused him of being a grifter. Maybe the 1st, last and only for whom that's still true?
  15. Biblical literalism is good training for this.
  16. Yup. 5 guys started 60 games for the Nuggets. All drafted in the 1st 15, except Jokic. 🤔
  17. Yup - the whole DeSantis schtick revolves around it not being enough to win elections and carry policy, but you have to destroy your opposition - literally remove them from their existence: Freedom defined as not ever having to even hear from anyone that opposes you. A simply terrible, totalitarian, approach to politcs and a sad commentary on the emotional and moral sense of anyone that supports him. DeSantis could walk on to one the Russia Today news sets where the talk of genocide and nuclear annihilation of enemies runs 24/7 and find himself perfectly at home.
  18. MBS is a difficult story. At the micro level, he is a creep; at the macro level, he's busy planting every kind of seed that will eventually undermine both the Saudi Theocracy and his own Monarchy, so we don't want to impede his progress on that part if we can help it.
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