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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. I like this idea. But go the next step and plant a row or two of trees all the way around the park and then you have the "Tiger Woods." Perfert. We need to get our people on the phone to his people.
  2. Ironic - the one site that I didn't mind paying to join doesn't ask for my money anymore while a hundred others I have no interest in hound me constantly.....
  3. I wouldn't go that far. I don't think the situations are exactly comparable - sort of apples and oranges in many ways, but overall I don't think you can say the outcome in Ukraine will be any less important to the future of the entire EU and thus to the US than what happens in Taiwan. At the purely strategic level, the essentially independent status of Taiwan actually doesn't do anything now to limit the rest of China's strategic reach in the Asia/Pacific. You can compare it to the impact Cuba has had on the US's international reach. Taiwan's importance strategically lies in the one technological niche they dominate, and knowledge and technology are both transient and mobile in the modern world. If the Chinese move on Taiwan it's a pretty good bet that the unique expertise at TSMC will have long fled the scene before any regent of Xi's sits in Taipei. OTOH, the status of Ukraine will completely swing every aspect of the political and security situation in the Europe and the Atlantic. The US cannot see either situation as an excuse to beggar the other.
  4. A standard road bike jersey has 3 pockets in the back but they're pretty useless for anything heavier than some portable calories as if you put anything in them as heavy as a phone, the jersey then binds at your neck while you ride, which doesn't do. Ergo, the waist pack - which when on the bike is worn directly over the back, so 'lap' is hardly apropos. Just because lazy walkers wear them in front, I refuse to be bound by their semantics. 🚲
  5. I'm not a serious enough photographer to ever carry a full size SLR around anymore either, but I do have a small format SLR. It will go in a jacket pocket and I can carry the telephoto and extra battery for it in a fanny pack, which is about as much extra as I'm willing to carry.
  6. Skubal was through his 2ip in only 12 pitches. He threw more than that in his batting practice sessions. Maybe he tossed a few more in the pen after he left the game.
  7. Years ago I was surrounded by older men men who had initially reached adulthood as tinny tenors but had smoked their way to a dulcent baritone. Bad trade off of course.
  8. And offensive production from the IF is just making the Paredes move burn all the more. 811 OPS. When you know you could have been be better if you had just done nothing it's all the more frustrating.
  9. In scoring 3 runs total in three games in warm summer weather in a band box like WhoseverRate Field, the Tigers met quite a standard in offensive futility.
  10. Could there be a different reliever of the month in June? Meh - Lange had a bad day - but who knows, if they had scored a couple of runs and he came in not having to work so fine maybe he doesn't walk anyone. There aren't many times I'm going to fault the pitching in a loss when we scored 2 or less.
  11. Whoever put the two of them in the same booth with such similar sound was a sonic moron. When you can't identify the two sides of a conversation it's very disorienting to listen to, even if the conversation might have made sense. So that was one strike. And of course the other was that there had been no reason to make the change. Either of them might have succeeded as a member of a new team here if Ernie had retired voluntarily, because we recognized we couldn't replace him. But for someone else to be there when Ernie was still available and still perfectly capable was completely unacceptable. That strike two was so big that you didn't need a strike three.
  12. I wish they did routine breathalizers on these runs. These people can't be sober, can they?
  13. If it looked like it was coming to that there is always the possibility that the Dems decide to save him. That would only happen if the Dem side calculation is that chaos in the Congress will play badly for Dems and the Presidents in the election even if it is the GOPs fault. Likely? IDK, but possible I think.
  14. Chuck Todd done at Meet the Press https://www.washingtonpost.com/media/2023/06/04/chuck-todd-leaving-meet-the-press-welker/ 👏
  15. That's my boy. Took a middle-middle FB for a called strike one, then hit an slider put into the bottom corner of the zone, a pitcher's pitch, for the HR. Baseball.
  16. yes and no. Rodriguez' injury I think was the stake through the heart. Until then there was some kind of outside shot because while it's hard to see where consistent run production can possibly come from, the team still managed to get to 1 under 500 with it's best pitcher due back in a month. But now all we can hope for is Skubal replaces ERod.
  17. Nope. What they didn't tell us in our childhood was that Briggs was a terrible man. That's a place we don't need to go back to.
  18. He might have. Just because he couldn't hit the breaking ball didn't mean he wasn't one of the more athletic players to put on a Tiger jersey.
  19. won't say I'm certain, but catchers know the timing for each pitch they call and from the way he moved it sure looked like Haase was expecting breaking ball velo there because he was way out of rhythm to get to it.
  20. That's the worst combination; Haase called for off-speed, got the fast ball *and* the fast ball was way out of the zone and he wasn't ready to react to it.
  21. yes it would have been a great story if Malloy had been able to keep it up long enough to have more seriously demanded a call-up. That seems to have gone by the wayside for now. Is Keith the lightning in the bottle we hope for? Again - maybe, check back in another 50->100 AB and maybe the wisdom of a call-up to Det will be clearer, though I wouldn't hestitate to bump him to AAA.
  22. It all platitudes with Craig. He's got like two dozen stock phrases and tosses them out there at random as though Shep is rolling for them with an isosahedron gaming die.
  23. I don't think we are anywhere near where we should pull the plug on him, it looks like there is a lot of talent there, as long as he keep evolving. I'm willing to see if learning to take a walk is a good intermediate step for him. So I'm less impatient with him than just looking at what I think his next step needs to be. And with any team there is always the question whether the right voices are in his ear for what *he* needs to learn to do - which may or not be what any other hitter on the team needs to do. I understand that when a team is as completely messed up as the Tigers have been you maybe need to have 'team' approaches, but OTOH, baseball is a stupendously individualized sport - no two guys have the same skill-set/strengths/weakesses. 'Team' based coaching is fine up to a point, the good hitters especially have to be free to optimize their approach to their strengths. Hopefully the Tigers have a staff now where that can happen.
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