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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. RIght. Against a RH 'opener' you expect to see LH bats somewhere in the top of the order so you if you can get your RHP though the order up to the 2nd PA of the 1st good LH bat, that is when you make your change. I can see the league disallowing it at some point just because that is the kind of short sighted 'fix' that top admins like. Of course the real response to 'openers' is developing LH bats to hit LHP. Something the Tigers are notably working on - maybe because they see openers as an inevitable future if they are not banned? I think this will also tie into ABS in a big way. My prediction is that unless they formally widen the K zone, ABS will be calling it narrower. That is going to hurt slider pitchers more than change of speed pitchers and thus it will probably reduce platoon splits for both pitchers and batters as change of speed and fastball movement become the more important aspects of pitching compared to horizontal break. Not that they will disappear, but if splits get smaller strategies like openers become less significant. Again, the risk to the game is that league management won't give the game time to re-equilibrate to needed changes and instead will either back off or make other counter-productive rule changes instead of just giving players time to develop the skills to match the rules.
  2. I think so with JV Just checking - 2006 wasn't so much an issue but I was just looking at his splits and '07, '07, '09 his 1st inning ERA was definitely elevated.
  3. I'd say the opposite (talking the 1st take here). He wants to do something to win that might be frowned on so he obfuscates that something is just sort of happening accidentally when he is doing what he is doing with studied intention. "we're just piecing it together as we go....."
  4. I've seen the management at Marinette claim they can't find enough welders to keep on schedule. DOD is the biggest most successful training organization in the world. Go teach some people how to do the job and offer a salary to pull people in. It's one thing to fail because you don't know how to do what you set out to do (the Zumwalt gun), it's another when you don't do what you know perfectly well how to do.
  5. yes, yes it is OK - here is the flip side: You follow Hinch close enough to know he hates labeling anything because he feel labels put him in boxes he doesn't want to operate in. So he resists calling someone he uses as closer the closer, moves guys around the batting order enough that no-one is really strictly a 'leadoff' or 'clean-up' hitter and uses an opener without calling it that.
  6. Good question. Maybe they do it for 'political' reasons. I get the impression there are powers that be in league management who don't like teams using openers and since the bulk guys we are using have come from the minors and never started for Detroit, Hinch can maintain a fig leaf that these are true bullpen days forced by our injury depleted condition instead of openers being used to grease the skids for low quality LH starters. Maeda is the exception (and also right handed) but a failed starter being demoted the the bullpen as a long man is SOP enough not to raise eyebrows.
  7. I think it's understandable that there are conservatives who may want Trump to lose but still don't want to go as far as overtly cooperating with Dems because they still believe that once Trump is off the stage there will be a GOP for which they will have to pick up the pieces and if they switch sides overtly, they think they won't be able to do that. And there are still local and state parties they are loyal to that haven't been totally Trumpified. They may end up being wrong, but the outcome is still an unknown.
  8. and the US Navy's ship building program has been utter chaos and incompetence for 30+ yrs. We haven't had the Navy be a campaign issue since Reagan but it should be. It would be really nice if at some point in the near future a President comes in and cleans house in the Navy procurement system - shock and awe, top to bottom.
  9. in that era 3B was more a glove 1st position so Wert's occasional power was his plus attribute.
  10. First step is beat the teams you should.
  11. LOL - Tork's HR keeps his buddy Greene on the bench. What else is friendship for?
  12. Meadows goes yard against a LHP. Beautiful.
  13. straight to mute whenever I hear JK's voice. Whether it's an interminable family interview or a waste of time parley segment, hate'em all.
  14. mostly late on 94 MPH fastballs tonight.
  15. But the reason that Romney doesn't feel the conflict is that it's not Trump as president that bothers him. the Blue side wonders why Mitt can't cross the line when it looks like he wants to, but that is a misreading. Mitts is disgusted by Trump the man, not Trump the President. Its personal, not policy. So he wants to disassociate himself from the man, but not necessarily from a GOP Presidency that conducts itself like Trumps. He's not really the friend to the pro-democracy, expansion of rights, good government types they think he is.
  16. Tork with a concentration lapse costs the Tigers a run.
  17. I think you are correct. To me it's a moral cop out. He finds Trump's election repugnant enough he won't vote for him, but he won't do anything to help stop it either (like a D endorsement). To me you are saying you don't really care if a bad thing happens as long as your fingerprints aren't on it directly. I don't see how that washes ethically. YMMV. That's exactly what Walz highlighted in his speech - that in a community you have a positive obligation to help, whether you view that as a moral imperative or just as an obligation of citizenship.
  18. Yeah 'Hospital' is a very uneven market segment. Doctors, equipment manufacturers and the drug industry seem to be able to extract a lot of income. The hospitals themselves and all the support staff (nurses etc) not so much.
  19. They've carried Wentz so long at this point you might as well keep him through the end of season - left handers are notorious for being late developers and the cost of seeing where he is next Spring is now pretty small. If they DFA him even now he'd almost certainly get picked up - he's a left hander with a pulse.
  20. It coudn't hurt, and It would be a nice campaign talking point or commercial. But I wouldn't expect any ex-GOP endorsements of Harris to make much difference. There will be some undecideds who will remember who Mattis is and give value to his opinion but it will be pretty meaningless to your average low information voter - they won't know or care who he is. I think Mitt is the only guy who might move some votes, and as noted, I don't think he will go there.
  21. For those that weren't there: If you were too young to remember mystique of the Camelot Dems or the corruption of Nixon GOP, and just had Carter and Reagan in your memory, you would remember the Dems as feckless, impotent over Iran, confused, moralizing, overseeing a hollowed out shell of a military, and at a loss over rampant inflation that threatening the collapse the economy in a way that this last round never got close to. The other thing that most people don't remember about inflation then was that tax brackets were not indexed then. Each year inflation was not only driving the cost of living, but also pushing people into higher tax brackets, which was just the icing on the cake for people's fury at the Carter admin. OTOH, Reagan may not always have had his facts straight on everything, but he fixed what was wrong (at least short term - nobody saw the long term income distribution disaster in the making) in a way Carter never looked like he was close to finding and he had some superstars in his cabinet in Schultz, Dole and Baker. So if that was your era, and you still believe in the GOP as the problem solving party - there is reason. The thing to remember for todays young Dems looking back now and wondering is that the wise old soul that Jimmy Carter has become is not the president he was.
  22. Neither will. I could see Romney saying he won't vote for Trump, but not that he would vote D. Bush is never going to leave his easel again.
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