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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. you are a lot more optimisitic than I am. I can easily see enough of the Democratic electorate thinking 'Defense of democracy' is old news - been there done that and Tuesday is my busy day, and blowing off voting in '24. It's not like they don't have a proven history of it.
  2. Don't buy it. The whole context was that entitlements were off the table in the current negotiation because they were "mandated" -- which was the word McCarthy did use. The 'mandates' are exactly Medicare/Medicaid and SSI so maybe his verbal taxonomy didn't say the words by species but he specified the genus clearly enough.
  3. The two are not mutually exclusive. How many states do you suppose actually bar a candidate in jail from the ticket? If they don't, it won't make any difference. And actually pretty sure they couldn't anyway -- states can't set requirements for Federal office holders and the Constitution doesn't say anything about disqualification for being locked up. Unfortunately, despite it being pretty obvious now, the Founders failed to anticipate that half the nation's electorate might someday go insane.
  4. LOL - "Bipartisan Commission."? Good luck with that. I bet Dem members will just be lining up for that assignment.
  5. Yeah - this is exactly the kind of "Euwww, but Biden is old and wrinkly" democratic party apathy election that could put us right back to the 2016 disaster. The other elephant in the room is that the Dems would also apparently rather lose than replace Harris on the ticket. I haven't seen a VP get less love from their own party since Dan Quayle.
  6. Tigers have history there - don't forget Christin Stewart.
  7. The flip side it that its probably young players most likely to overtrain/over-practice. Shoes probably play a part too. When you hit your 20's and your bones all harden up sometimes you don't realize you need to transition to a more shock absorbing shoe than you have been using without issue until something like this happens.
  8. has anyone noticed that Riley was running sort of funny this season? I didn't remember if he has alway done that but he has had sort of a 'mincing' way of running recently at least. I wonder if he has been trying to play through discomfort for some time. Actually I don't wonder - he must have, stress fractures develop over time.
  9. yeah - I get that, but the I'm also old enough to remember that Hinch's first year with Avila was quite a public statement lovefest as well - so call me jaded..... Don't get me wrong, I like alot about Hinch, but I also think he is much more the shapeshifter than we give him credit for. I think his public presentation is much more calculated than it appears and that that is by design. Again, I woldn't even call that a fault in a person doing his job, but it does mean keep the salt close by.
  10. or Hinch just wants to win every game he can without regard to development value because his cachet as a manager is rapidly taking on water running this team. I wouldn't find that unlikely at all. >Maybe because they have already rigorously attempted to get Baddoo to hit lefties better and have determined that he simply can't do so What is the evidence to support this conclusion? - Not being combative here - serious question.
  11. It's a moot point because this management isn't going to do it. I'm finding their approach oddly contradictory. OTOH, Harris comes in with a lot of talk about giving young guys room to develop, then they play these really strict platoons even in game situations where you could easily give the guy a chance to get in an opposite side AB in a low leverage situation. Yeah - I get the idea "get every guy in every game so everyone is on their toes." I just don't see this as the same level of holy grail they apparently do that it has to override everything else. Then again, the extened loss of Riley and ERod is going to kneecap this team anyway.
  12. that only cost Iglesias a whole season............ 6 wks minimum anyway.
  13. in the context of a season where we are carrying Cabrera this can hardly be a serious concern can it?
  14. "Come mothers and fathers Throughout the land And don't criticize What you can't understand Your sons and your daughters Are beyond your command Your old road is rapidly agin' Please get out of the new one If you can't lend your hand"
  15. Re: Yips. Hate to see that - is he going to be able to get the ball to the 2b from the OF?
  16. Yes - for a couple of resasons. Baddoo has had such a tortuous development path that he still doesn't have enough history to make much in the way of hard judgments about it - i.e. he is still under 200 career AB against LHP. The other is that in his limited time playing semi-often against LHP in 21 he did walk a decent clip (~10%) and if a guy can manage the zone from that could be hint you might have something to work with, while in his weird truncated '22 his platoon split was actually negative - granted mostly because he wasn't hitting RHP either, but if a guy can get better against one, that certainly leaves the door open that he might against the other. Lastly -- if you look at his heat maps there isn't much inside/outside bias - in fact if anything he's a little better against the pitch away, so that's another hint he might have something to work with. So yeah - it's an investment I would make.
  17. so extending some idle speculations on platooning: When position rosters were 15 deep and teams could and did platoon more, what would the effect on pitching have been? On a first pass I would postulate that in relative terms it must have made the slider a less valuable pitch for pitchers since they probably had to face a lot more opposite side hitters. Could that be part of the increasing level of strain for ML pitchers over all? Wouldn't it be an odd irony if the increase in the numbers of pitchers carried on rosters actually was leading to worse health for pitchers overall because it encourages the use of more hard breaking balls by insuring that pitchers saw fewer opposite side hitters? And of course in recent years up until thise one, the rise of shifting had devalued traditional advantage of LH hitting even more.
  18. If Riley goes to the DL I think I'm buying a ticket to Tibet.
  19. The injury wastage on this team has gotten beyond ridiculous. We have a whole starting rotation on the DL.
  20. Sparky also had 15 position players on his roster. Be nice to see that again but I'm not holding my breath.
  21. LOL - it's a measure of how bad the pitching has been tonight that with Rehab calling strikes down to the ankles there still have been 15 runs scored.
  22. LOL - Dickerson finished his broadcast rights disclaimer by saying that if Anderson's family and friends want to show off Grant's debut performance they will have to call the league office for their express consent!
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