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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. from the small amount of reading of Hindu lit I've done, there is a sort of ethos deep in Indian culture that I think it's hard for those of us steeped in the way we do morality in the Judeo-Christain system to wrap our head around. I'm not going to get this quite right but it's sort of a sense that you are justified in doing the thing your destiny has set you up to do. Or maybe "do your job man" and you're justified by doing it, release yourself from your judgments about it. If the Indian PM sees his job/India's destiny to position India thusly, then that transcends the kind of tranactional morality we would apply to the details. In the B'Ghita Arjuna is concerned that war is evil and he should not take part, Krishna basically tells him he is a warrior and *his* higher morality is to be the best warrior. That's not generally a WWJD take.
  2. He's getting a little like Anibal Sanchez - strong starts but the wheels come off completely at the end of the string. You just have to resign yourself to having a short leash - if you don't get an inning out of him you might have - so what? Tigers BP was always so bad when Sanchez was here that they always let him go too long. No excuse to do that now.
  3. tough play on hard hit ball, you don't have a lot of time to take whatever extra steps you need to work around the lights and a park on the road never becomes 2nd nature.
  4. maybe it's the darker shirts but Jeimer looks a little trimmer.
  5. The question is "Whose Greed"? TPTB love to blame it on greedy serfs and their grubby socialist labor unions driving wages, heaven forbid you point the camera back on them for driving prices. 😱
  6. May or may not be signficant that Colin Kahl is leaving the Admin to go back to Stanford. Supposedly he and Blinken have been at odds over levels of support for Ukraine.
  7. TBF, Germany has made a turnaround since the Defense Minister was replaced in Jan.
  8. I have mixed feelings about Vierling. He's getting rave OF reviews but to my eye, it's all about his speed, I don't think his glove skills are all that good, but if in the end he gets to enough balls and make some easy plays look hard I'll be glad to forgive him for it! and yes - the bigger problem is that he is on a 3 for 37.
  9. I don't know if he's quick enough on this skates to become a good pressuring forechecker, but sure, I'd take that kind of outcome - it's a big need on the current team.
  10. Fair enough - and of course no-one knows what Russia is going to do. Putin could reverse himself, his position could collapse and what comes after could be better or worse, he could simply remain an intractable enemy of the West in all things, his army could turn on him, or not. We know from history that a dictactorship like Putin's is often perfectly stable right up until the moment it is not. Anyone who says they know is lying. But in the most fundamental sense, he is still the primary driver in this situation and everyone else's strategy is forced to be reactive. Clearly everyone hopes that an outright defeat or at least severe enough set-backs on the ground will eventually make Putin's continued control in Russia untenable and the resolution of the conflict with be a peice of the re-organization of the Russian state government, but hope is all it is.
  11. it basically all comes down to Ilitch not being a strongly competitively motivated owner. If his own inner demons made wins more important to him, what we or Hinch or Miggy think about the situation or the nominal amount of money Cabrera is worth wouldn't matter. C'est la vie.
  12. well, Kiermaier hadn't been until this year in Toronto at 35. Has anyone checked his hat size?
  13. And the level of pressure may also depend on Carpenter and possibly Malloy. The alternatives are always a factor.
  14. I just find him frustrating. He's sort of a quintessential AAAA player. He has a certain skill set that works at lower levels, it doesn't play well at the NHL level but he shows no sign of moving on from it. How many hundred times did Veleno start the same rush up along the boards only to be met and erased by the NHL caliber defender he can't beat waiting for him? Result being just another give away. They say insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result? That's been Joe's game.
  15. this is correct, and TBF I don't think there are many voices criticizing Cabrera for taking his money. This is absolutely on the team for not giving him the DFA - I would guess from the reporting he won't accept being DL'd.
  16. When you consider all the Hall of Famers that got cut by teams back in the day because they would not carry them near the end of their careers even when they were still moderately productive, it's quite the contrast. You can argue that the game today may be of higher quality because the athletes are better, but I'm not sure some of the old time team managements didn't have more competitive drive than today's neo-billionaire owner class. Or just for the thought experiment to a more recent case - can you even dream that George Steinbrenner would carry a Cabrera on one his Yankee teams? He'd have cut DiMaggio if he were performing at Cabrera's level.
  17. I really don't know how much is just political reluctance by Biden vs US 3D level chess strategy vs a newly energized Europe, but as long as the right things do happen, then IMO having the US lurking more in the background than in a highly public lead can only have good long term consequences - both for how things play in Russia and future Euro integration of Ukraine.
  18. getting a little more background on this, spiting DeSantis certainly plays a big part, but there are apparently a few additional moving parts here, as you might expect in any big corporate move. One is that this development was not an Iger project, and when he inherited it he was not big on the idea a moving a chunk of the creative management talent away from the studio in CA. Disney is apparently also not thrilled with the increasing prospect of FLA allowing inceased Casino activity near Disney venues. So some additional parallel motivations.
  19. Cold is a downside of all battery powered equip. Every kind of battery performs worse in cold weather. Some chemistries are better than others, but all suffer as the temperature falls. In theory, IC engines get a boost from cold weather as the it increases the cylinder charge density, but that I don't know if in practice that compensates for poorer fuel system performance in the cold.
  20. The umpires may not 'run' the clock, but they are in charge of it. I don't think a home team clock operator would get much leeway from the HP ump before he noticed if the operator were trying to shade it for the home team. Then again, we are talking about these major league umpires......🤮
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