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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Elon has his wee fweelings hurt because Soros dumped all his Tesla stock. https://news.yahoo.com/billionaire-investor-george-soros-fund-095450069.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAFBw84O3ZUlxsg0McCgt4t0Qws4QSJUoP6McgYeeTP0AOUhP1MpCaqNMRD3fip3TJlAY7xkjUpL03YmFlcaXxur-5vFMomQwoXTliRixAVxP0DM4R-8hzdmFtxdnNaRd1KQMprYEe6ZU51bUOIvHwmPjbZTEZk6krXbrCp30CyS5
  2. Ha! You can almost see exactly how there could be an irony at work here. If you only look for guys who are already short to the ball, they are already at the level of pitch recognition and contact they can reach by being short. But if you look at guys who are succeeding to the same degree at the lower levels without being short - maybe those are the guys with the potential to hit much better pitching when if and when they learn how to get shorter. Or another way to put it, maybe a hitter succeeding with bad mechanics must actually have better vision and reflexes, so if you improve *his* mechanics, you maybe get a major leaguer. With hitting its the vision and reflex which are the irreducibles. You can't do much of anything to change or augment those, while mechanics can be fixed -at least in theory. So a system that only looks for guys that already have good mechanics is excluding a lot of guys that could have a lot more upside potential while bringing in guys who are already doing the one thing they would coach them to if they weren't already doing it.
  3. LOL, you don’t even need to be old enough to have grey hair to remember when the Tigers brain trust used to spend their time trying to persuade young pitchers to stick to three pitches.
  4. just got done watching this one off the DVR. Riley is some kind of hot this week. And Seattle had more IF hit luck than any team should have in a week! Also: Having Maton behind Torkelson is good practice for Spencer learning to take pitches late in the count, because they aren't going to throw him anything hittable....🙄
  5. I think it comes down to two questions: First - how much time is enough time for them to decide if he is ever going to be an MLB 3b (or OF). If he shows no defensive progress and the decision is he only gets to the majors as a DH, then from that moment forward your decision to move him turns only on his bat. Conversely, assuming they do think he can become a serviceable 3B, then the question is how much any continued improvement in his 3b play hinges on being at AAA vs Det. Can he get in just as much extra work with just as good instruction here as there? If so, then maybe you are back to the first part - where you are really only waiting to be sure the bat is ready - or you do keep him in Toledo because you do believe he can progress defensively faster there? Personally I am at a loss to see any reason that should be true, unless they think that once he achieves a 25 man roster spot his motivation to keep improving will lag. Anyway - that's how I would lay out my options if I'm playing armchair GM.
  6. funny enough you should mention it, but I can give you an example. I worked for a while for a F100 oil field services Co and we had thousands of people in company leased cars going to customer facilities. Mother Corp ended up going to great lengths to protect themselves from liability from their employees in their cars messing up. For instance we were all sent to a high class professional driving school (which was neat) and we had a 0.000 BAL policy where your ass was flat fired if you were ever stopped at any time and blew anything but a zero-zero in the company car or anyone else's. Plus random drug testing (though that was as much for being around hazardous equip as for driving..) At any rate, the point is out there in the 'real' world with real employers and real money floating around, liability gets a lot more real too. My Corp wasn't doing all that to be a good corporate citizen (they weren't one) they were doing it to try and reduce the number of liability claims they were experiencing and to build their due dilegence defense portfolio.
  7. LOL. Of course not! But the difference is going to be the way the liability shifts. When it was illegal boosters operating outside the rules, the Universities themselves could always deny liability. In fact the major sanction levied by the NCAA was always about 'loss of institutional control' which only reinforced the fiction of the firewall between the University and legal liability for whatever went on with 'unsurpervised' athletes. But now with the Schools hip deep in organizing and coordinating NIL themselves, I think they are going to find deniability harder to preserve, and they are not going to like it.
  8. I've never gotten the impression that Boros is one to play games and in fact I imagine once Turnbull hired him he made sure everyone had their cards face-up on the table. Boros plays a hard game and plays it better than almost anyone, but he is well respected everywhere in the league because 'dicking around' is something he doesn't do. Maybe he'll be good for Turnbull if Spencer does have a tendancy to be that way.
  9. Greene and Torkelson with decent swings, Young pitcher did OK. Other than that nothing. I guess in 162 games there will always be days when a team just seems flat altogether as a team, but the Tigers seem to have more of them than they should. There's a skill in baseball in bearing down to be a tough out when you have to - you're not necessarily even tying to do damage, but your're just up there to make the pitcher suffer - do whatever to extend an AB even if you are giving yourself up in the end . You need guys that will do that in a game like this just for the benefit of rest of your lineup. Make the other guy work, change the rhythm, generate a little energy for your bench, make a statement that your team is still here, give your own pitcher a chance to recoup. Tigers don't have anybody that can/will.
  10. yup - That's is another thing with Maybin, he knocked around the league long enough to have played with a ton of other good players.
  11. I was disappointed to see Anderson Cooper's defense. It was a complete straw man exercise. Yes, Trump has to be covered exactly because he is real and is out there doing his damndest to win again. But that isn't close to being the question in play with the other night. That question is 'does a news org cover him like THAT'?, to which no journalist worth his keyboard should agree.
  12. Even in one game, as long as you see all the numbers for both teams you're going to get a really quick idea what the ranges are.
  13. I still prefer a non-pitcher as a general principle though. One of Maybin's strengths is that despite his career having been largely derailed by injuries, he was pretty close to being a true 5 tool player - he can talk about anything guys are doing on the field from the 1st person perspective of someone who knew how to do it right and do it well. I think that brings a value we have been missing - we really haven't had a guy like that in booth since Kell/Kaline. None of Rod/Kirk/Craig were ever that kind of player or could bring that slant. Gibson for base-running, but that was about all.
  14. You really know how bad it is when I tell you that Shep is probably better with Gibson that with any of the others! Actually they normally do OK together, you might have caught Kirk on a down day - he's having more of those as time goes by.
  15. I wouldn't think they have a hard decision in place that he can't be brought to Det if his fielding does comes around. If he gets to 'passable' where the value of bat carries the glove, there's nothing that says his fielding can't continue to improve with extra work in Detroit as easily as in Tolelo. The hard decision would be if he just doesn't show the aptitude at Toledo so do how long to you keep him there working at the IF instead of sending him up to be aDH? In that case I could see them giving him a whole year at AAA as the last chance to prevent being a career DH.
  16. I don't know if Schoop has passed his final expiration date as an MLB player or not, but unless something changes quick, he's profiling like a guy that is going to get waived out of the league and have go to play in Japan (or equiv) for a year to get his swing back if he can before we see him back in the majors anywhere.....
  17. The ol' "Make two outs in the same inning" for Hernandez.
  18. Boyd is no Cy Young, but you still don't normally see a guy come in have zero ability to throw any of his pitches for strikes.
  19. Schoop handcuffed pn a hot grounder. Hinch should try handcuffing him to the locker room radiator...
  20. Boyd every which way but lose. Not finishing on the fastball, holding the breaking ball too long.
  21. Schoop has had only 11 PA in May. Coincidence? I think not.
  22. I think he has a real talent for BP management. He keeps guys on schedule, he normally stays ahead of the game on his sequencing, and he understands how to sequence guys to maximize their different looks. Sure, sometimes a guy blows up and messes up the plan, but in general I give Hinch a lot of credit on BP use. But that said, I still have a susupicion he messes with his hitters' heads too much and I can't escape the feeling that the guys that are beginning to come our of their funks are doing so because they are beginning to tune out all the 'advice'.
  23. Next few weeks in Ukraine will get very interesting. So far AFU seem to be pushing back around Bakhmut, possisibly threatening the RU forces three with encirclement. Since this would be such a huge embarrassment for Putin, MOD, and Wagner, it could also be that it is the perfect feint to draw RU strength away from where the real blow lands...
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