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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. The least you can say about ERod is that whatever motivates him, it may be more complex than the average jock. A guy interested only in money or his own success doesn't walk away for a season = for whatever reasons he did.
  2. you remember the duct tape/bailing wire fixit guy whose handle was something about Inge? Also a gun nut. Just waiting to be a statistic in such a study. Had little kids at home and it sounded like he slept with a loaded shotgun behind his bedroom door.
  3. There's a balance to strike though - you have to keep a good clubhouse, but if you throw every athlete that's only in it for themselves overboard, you're going to have a whole team of James McCanns and lose a lot of games with it. There are a lot of selfish players out there with a lot of rings.
  4. I think they complained about that in the Baroque era.
  5. Truly. OTOH, in his limited MLB AB he's holding a 700 OPS. That not anything to get excited about and even that may not be sustainable, but for now it is at least in the ball park of major league. Compared to what we are getting out of a Schoop or Cabrera that's a big improvement!
  6. Bingo. He's another closet fascist trying to keep just enough lipstick on his pig so he can't still travel in A-list circles without being hissed at by the glitterati.
  7. So semi-realistically , beyond Torkelson and Greene, we have McKinstry doing a good job OBP wise, and Baddoo also has potential to keep up a decent OBP. With Javy playing more to his career averages (which he actually has been doing since mid-season last year) you could have 5 guys with a reasonable chance not to make an out. That's marginal but should not be record breaking bad like last season. If Carpenter gets back you *might* approach reasonable. But yeah - even under the best of circumstances they are going to have to rely on success keeping runs against below average. It would be nice to have some confidence that we are going to get something out of Maton or Vierling, but right now that's not easy.
  8. There once was a poster named Bert Who bad Tigers teams really hurt. Now Scott Harris call shots Wins are coming in lots.. Will our fav Bert soon be back here to flirt?
  9. I believe it matters that a level of order be maintained. In an organized society the public does have a right to expect that government maintain a level of orderliness and that does put it at odds with a situation where the number of people trying to cross the border overwhelms the resources available to insure any kind of orderly process, and this includes the situation downstream with the immigration courts and asylum adjudication. Previous admins, and apparently this one as well, appear to have taken a sort of backhanded approach, trying to make the apprehension experience bad enough to dissaude people. I think that is both cruel and ineffective. I tend more an more to believe that what has to happen is the US simply shut down our asylum policy. It's become a joke anyway. Either we decide to absorb the total population of Central America, or we say no-one is coming here other than by normal application process in your home country. I don't think the first proposition is going to fly poliitically in any version of the US I can conceive, so to me the second option is ultimately the more humane one. Only when the idea that crossing the border ad hoc has any hope of success iis totally removed, will the country regain control of the situation and a more humane system have any chance of existing. Everything else is just spitting into the wind.
  10. HaHaHa. Any fool is safer to have the guns gone than to try and manuever his 50yr fat slow rear end, shaky hands and failing eyesight to 'protect his family' by trying to take down an assaultant who is younger, faster, is probably better armed and has all the initiative. Other than that, you go with that strategy. Good luck being the *maybe* one in 10 who end up lucky enough to come out on the better end of that confrontation. In the real world the facts are clear. You are far more likely to end up with your own wife or child or neighbor dead at the hands of your own weapon either by accident or loss of your own self-control than you are of ever taking on that scumbag immigrant. Those are real facts, not your Man-Boy fantasies.
  11. Kreidler can't get well fast enough. The bloom is off Maton's rose. MLB pitchers have a book on him now. Sub 500 OPS since the middle of April.
  12. but will he have to pay for his own blue checkmark?
  13. Schoop as the PH was kinda waving the white flag, doancha think?
  14. Damn - If you could guess that was going to be caught, Tork could easily have tagged up.
  15. Lorenzen, Rodriguez and Wentz not a bad 1-2-3 for now. Between Manning, Skubal, Turnbull it could get to 4 guys better than Boyd. If you can get to where Matt is your worst starter, that's not a bad staff.
  16. Yeah - you start a LHH against Beiber - except that Maton is pretty much a pure FB hitter and Beiber had him a hole before Maton even left the on-deck circle.
  17. Naylor doing at least as good a job hitting the buffet tables as the ball anymore...
  18. do they spend enough on statisitics staff to have the data to support a lot of shifting? Like Rob said, how much is winning a couple more minor league games worth when it doesn't really contribute to player devel anyway?
  19. who knows how long it will last, but Torkelson is one confident hitter right now.
  20. BTW- Torkelson is 9 for his last 26. Probably the best week of his career.
  21. I've been cutting back one dimension at a time. First the B body GM wagon that carried the 4x8 with the gate closed. Then the short minivan that carried it with the door open, to the SUV that still has 48" wide but is so short I have to put 2x4s under a sheet of walllboard so the end sticking out doesn't break. But when this SUV goes I will be out of the 48" carting life. Any wall board in the future is going to be delivered.
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