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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Interesting. Do you suppose in CA there was more of a 'Euro' sense of being 'in history' and the echo of a deeper sense of peril for England than maybe I grew up with in the US? Maybe another factor looking back in the US is that by the time we were finishing grade school, WWII was already 2 US wars away. Was Korea much of a thing in CA?
  2. I have a PP&M cover of this on this on an old album, had never heard GL sing it himself.
  3. I don't know what is left of either org, but post WWII, American Legion and the VFW were different orgs. Any vet could join the AL, VFW membership was only open to those that had served in overseas confict. I pretty much grew up in a VFW hall. But going back the to my OP about the perception of time, I didn't mean to imply the in 1960 WWII seemed distant to my parents generation - I just meant the way time compresses as you age. When you and I were young in the 60's, 1945 seemed impossibly long ago to *us*, even though we were indeed surrounded by its echoes daily. In one sense it's a trivial thing to say since at 15 yrs old you don't have any 20 yr memories of your own. And I guess that is really the point I meant to make, which is that 20 yrs ago is a long time when you have to use someone else's memory to access it, but your in your *own* memories, the linearity of time can tend to disappear completely and 20 yrs in your own experience as an adult can have no sense of distance at all. And the related idea that Chas brought up about whether the presistance of - or ability to - access all history as a single flat database that the 'net provides changes how people experience that -- or not.
  4. Could be, but the counterpoint to that is that Hollywood spent the 1st 20 yrs or so replaying the war in our theaters and the TV in a way unlike the more recent experience. You literally can't count the number of WWII films that were released beginning during the war and right through the 50's and into the 60's. Plus TV series like 'Combat', 12 OClock High, Rat Patrol, Black Sheep Squadron (into the 70's there) and even send ups like 'McHales Navy' and 'Hogan's Heroes' For a couple of decades at least, you could never be very far from a WWII reference in the popular media. But certainly the *immediacy* of media our access to current history has completely changed. In WWII there were weekly newsreels and no lack of radio, newspaper and magazine reportage from the field - it was just a few days/weeks (at least!) old before it was seen/heard. But was very present . Maybe the big difference is as you note - the internet preserves it all - and in that sense it keeps it all present tense. So today you can easily pull up or run into something from 20 yrs ago (or facebook pulls it up for you). By 1966 there was no way for anyone but an ambitious researcher to access a MovieTone newsreel from WWII.
  5. If you haven't used your monthy free article on 'the Atlantic', use to read Ann Applebaun and Jeff Goldberg on why Ukraine matters.
  6. for evey million EV's sold, about 20 million barrels/yr are removed from world oil demand (as reference that's about one day's US consumption). OPEC is trying to maximize the value of their day in the Sun, because for them the clouds on the horizon are dark.
  7. it's amusing how your time perception changes as you age yourself. When I was a child living through this, WWII seemed so far in the rear view mirror. Of course I knew my father and uncles had fought in it, but their parents' youths are always terra incognita to children. This phone call was only 16 yrs from the end of WWII. I'm now close in age to what Ike was in 1960 and the 2 Iraq wars and 9/11 are as, or more distant in actual years to us today than WWII was in my life in 1960, but of course to me those later events are part of my awreness of a 'present' history, just as 1940 would have been Ike then, and as those later conflicts must be part of an 'ancient' past to my children.
  8. If Dingler is 'pivotal' it can only be because Lynn was standing on one foot while he typed.
  9. Granting this, I would still wager that that the additional wins that a bona fide MLB DH and his run produciton would add would be worth more fannies in the seats than this marketing of the shell of Miguel.
  10. They are holding starter's innings mostly low at Toledo, but Faedo went 4 today with no hits, one BB, 5k. Has his WHIP down to 0.89
  11. Have you been seeing the attendance in the stands? The Tigers may have some fever dream that fans are coming to see Cabrera, but the empty seats say that a dream is all it is.
  12. I can't see fans being excited about seeing ex-players come back to beat your current team. If the Tigers were the better team then player nostalgia might have more pull, but I doubt it when you all you are looking at with those two is a much higher probability of a loss.
  13. LOL - just last night Dan was saying we might have to pump the brakes because he was slowing down - he had other ideas.
  14. yup - so all the more reason you shouldn't be relying on the umps to win the game you - you need to be in protect mode
  15. I'm ususally on the other side of this complaint, but too may pitches taken today.
  16. And Baddoo takes what was pretty close to a hanger for his called K. There is such a thing as looking so hard for walks you stop swinging at hittable pitches. Are the Tigers there?
  17. again - the problem with that AB was the pitch he *didn't* swing at - 2-0 FB middle-middle.
  18. Tigers give O's an extra out, leads to a run. Have to catch the damn ball. Turnbull buring through is pitch allotment fast.
  19. Blame to go around here. Hinch was pushing his luck trying to get Boyd through the end of 6. This is a staff where you should just go ahead and steel yourself against any regrets for pulling a starter too early.
  20. Those last two runs by Boyd looking like a mangerial second guessing fest.
  21. Well, you aren't going to sweep many DHs, but it would have been nice to be competitive...
  22. and when your offense is challenged anyway it multiplies the effect when the umps do you wrong.
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