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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. I take licence with mi spelleng
  2. I find it somewhat amusing that our usually quantitative fanbase here is throwing Spenser to the trash heap in favor of guys who didn't come close to his performance over the last two months of the season. He was 150pts OPS points better than Keith and 250pts better than Malloy. I understand (and share) the frustration that he hasn't been better than he is, but folks seem really ready to cut off their noses to spite their faces on this one. I hope the team isn't where there board is though I tend to think they are.
  3. "Net Neutrality" is dead. https://www.nytimes.com/2025/01/02/technology/net-neutrality-rules-fcc.html
  4. WAPO/Reuters reporting Biden is going to block Nippon Steel purchase of USS. It will play well on the news but likely to be Pyrrhic victory for those opposed to the sale. Hard to see the most likely result as anything but a USS bankruptcy.
  5. There is 'seeing a guy' and then there is "Seeing a Guy." None of these guys went to winter ball or played in any live game competitive situations with those new position assignments. They could have seen him work out or scrimmage at 1b, but nobody is going to see him actually play 1st until ST.
  6. and don't forget Goff. The way he's grown into the leadership of this team, on one level it should become his offense as much as any other input.
  7. That's the question - is Petterssen a baby man or does Tochet allow a room that no decent person should have to put up with? I have no clue either way but either could be true in the NHL.
  8. Oldest trick in the book and it still works!
  9. "Anybody can play 1st base" but not many guys actually play it well and a guy that can't save throws will cost your team more outs than any bad middle infielder's glove errors. If Keith gets the footwork down I think his hands are probably fine and he should be OK, but I'm guessing it's 50/50 at best for Malloy. But Malloy has a bigger problem, which is getting his bat on more strikes. If 781 OPS didn't sell them on Tork at 1B (his numbers after his return), 544 (Malloy's last two months) sure isn't going to either.
  10. All I know is that I have no idea what the league thinks the crease rules are.
  11. Or he would be back by May 1. But he has to make more contact. I've been as hopeful about him as anyone but at some point he has to produce more. It can go 3 ways: the capability is there and he finally gets over some counter productive beliefs about how to hit and he succeeds; Or he can't bring himself to trust doing it differently and he ends up eventually bouncing around the minors until he gets his head on right or ends up out of baseball; or the pitch recognition was never there to begin with and he's never been more than Christin Stewart with a prettier swing. Which ever it is I don't think he's going to get much more rope from the Tigers.
  12. Elon still hasn't figured out the guy wasn't a terrorist and he picked the Tesla just to show his contempt by destroying it.
  13. I don't get the logic of the critique. Maybe the guy planning to run a car into a crowd tomorrow did hear him today. and again - we can take it back to social media - it has a way of seaming to make things like Rugg's post -- that actually are vacuous, make no sense or are devoid of logic somehow intelligent just because of the cynical tone, a graphic or a bunch of likes added by equally vacuous people.
  14. first Columbus goal scores after a weak ass clearing attempt by Petry. Why would you just sweep the puck along the dasher when you know an offensive player is there waiting for it? Exactly what McLellan was talking about when he said they had to play smarter.
  15. Yup - I for one just can't wait for another period of government accomplishment, economic and social progress like '16-'20. 🙈🙉🙊
  16. Ivey had internal fixation surgery today. No indication of any damage beyond the fracture. With the screws or plates or whatever they installed, plus an intact Tibia (unlike Hutch who broke both), he should be able to at least get back on his feet a little sooner while it heals. https://www.freep.com/sports/pistons/
  17. I wonder if retirement was looming?
  18. Law enforcement tending to this conclusion. Driver shot himself before the truck burned https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2025/01/02/las-vegas-explosion-tesla-cybertruck-trump-hotel-colorado/
  19. Not if the idea is to get less left-handed. He did have some decent MiLB contact numbers though - better than Torkelson's ever were. I'm waiting for some sense to emerge from this off-season, so far I don't see it. Keith looks like he could turn into a good OBP hitter, but he's not shown any power yet, so moving him to 1st seems like a misfit - or at least premature. I'm pretty luke-warm about Torres unless he was willing to move to a corner and supposedly he is not. Baty would just be more confusion. I know you sort of have to take hitters where you can find them, but pretty recently we've also seen the futility of rosters full of big bats who don't add up to an good baseball team so you don't want to end up there again either.
  20. very strange. You would think a guy with his kind of training could have done a lot more damage if he had wanted to. Maybe this one was just a noisy suicide?
  21. if it's not in too many pieces that would be better news than the ankle or ligaments.
  22. And he's going to have to keep it up. If the Vikes sign Darnold and decide to trade McCarthy going into a not so great QB draft year they could end up with some good picks.
  23. Yzerman hasn't left himself enough room to take on a $11.6M cap hit without doing some serious surgery. 🤔
  24. My Master's project was on 3000 80 column punch cards. I got to where I could hold an IBM card to a light and read it without the text printed on top. Another entry in the inventory of now useless but once needed life skills. I always wonder if the limiting factor on AI is going to be the GIGO problem. How do you keep the models from corrupting themselves with all the falsehood that is out there? Anyway, there aren't many examples of technologies that have been successfully kept in the bottle. The Japanese managed to keep firearms from widespread use for 250 years but it's hard to think of other examples. We've managed 80 yrs without a nuclear war, but it's been a continually dicey proposition.
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