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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. sure - it all goes into the mix, at some point the ledger balance says cut your potential losses.
  2. A number of harassment charges catching up with him as well.
  3. Gotta be Chris Hayes, nobody could wear such a nerdy pair of glasses and not be hiding evil somewhere.
  4. It won't be the same without Fox's imprimatur though. When the last time Bill OReilly made anyone else's new feed?
  5. The other thing to add to the mix with Dominion and the harassment suit is that Tucker has become an absolute star on Russian State media and that might be a bit much even for Murdoch.
  6. this is interesting. And the thing about harassment suits is that if there is anything to them, once one woman comes forward there will undoubtedly be more. It would be ironic if after doing his damndest to destroy the republic on the air in public, he ends up being brought down by frat-boy behavior in private. But he wouldn't be the 1st and I won't knock it if it's true.
  7. You can argue that Scrub had already begun the breakup of the Reagan GOP voter coalition but I don't think there is much arguement that Trump has considated the political movement of the white collar suburbs from the GOP to the Dems as well as pretty much every college educated woman. This is going to make it very hard for the GOP to build winning national coalitions in the future. Now as long as there is Gerrymandering, the GOP be able to hold the House on and off, but the damage to the GOP as a functioning *majority* party has been pretty absolute.
  8. Yup. Christie is out there trying to prove the counterfactual, but he carries so much baggage (figuratively and iiterally!) that he's got a big hill to climb.
  9. Very good. But #1 probably outspends the rest at least 2:1. Maybe Trump's greatest political strength has been his ability to direct fund raise to his own personal brand, but that's Trump's particular personality cult gift. Most pols are not going to be able to do that and so will depend on those Corp interests more than Trump had to.
  10. Right, which is the answer to your question. Trump was there for them on taxes and dereg, so that cemented his 'appeal' in American boardrooms. I guess what I'm saying is that there are true fiscal conservatives out there, and the corporate interests love to mimic their rhetoric about the virtue balanced budgets and Yankee thrift, but in the end the corporate money doesn't care about those things and the those conservative philosopher types don't supply the money or numbers to be a real factors themselves.
  11. the accomplishment is pretty hollow if the other side isn't trying.
  12. "Fiscal Conservative" is the cover label these interests use, but its really corporate money fueling them, so it's not any kind of Burkean philosophy behind it but just pure profit - taxes and deregulaiton. Trump gets a A on both those and esp the corporate tax rate cut. All other doubts about him end there for your fiscal conservative/corporate sector interests.
  13. MTU, you have to understand none of that matters anyway. For most of America, but esp the GOP, politics, which was only ever loosely tied to policy in the US anyway is now completely umooored from it. And TBH, we pretty much have a policy ignorant population anyway. So it's all about the snake oil. It's all personality, entertainment and tribal identity now. The only role of policy is as subject matter to hang rhetoric on in order to create the public persona. Trump could take any position on any policy but as long as he talks about it in terms of white greivance and owning the libs and makes it all about him, it would still sell to his supporters equally well. You have a whole generation of GOP Congressional leadership who have built their popularity without having accomplishing anything at all policy wise or legislatively (MTG/Bobert/Jordan McCarthy etc). US politics, esp on the right, has to be observed through the lens of the WWE. That's the model.
  14. I'd put this view as the roof (or maybe the antenna tower) of the Maccabees building at the corner of Woodward and Warren). Smoggy.
  15. We don't normally allow music in our teaching lab, but sometimes if we put on a open work period we'll let it go if someone turns on a playlist - 90% of time is either 60-70's or 90's. College freshmen. Go figure.
  16. Curiously, Baddoo has actually made a couple of decent throws this season. Hart may have had it right up thread when he said Baddoo simply didn't anticipate him trying to score, got there too late and so didn't get set up to make a better throw.
  17. Not that it would help anything, but you couldn't fault ERod if right now he's ripping his teammates a new one in the clubhouse..
  18. Nope, we give up the tying run on substandard D and still get outmanaged on the match-ups so what is the point of all the swiss army knife infield/outfield players?
  19. So after all of Hinch and Harris' planning to get guys with all kinds of options, he ends up with a lefty up against Akin - twice no less.
  20. I'm a growing state of contradiction about Hinch. I'm pretty sure he's as good with a bullpen as anyone I've seen. He consistently gets performance out of guys that have no business being in the majors, but as more players continue to do well in AAA then fail in Det, and more young promising players come here from other system's and fail, I just have this growing feeling that somehow - whatever the parameters of the 'system' Hinch is using, it's killing his hitters.
  21. IDK, throwing's not like hitting, you don't need some kind of gift. He maybe doesn't have the genes to be Dwight Evans but practice and proper conditioning and any athlete should at least be able to throw more consistently than Akil.
  22. Kreidler probably the 3b glove possibility, but he's not here.
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