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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Green is a plus defensive CF, which means even at a 700 OPS you are probably happy to start him. He's putting that up now at age 22 and still has plenty of upside to improve over his next 3 yrs and 1000+ PA. Could he burn out? Sure, any player can at any time. It's true Tork's situation is different. At 1b he has to produce more with the bat. BTW he shares the team lead in RBI. I don't know if it's fans everywhere or just in Det, but sometimes there is a real tendency to let the perfect be the enemy of the good. Riley isn't Mickey Mantle, he's a bust!, Jerod Goff isn't Mahomes, bench him! You can win a lot of championships with a good depth of good players and zero superstars.
  2. I think this make sense. You have to remember to separate the money from the masses when you look at the operation of the RW in the US. At the grass roots there is plenty of actual embrace of racism and what is effectively fascism - though the true believers surely don't even understand the term. But on the money end, it's still all about taxes and deregulation. The money people don't really like Trump, They know now that he brings too much risk and chaos. They don't really want to see everything come crashing down, they just want higher profits. Fox is run by Murdoch. An alternative to Trump that can win is at the top of his agenda right now. Of course he'll still take Trump's side if the alternative is a democrat with a corporate tax plan, but until then Fox will give GOP alternatives to Trump plenty of love.
  3. Proposed MLB rule change: Any batter runner executing a cartwheel between bases counts for two runs if he/she subsequently scores.
  4. Good for him. But the caveat with Candy is always staying power. He's has 20 hits in 18 games but 9 came in one 4 game stretch last week.
  5. You just need more Flag lapel pins and Fox news in your life MB.
  6. Desantis has a shot -- as long as there is still a chance Trump could be in jail...... .....
  7. Is "strong feel for the game" a euphemism for "no standout skill"?
  8. You can see what scouts loved about Torkelson's power. Tork's swing reminds me of Trout in the way he holds the bat with both hands all the way through - sort of old school. But Trout uses more leg kick to generate his power. Tork put that ball over the bullpen while hardly picking up his left foot. He'll probably never hit like Trout overall - not many ever will - but the comparison of the power he generates with a similar swing but less motion shows you how strong he is compared to a very strong hitter.
  9. He was trying to get to Naylor before bringing in Alexander, which would have been great if it worked. AJ just got a little greedy there. They've been on a role, I guess he hoped luck would hold.
  10. that really wasn't necessary. Not sure what more kind of signal Hinch was looking for there.
  11. It's time AJ. The fastball is flying arm side. Tired pitcher.
  12. Sinema has a vacuum between the ears, I wouldn't guess what idiocy she might come up with, but I don't see how it benefits Manchin for the Senate to gridlock on his plate.
  13. I don't believe you need 60 to make a committee assignment. It's a case where even if there some kind of rule a simple majority can suspend the rules for a single action. It's a case where there are rules about the rules I guess. But as long no-one is voting that seat they can't even do a rule suspension.
  14. She needs to resign completely so a new Dem can be appointed so they have a majority to make a new committee assignment.
  15. no - - sort of backhand syntax there - I meant it has never happened to my memory. IOW those claiming sexism don't actually have a very comparable situation. May have been some around Teddy K but it wasn't this split and at the end it was clear it wasn't going to be much of a wait for him to pass. Infirmaty hasn't been Manchin's issue, just intransigence - no comparison there.
  16. LOL - You can't beat something with nothing, and outside of Trumpism, the GOP's got nothing to offer. DeSantis is trying to do Trump Lite when Trumps biggest appeal to his fans is exactly how unLite he is.
  17. That's cool, but taking nothing away from the play being as good as it was, I don't know how one would rate that better than Kiermiers catch against Vierling. I would consider most things with a leap as tougher catches than a dive. A lot more to worry about and alot easier to get the timing wrong. Maybe not as much ground covered but that's not the only thing that lowers catch probability.
  18. Hey, we had a Governor called 'Soapy'
  19. I'm old enough to remember a situation where a male democrat was holding up vital work in critically balanced Senate and not being criticized for it because he was a man, but I don't.
  20. one extra player is allowed to be brought up for a DH but AFAIK it can be any player.
  21. Exactly. Do what you have to do for your team and it's future, you can't really expect orgs to act against their self interest. You can expect them to shut up about it.
  22. I can't agree with Sargent's analysis. The Dems may well love the idea of triangulating with moderate GOP House members, but the political value to be gained is less than the political cost of allowing the border to descend back into the kind of mess which has been common in recent years. That's just a political reality. So as much as the Dems want reform, I think the Admin believes ( and I would agree) that they will lose all credibilty with the moderate voter if they can be cast as just 'leaving the door wide open', at which point their ability to do that triangulation disappears. Basically Sargent argues the Admin gains credibility by being less severe at the border, but my reading would be the opposite. It's absolutely true it's cruel policy but that Suburban voter expects a competent government to be able to create some kind of orderly process. The current 'asylum' system is completely broken and 100% gamed by the vast majority that are trying to move for economic reasons. The US has to re-establish a credible reality that if you don't have a valid asylum claim, you are not crossing the border and that valid asylum claims are not trivial to prove. That is the only thing that will eventually stop the chaos. If that is established, then maybe there can be more reasonable discussions about upping admission levels. But as long as legal admission levels have little to do with actual entry rates, I don't think there is any political route to get there.
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