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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. McCosky tweeted that they did intend to play at 6+ but at some point the Giants found out their pilots to FLA were going to 'run out of hours' if they stayed that long.
  2. agreed. There may be no-one alive responsible for more hours of lost American productivity than Steve Ballmer.
  3. On the bright side, they gained ground in the standings by sitting around all day. All four teams in the div lost today.
  4. The most likely if Comerica bailed? Huntington Field. Or maybe Huntington Hippodrome if the CEO's wife is into alliteration.
  5. Could be, but they knew the forecast at 2 and decided to shoot for 6:30 and both were on board for that knowing what the forecast was, which is exactly what happened. There was never (or never should have been) any expectation that the weather at 6:30 was going to be different than it was. It was exactly what was forecast. So to me the story is one (or both) sides changed their mind about agreeing to play in the conditions that were going to be present at 6:30 after having agreed to do so. Maybe a minor nit but I think a likely reality.
  6. No question Fox will try to offer Dominion enough $$ to make the company's head spin - enough to make it very hard to for them to demand a trial for some unspecified corrective performance. I want this case to go to trial because I think the Sullivan doctrine is eating American Democracy at its core by removing any and all recourse to the distribution of outright lies and while the odds are slim, this case at least has a chance to lead to some trimming of the expansive protection Sullivan gives outright liars.
  7. re the game call: We also don't know that even if Kapler may have wanted to play maybe his FO agreed with Det about protecting pictchers - or whatever the rationale ended up being. Or maybe he wasn't mad about the game call at all but what bitcing about the schedule making the makeup difficult.....
  8. I'm sure they were in the loop but you can't assume the two sides agreed in the end either. It's not like you can horse trade to get to an agreement where both side get what they want - it's a binary choice. If two sides don't agree, someone makes a decision and someone else goes away unhappy. It happened at least once to the Tigers last season - I don't remember which side of the decision the Tigers wanted but I remember the home team did not agree and that's the way it was.
  9. And if the Giants sat around believing they would play when the rain stopped and the Tigers changed their minds, he's got a legit beef. Given the Tigers' pitching injury history I can believe they meant to play but then bailed exactly because it was getting cold and windy.
  10. So if I remember the rules and they haven't changed - a game that hasn't started yet is up to the home team, one that has is in the hands of the umpires? You could read between the lines from the video that Kapler wanted to play but the Tigers decided not to - maybe.
  11. Yeah - the radar forecast has not changed since about 2. They knew it was either after 6:30 or call it - so this doesn't make a lot of sense. But then these things tend to be driven by frustration logic as much as anything else.
  12. LOL - Shep says postponed Pitchers apparently just going out to get in some work to stay on schedule.
  13. Makes sense where the Wings are in their developmnet cycle. The shuttle between GR and Det can only get busier as more of Yzerman's picks make their way through the pipeline coupled to the fact they there is plenty of pressure to reach the playoffs next season so the value of having call-ups hit the ice running is at a maximum.
  14. If they start after 6:30 they won't have to stop. That's a reeealy long delay but if they haven't called it yet what's another hour?
  15. There was a lot of buzz about Workman when they drafted him but the 40% K rate dampened the enthusiasm pretty quickly. If he has found a way to fix that the power part of the hitting tool was supposedly there.
  16. I guess the plan is to wait for the second front to clear. LOL - the Weather Underground future radar says that should be about 6p!!
  17. SSS but so far Jeimer's OPS as LHB is 200 pts better that last season. If he keep that up he will have a better season than last.
  18. if they play it in 2:30 there may be enough window between the little cell there now and the bigger cell to the S-West but if they delay the start much probably no hope.
  19. The 'future' radar show a pretty narrow band - could come and go quickly if that's accurate.
  20. Neither one has 500 MLB ABs yet. Check in again when it gets closer to 1000.
  21. The one thing that kind of bothers me in the reportage about this is the seeming assumption that it's allowing lower ranked people access that makes the system insecure. I would say BS. There is no reason I know of to assume a guy that achieves rank is a priori any more loyal a citizen or less corruptalbe than a good grunt. I would think the real issues are document distribution control/management as well as management and oversight of handlers of classified material at all levels, exacerbated by having too much stuff classified in the 1st place.
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