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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. There may be exeptions, but I'd guess what he says is spot on for most guys - you can't think and hit at the same time. You can use data/mechanics insight in your training/practice away from game play - but everything you do in the box has to have been reduced to simple instinct; see ball - hit ball.
  2. this sounds pretty cool: https://www.mlb.com/tigers/news/tigers-injuries-and-roster-moves
  3. there is nothing they can do to him for accepting the gifts. I suppose he is a 'federal employee' so failure to disclose was probably some kind of misdemeanor at least - but I just bet there is too much abigiuity about jurisdiction for anyone to bring a case.
  4. The odds on a CB have just gone up so maybe you are safe....
  5. RGB syndrome strikes again. These old liberal women are being no better than any old man in terms of convinceing themselves they are indispensble. Newsom needs to put some pressure on her office, if he hasn't already.
  6. And I think you have to let guys prove that over extended time. If you have a young JV on your staff and you find that he consistently gets to his scheduled 5 and he's not taxed or in trouble, they you start scheduling *him* go 6, and maybe that evolves into 7 in say the 3rd year of his career, etc. So sure, you let it happen as the guy proves he can do it over time without being taxed or developing arm trouble. My issue is with teams, and Hinch absolutely puts the Tigers in this camp, that want to take that 7 inning start as the normative target for all their starters instead of starting with the assumption they will not be 100+ pitch guys and planning their outings on that basis. Let them prove the counterfactual over time if they happen to be in the *minority* of modern pitchers who can *consistently* pitch deeper without either losing effectiveness --- or their UCL.
  7. Yeah - I guess that answers the question of what the Lions believed they had.
  8. I think there is an element of that risk if your starter goes five and you then use 4 more guys for 1 inning. Doesn't seem like the best idea to me anyway. The other unintended issue is tie games. The use of 4 and 5 pitchers in a *normal* game is what generates the pressure to get an extra inning affair over quickly. Stop going so deep for a normal game and the dislocation risk of an extra-inning game goes down. And this is not a trivial issue if they do eventually play with a deader ball. The deader ball will reduce total scoring and that will lead to more tie games at the end of regulation.
  9. Hinch seems pretty committed to Lorenzen starting, so it is what it is. I'm really leaning into the idea that the next paradigm is the going to be 5 inning starter every 5th day, 3 inning reliever every 3rd day, and couple of short/closer guys. Or in other words, sort pitchers into 1, 2, and >2 two times through the order boxes depending on the variety of stuff they can present, then sort them into long/med/short roles and just once and for all stop worrying about pushing your starters. Take them out on a schedule instead of waiting till he gives up 3 or 4 runs and you are forced to take him out. If he's cruising you can always leave him in an extra inning and take that off the workload of the short guys at the end, but managers need to flip their thinking to where that is the unexpected result instead of the expected one. I'm beyond tired of watching baseball teams (and particularly mine) keep fighting the last war on pitching - and Hinch is just at bad as any old schooler with his 'got to go 7 mantra'.
  10. Agree about the O-Line being potentially critically thin so I would have no problem going OT at 6, but for all we know there may be a guy they like more than Skoronskl
  11. Either did Mike Cameron. Didn't help Daz. I am all on board with Harris pulling the trigger quicker than Al used to do, and I'm not adverse to calling anyone up given the O is already on its way to another epic fail, I just have very limited anticipation Nevin is going to do anything. But that's not the same thing as being averse to trying it anyway. This team is two years past worrying about still being at the 'throw it at the wall and see if it sticks" point.
  12. in 2023 should anyone be expected to go 8 ip? Seriously, the game has changed and managers and FO's that won't let go of the 1980s and organize their teams around the 5/6 inning start are going to be doomed to continue failing.... and sending pitchers to the surgical table.
  13. In the last 20 yrs I don't think I have used AM radio for anything but a ball game and the Tigers are on FM - so I don't care! And the funny thing is the Tiger AM radio network around the state is so poor now that if I am traveling I have better luck getting a game though cellular via gameday.
  14. or for that matter in his MiLB career. I'm not going to let myself hope for much from a guy who hasn't proven himself by age 26 unless I have some scouting that he's done the "JD" thing - as in been able to recreate himself as a hitter in some major way. (which is the justification with Carpenter) Otherwise a callup based on a 50AB stretch is just setting ourselves up for disappointment and another DFA.
  15. the more things get posted in the more places, the more google/bing/duck do their thing and regurgitate it all somewhere in other places.
  16. to some degree, but since metrics for pitchers and position players don't align, it's hard to know with much certainty where your ranks for pitchers would fit in between your ranks of hitters (IOW, is the best pitcher in the draft is better than the best hitter in the draft or vice versa?)- esp once you get down the list a ways and everyone has a lot of weaknesses. So you pretty much have to take some distribution of hitters and pitchers in every draft even if by some quirk in your rankings every time you came up to draft you consistently had hitters (or pitchers) ranked at the top of your list.
  17. In point of fact, anyone who has read or listened to more of Kofman than cherry picked sentences would know that he believes the only that can prevent Ukraine from winning this war would be an abandonment by the West.
  18. was in cold in Tampa and Houston?
  19. yeah - maybe some of that- of course the guy really raking for Toledo didn't play much in ST.
  20. It doesn't make much sense that they hit so well in ST and then just fell in a hole. I mean sure, TB pitching is great, but that was only 3 games. ST is nothing definitive, but it's not meaningless either in terms of whether hitters individually look ready. What changed in the clubhouse or the preparation or the scouting or the data presentation or the advice/coaching/managing between ST and opening day? Of course it's mostly the quality of the players, yet to have this happen to this degree 3 yrs running is starting to look like as much an indictment of the mangement as well as the players. Do they somehow manage to drive all their hitters out of their comfort zone once they start up regular season preparation procedures?
  21. Yeah - the infields are so good now that people tend to forget they still may not be perfect. Even with the better fields and and with increased dragging during the game (at least twice per game now) that have allowed IFs to make more successful deliberate bounce throws, there is still no guarantee any given hop or throw can't still catch a fresh divot from a cleat. Still always some risk when ball meets dirt.
  22. Turnbull can potentially throw hard - if he gets it all back, but many pitchers pitch half a season after TJ before they get everything back. Some guys are lucky and are 100% out of the gate, but you can't count in that. In the pen, we traded two of the three guys who could throw 97+ so I guess we shouldn't be suprised there is less velo out there.
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