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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. and maybe he's a dancing bear that turns around and mauls you with some other piece of 'dumb shit" when he's off the chain. It's about the dollars and the risk, not about 'giving the kid's a second chance', which is what you were preaching a couple of posts earlier. That's why if no team takes him at 6 some team will take him at 20 or 35 - because the dollar end of the risk is going down at that point, not because of any change in any other "character' part of the equation or desire not to 'mark him for life'.
  2. 12H and 5 BB in 18 IP. TB pitchers with a WHIP <1.0 so far.
  3. Speaking here of course to the general case - making the judgment that until such a person actually reaches the point in his life where he has learned not to "do stupid shit and panic" he's not a person I want to pay a lot of money to to be on my football team is hardly "marking him for life". One might as easily call it 'enabling' Everyone has the right to 'grow up'. They don't have the a priori right to do it on anyone else in particular's nickel. A team may be willing to take a chance on an character challanged player because there could be a big payoff if the team wins, but don't try to dress that up as some kind of attempt at using sport as a morally restorative exercise - it's a purely $ driven risk/reward calculation, and any transformation in the player is purely serendipity. The average fan's interest in such a player's 'welfare' is no less selfish either.
  4. Two games in the Tigers have 3 players with an OPS over........500.
  5. Hey, all they need to do is keep on the trend of scoring 2 more runs each game than the game before they will be a juggernaut by mid-month.
  6. McKinstry puts on his sliding glove down by 10 in the 9th with Miguel ahead of him on the bases? Was there ever a more pointless gesture?
  7. Miguel padding his counting stats. What else is there for him?
  8. well, I'd argue there is a difference between actual panic and cowardice that is oft glossed, but be that as it may.
  9. yeah - not a good look in the OF. He might be a gold glove DH though.
  10. Another weird thing. A couple of times during the pre-season, I brought up gameday audio opposite my Bally feed and the time adjustments were there on the gameday page. Today they were gone and the audio was quite a way behind the video. So I set the video to record and that let me watch the video from the recording 30 sec or so behind needed to match the audio, which I couldn't adjust. I'm iritated they are making this difficult for me. If it comes down to listening to Shepherd and Monroe in order to watch a game, I simply won't watch.
  11. K's have never been Tyler's shortcoming. It's what happens between the K's.
  12. I don't claimi to have followed this story with any level of attention but if he left the scene of an accident where his friends may have been killed I'd rate that pretty low on the basic human behavior scale - but I'd accept it may have been more complex than that simple reading.
  13. I guess by strict semantics, Jamaal's outcome was certainly not 'better', but that doens't that 8 million guaranteed should be considered a 'bad' outcome for anyone either.
  14. I think Bally is serving us up the worst TV booth of my lifetime, which stretches back to when Ernie and Kell were working together. They tell me that before that Van Patrick was just as good, which I believe even though I never heard him do baseball as Van the best I ever heard doing football - which I did hear him do for the Lions for a long time.
  15. Carpenter has a double, also has two plays (now three) in RF that another fielder might have made....
  16. Ump giving Alexander everything even remotely close. Unintended consequence of robo-umps might be routs that get a lot worse.
  17. I'm really disappointed in Monroe. I thought when they gave him his shot he might be decent - but it's like he's locked into a platitude phrase book - constant repetition of mostly poorly applied stock banalities. I can't listen to him. Scales on the other hand may have a ways to go but he's pretty natural and occasionally says something clever. There's potential for improvement.
  18. 19 deg and out of the park. That's a hard hit baseball.
  19. At the rate things are going the most ironic early move forced by a player's performance might be Cabrera moving up in the order......Depressing.
  20. pretty good AB for the old guy. Hung in, hung in, flaired one just enough.
  21. this is really weird. They appear to cheating time on the audio - compared to the video they are coming back about 15-20 seconds late from the break and then slowly picking up the time over the course of the inning.
  22. The difference in hitters that actually know how to hit. Franco looked for a slider, took his time and just served it up the middle instead of swinging out of his shoes and missing the break
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