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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. plus Spencer has thrown so many pitchers right on the bottom line of the zone that the Rays adjusted.
  2. Before 2021 Turnbull's 'problem' had been that he didn't know where his pitches are going to go. Seems to be back at that point again.
  3. that's part of the cost of playing everyone and their brother at 10 different positions in ST added to the WBC. How many innings have Greene and Baez played on the same field this spring? Baez at WBC and Greene spent half the spring out of CF.
  4. Keith and Parker Meadows making the team this season are the kinds of things we've taught ourselves not to hope for too much.....
  5. well, if you are TB you can't be happy with that result either.
  6. 0-2 pitch out of the zone and it still goes for double....
  7. yeah - expectation for McKinstry should not be high. Don't be terrible at the plate and leverage his speed to be useful otherwise. If there is going to be season 'success' at 2b it more likely will be Kriiedler playing himself into full time PA there.
  8. I think this has more to do with wanting to see McKinstry or whatever other LHH IF they cycle through. If you look at his numbers, Schoop has almost zero career OPS platoon split. Cut it a little finer it is still a muddled picture. He had a big platoon split in 21 - you might expect it to get bigger for your average player as they pass by their prime, but the ironic thing is that last year he collapsed against LHP even worse than RHP, putting up a reverse platoon split of 80 points. So no immediate reason to think he's going to be all that much better against LHP. But you would expect the LHH like McKinstry to have the bigger split to protect as most LHH do. As noted above, the Harris regime does not seem disposed to give Schoop any legacy priority - he's going to have to play his way back into a regular job if he can.
  9. I think Hinch likes the idea of hitting the catcher last to save wear and tear and give him more time to concentrate on his pitcher early in the game. So unless you want the bat in the top half of the order, which you don't for Haase against a RHP, then go ahead and drop him all the way to the bottom.
  10. yeah - I was surprised/disappointed that when Ezra Klein interviewed David French in the NYT he didn't call French out over the criticism that you can't extend the statute of limitations because Trump wasn't charged. If you let that argument stand and it sounds pretty reasonable to the average listener. But if it's actually non-sequitor logic because Trump had taken control of the charging process then not so much. Just because French is now a 'tame' Republican doesn't mean you still don't call him out when he falls back into shading his cases.
  11. Nope. If Schoop's leash were any shorter he'd bump his nose turning his head. Ironically. probably also true for McKinstry - they wan't to get him into some games, see if they have anything before deciding to move on or not. I could have it backwards, and we'll know soon enough, but so far I get more of an impressoin this regime is going to be the inverse of the last one - move guys around fast - short tryouts, make it or break it and then next man up. Not so many long leisurely auditions anymore.
  12. I use the word 'temporary' to refer more to the architecture not being integral to the structure than a comment on how long in time it will or won't there. I could see them doing something more in RF in front of the stands but the space in CF is dead space whether you leave it as a gap between two walls or fill it in something that will still be basically empty space, so I don't see them having a whole lot of motivation to change that part.
  13. the problem is that when enough people stop paying attention, that's when the crazies take over. That's basically what has happened in the US in this era. In a sense you can say we got fat and happy and just assumed everything would keep going on autopilot. It had been a very long time - the 1930s and the Great Depression really, since any foundational structures or social contract assumptons of the US had been seriously threatened or questioned. The very idea of a serious threat to the body politic and the need to do anything about it had long since passed from living memory. Sane people can either re-learn how to do national politics sanely, or watch the crazies continue to collapse everything.
  14. I think that the FBI mishandling of the case made a lot of low information voters believe there was some kind of fire behind the smoke that of course in the end wasn't.
  15. I suppose in a civil suit you cannot force a trial if the defendent agrees to whatever demands were in the initial suit. Just hope they initially made some kind of hard demand for meaningful on air retractions as well as the damages. In fact if a public trial is what Dominion really wanted in the first place, that is exactly what they would have done - made demands for the kind of public mea culpa to which they know Fox would never agree.
  16. It's a rational decision is he thinks his draft status could be helped enough by playing on a better team another year that it's worth another year in college instead of going pro now.
  17. Lindsay has turned into one weird dude.
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