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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. I wonder what the interchage ends up looking like after the 375 removal? That space could gain or lose area, or no change at all.
  2. he may or may not be in a selling mode after he sees how sales at Book Tower go...🤔 https://booktowerdetroit.com/
  3. I guess it depends on where the line is drawn. I don't have a big problem with the public picking things like sewer and road modification costs, those are at least 'public goods'. The devil is always in the details.
  4. IDK, do you think SY has done better as a trader or as a drafter?
  5. No kidding. Look at the result in MI after non-partisan redistricting - both houses of the legislature flipped.
  6. If they were interested in DT, other than the Woodward corridor, there is a lot of near vacant land South of 94 everywhere between Michigan and Gratiot -- but I'd guess the players would rather Oakland county as I'd guess more of them are staying there during the season.
  7. 2021 Hutch vs NW had 3 tackles and 1/2 a sack and recoverd a fumble, but of course the box doesn't say who was lined up where.
  8. Social media self-victim. I can almost see that you could write out a complete essay trying to work out a philosophical point about moral courage to violate the law that most people might well disagree with but that would not be inflammatory or inciteful but when you mash it into short form, the disclaimer about not advocating violating the law just doesn't suffice for the unconditionality of the next line.
  9. Putin's Russia cannot sustain a long war and even he knows it. He is posturing to try and hold out until he gets a favorable election result in the US in 2024. Russian disinfo efforts are going to be building to fever pitch leading up to that - aren't they?
  10. haha - don't know where that transpo came out of. IDK. Bert's not exactly tearing it up in Bos. Maybe at 28 and all the accumulated physical damage he can't play the style that made him valuable so well anymore. He sure didn't look like the same player even starting out this year in the few games before the 1st hand injury. Vrana - WTF. I guess Mantha for Cossa may end up OK overall in the end but the Vrana piece has sure been a screw-up. Who knows, maybe he'll just go back off the deep end again but right now he sure looks like an opportunity lost.
  11. This is another version of the same question about receivers - do you have to be 6'4" to be line-up at 'Z'? There is a always a physical prototype for a given position - if a player doesn't meet that prototype, that leaves three questions: How much does the prototype matter, how much does the player deviate, and how well has the player proven he overcomes the difference? The bottom line in a this case is that Skoronski will be going against DEs that on average are bigger than the ones he faced at NW, so having less reach gives a additional level of uncertainty in his projection. So if you are interested you look at every snap he's played, hope there are enough against NFL grade opposition to evaluate and then decide for yourself if you think he projects, but you are still faced with a higher level of uncertainly than you would have had if he fit the prototype for successful OTs better. But it's exactly those 'out of the box' kind of decisions that good FOs gets right and bad ones get wrong.
  12. how many acres is the space out in front of Michigan Central?....
  13. I guess the Canucks have a 'system' Vrana is willing or able to play in. It appears we aren't going to find out what went down, but it sure seems like some bridges got burned down big time doesn't it?
  14. I guess I'm so totally burned out by those years locked into mediocrity by a not quite fit for his position O-lineman in the form of Dom-yeah-undersized-but wasn't-he-a-great-signal-caller-Riaola, that I don't want to see them risk getting anywhere near that possibility ever again.
  15. I wish we had seen a lot more of that Bush when he was President.
  16. actually I would question that. Anything that can be reached by scuba divers is not going to be too much of a "feat". This was not in deep enough water for it to have that challengin. Diving expertise to that level is a commodity service. The explosives expertise needed to part a pipeline is not very hard to come by either. I would guess any country with a blue water Navy wouldn't have found it difficult, and probably any county or even sub national actor without one that had a checkbook wouldn't have either.
  17. I would have thought that if USN was involved it would have been done in the most inaccessable region they could find. Then again, that thinking might be a reason for them to have done it where it was...... 🤔 🙊🙉🙈
  18. and I think the key is you give a guy a look and then trust what you see and either keep him or move on. I think the frustation with the previous regime was their continual optimism that guys were going to turn into something they had already adequately showed they were not.
  19. McKinstry does also have nice MiLB K and walk rates - while still a little indirectly park dependent, not as much as other things. If those can transfer over a bit he should be an improvement.
  20. useless finding. You could have done the same survey on GOP a few weeks ago and found they didn't want Trumpus to run. Whether people "want" someone to run is a silly question because it's comparing the real world to everyone's utopian imagination, which always wins the question. But their imagination will not be on the ballot when the time comes to actually vote. On a related note, I was having a conversation with a Chinese born co-worker, and he mentioned that something he was finding weird about America is that we have assumed a cultural attitude of complaint about *everything*. It doesn't matter what you ask Americans about, they are dissatisified with it. This attitude shift is really screwing up social survery work because surveyers are faced with two bad choices: The model says you must ask the same questions every year for the answers to be comparable, but if attitudes and patterns of language use shift such that the questions operate at a different level of meaning to people, then the answers aren't comparable unless you do change the questions to dig down to a more serious answer than the average American's current level of flippancy about everything. And of course if you do change the question, the original reasons not to still apply. The pollsters are going to continue to find people on both sides of the ideological spectrum actually getting more votes than standard method "approval" style questions would predict.
  21. reading between the lines on Lalonde's latest presser, sounds like Husso has a "sports hernia" (which BTW- is not a hernia). I guess we'll find out if there is a surgery announcement in the near future.
  22. I don't like this concept. It's too much 'out of flow'. On onside kick has a tension to it right up to the moment it actually is or isn't attempted. That makes it kind of unique - would like to save that aspect.
  23. So how high would be high enough to make it interesting? 15%? And the thing to remember is that if you push the average to 15%, some teams might individually achieve more than that - for the sake of argument say 25%. I think you want to avoid any team being able to succeed at a rate where they start gambling to not give the ball back after any score anytime in the game. Or not?
  24. watch the media go all in on the deflection about the door. It will be par for the course.
  25. "Let's make a Deal" reference I assume - or given his age probably "Let's Make a Deal" via "the Simpsons"
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