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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. I'd have keep him too but the counter point is that Baddoo would not have played everyday in Det because I'll wager Carpenter is going to play nearly everyday. So he only gets steady AB if they send him down. But we have enough unknowns in the OF with Meadows, Vierling, and Greene's right foot, that he'll have a fair shot at an early return.
  2. As long as every locked door in every school bears a sign that says, "This locked door brought to you courtesy of your local 2A idiots" At least tell the damn truth about it.
  3. It's definitely a sign of social progress when schools have to be turned into prisons to protect the right of some people to play with toys that are far more likely to end them up in prison (or dead themselves) than bring them any benefit in life. TL;DR version: Our Kids are not the people we should force to live in "prison". We should not be sacrificing their right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness on the cross of the gun nuts' 2A fettish.
  4. I wouldn't have any problem taking a corner. A good one has plenty of impact to justify a high pick. The Lions got burned with Odukah, but you can get burned picking any position high, even QB. (Ware, Long, Harrington, Betheard.....)
  5. Zach always looks good until he has to face MLB pitching on a more sustained basis. A pure AAAA player.
  6. LOL!!! Yes - first thing I did was try to see if that was programmable - no luck! The funny thing is how you dismiss things as frills you end up using. I thought having my washing machine on my network was ridiculous and would not have paid for it if there had been an option not to, but having that notice come to my phone actually means I get laundry done quicker because I don't forget about it, even though the front loader runs longer cycles than the old top loader.
  7. exactly, but the people they are trying to evict at Lavra are NOT the Ukranian Orthodox Church of free Ukraine, it's a branch of the Ukranian Orthodox Church controlled out of Moscow. This is pretty common in Orthodox Polities in places that ended up under Soviet control. There were schisms in the chruch with non-Communist Heirarchies established outside of Soviet control. So for instance there are two Armenian Orthodox Churches, one HQ'd in Yerevan Armenia (which was was long under Soviet control), one in NYC established after the Communist Revolution that put Armenia behind the iron curtain. The free Ukranians have split themselves off from their old 'mother' church which still holds allegiance to Moscow. The controvery is over which Church will be given physical/legal control of the historical properties of the traditional "Ukrainian" church. So nothing really to do with freedom of practice at all, purely a matter of politics where Church and State have intersected.
  8. Haven't bought a Korean car but in terms of Korean manufacturing I am pretty much a fan of LG and Samsung products. Have never been disappointed with one.
  9. Probably true, but OTOH, if his guys get drafted high and then bust wouldn't that be a bad look for the program also? I guess maybe it's a short term/long term cost thing.
  10. so it turns out Kia and Hyundai have been selling cars into the US market without a standard theft deterent system and the situation has gotten bad enough that inurers like State Farm won't write comprensive policies for them. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/serious-problem-state-farm-progressive-213000996.html Good example of why 'Caveat Emptor' is an insufficeint mechanism for regulating markets for modern technology. Who would even dream of asking about this stuff at the dealership?
  11. HaHa I'm sure that's good news to all the dead Russians in Bahkmut.
  12. they apparently are playing an instrasquad today. Maybe higher stakes then usual!
  13. right - he has to really be an NFL OT to justify the pick. It reminds me a bit of last year's baseball draft - everyone was drooling over the good hitting shortstops, but then projecting they wouldn't stay there. If they can't stay there then you have to rank the bat against other 3B or whatever. The value added was getting the bat at *that* position.
  14. I think there is a point where too fine a point can be put on it. If you have guys who can run fast, cut, and catch the ball, matching their exact physique to an exact position to line-up is not a show-stopper. One of the reasons you pay an O-coordinator is to figure how to use high talent level players that may not check conventional boxes exactly.
  15. I get the impression Skoronski is only projected so high because it's habit for the top OT to go in the top half of the 1st round, but it doesn't make much sense to project him top ten and then turn around and say he'll have to move to guard. The correct logic would be that if you don't have anyone you can project to stay at OT in this draft, you don't have a top 10 O-Line pick. Now maybe the evaluators who don't think he can stay at tackle are just all wet, but the mocks that have him in the top ten then *also* project he'll go to guard are illogical - both shouldn't be true.
  16. Kirby Smart has defended Carter in public. Will college coaches talk to pro coaches about their players or is that considered some kind of unwritten rule violation? Smart has to be the person whose read Campbell (and thus indirectly Holmes) would most want.
  17. things coming apart in Israel -
  18. Greene's HR was to the deepest cornner of OF just to the left of dead center. ~435 2023 Greene looks to be upgrade over 2022 Greene. Likewise Rogers over Barnhardt, Maton over Candelario, and Carpenter over whoever's spot he's going to take. If Torkelson and Javy also hit better they might score some runs.
  19. With the open day after the opener and then two more open days in the home opener series we might not see the eventual 'std' rotation for a couple weeks -- but I think it's pretty likely he will normally keep the left handers split up once they get past those early spacers.
  20. doubly dumb because as per Dan, they are not even coming back to Detroit. They are staying in Florida through the opener with TB - so zero required travel time.
  21. prolly because an NBA playoff is a series, not one game do or die. You can steal one game from a better team, doing it mulitple time gets exponentially harder. I'd guess you probably see them less in NCAAF just because the team quality gulf is so much wider. The distance between the 'good' and best teams, especially at the top where the playoff is, is big - bigger than between playoff teams in the NFL.
  22. It would be nice if he would show a little something before ST ends. Today he lifted one ball decently to the OF but too high. K'd twice. Didn't chase out of the zone but didn't hit what he swung at in the zone either.
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