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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Torkelson leaves for PR after singling. 2 for 3 today and the non-hit was reaching on an error on a gb at 105 mph. I think he is ready.
  2. Brieske gives up a run on 2 H and BB but throwing hard - hitting 97 with his FB.
  3. what works against Short is that he was already 26 when he got 180 PA in '21 and didn't do much with them, so it fair to be skeptical a ST performance at 28 is going to carry over all that much. He'll have to do a lot to overcome the assumptions in place about him.
  4. I don't know which way this is trending yet. Some polls have shown DeSantis with a lead over Trump in some places and some have shown him waaay behind Trump. My own take is that DeSantis won't pull mainline Trump supporters, So the question is how big a proportion of Romney's 2008 GOP numbers are the poeople who won't vote for Trump but haven't gone full party repudiation? Guys like David Brooks for instance, still want to vote GOP in the worst way if any non-Trumper would run - he was talking up GOP governors the other day. But DeSantis is too far over the line for him. If DeSantis can't pull in a 'moderate' GOP voter already highly disposed to the GOP, he'll have trouble beating Trump just with hard core culture warriors, I see them mostly sticking with Trump.
  5. The comparison has been made to nailing Capone over his taxes, but nailing a mobster on ill gotten gains does at least relate directly to the purpose of the criminal enterprise.
  6. Agreed Tater. Morally, I think Bush gets more of pass on the grounds of being incompetent and in over his head, but practically, I think that with distance, history will judge correctly that Bush, by virtue of having so many evil but competent people around him like Cheney and Gonzales, did more long term damage to the US body politic that even Trump has so far. Of course that judgment is still contingent on Trump's last chapter not necessarily being written yet.
  7. Wasn't the whole pattern of last year's NBA playoffs "how to take the big man out of the game"? I guess FDU had been watching.
  8. I sort of like the idea of Trump having to live in exile in Argentina or Belarus. He's going to love being the center of attention in a trial, and even if we convict him of something, we are unlikely to put an ex-Pres in prison at least for more than a few months.OTOH, persuade him to flee and once he gone he's gone probably gone for the rest of his life. I think the frustration of not being able to get back into the US would be the better punishment actually.... Which is why he probably won't
  9. of course if the conduct of US prosecutors is going to be our touchstone, we are in trouble there too.
  10. They've said nothing informative about what the injury is. 'Discomfort' could be anything, muscle tear, hairline fracture of one of the bony processes, damage to a lamella, nerve pinch, you name it, and the recovery prognosis could be anywhere from 100% with no after-effects to the prospect of a continuing chronic condition and predisposition to re-injury.
  11. More mud in the water of the the Covid origin story. Genetic evidence of virus precursors in raccoon-dogs from the market before the outbreak. Full report paywalled at the Atlantic - summaries at NYT and other places. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/16/science/covid-wuhan-market-raccoon-dogs-lab-leak.html#commentsContainer
  12. one out of three aint bad for hitting, not so much for pitching!
  13. Manning at 94 and bit more. Good sign that he is getting there. Felt a bit bad for him with people jumping on him for ramping up slowly when that's what he was probably advised to do.
  14. If I read one more 'anticipation' story before a charge is actually filed somewhere I think I'm going to scream.
  15. It's probably just as well if players without the understanding to see that they are part of a business and the perspective to understand that financial negotiations are not matters of 'respect' end up with other teams.
  16. I guess O-line is a position that is considered a reasonable choice for high picks nowadays. But when the #1 OT at the combine is projected to have to move to guard, that doesn't make for much ethusiasm.
  17. so it didn't say they were doing any kind of surgical procedure - just hoping for it to go away....(?)
  18. Garrett Hill self-destructs. At least pitching staff has had the decency to be bad on a night the Tigers decided not to hit anyway.
  19. Given your observations, and that losses don't matter the rest of the way, I guess the question would be whether playing the harder physical game in the NHL gets him to where he need to be faster or just impedes his ability to progress. I don't know if there is any universally true answer to which way to go, we assume the Wings' brains has some kind of criteria list for deciding that.
  20. I think he's actually better on the radio than in the TV booth.
  21. yeah - I wondered at the Tigers' excitement about the spin rate on his slider. In my totally uniformed opinion, good spin rate a your *fastball* and you get Justin Verlander - who granted did end up with TJ - after a HOF career was already in the books. OTOH, super spin rate on your breaking ball and my guess it's a lot more likely to be "Hello Dr. Andrews." all that aside, bad back in any baseball player is just horrible news.
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