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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. yeah - I wondered at the Tigers' excitement about the spin rate on his slider. In my totally uniformed opinion, good spin rate a your *fastball* and you get Justin Verlander - who granted did end up with TJ - after a HOF career was already in the books. OTOH, super spin rate on your breaking ball and my guess it's a lot more likely to be "Hello Dr. Andrews." all that aside, bad back in any baseball player is just horrible news.
  2. Skubal already there for F. Pacheco https://twitter.com/cmccosky/status/1635702975409553417
  3. True, they did not make a single MLB starting bat acquisition. Now I suppose you can read that as meaning that Harris is more optimistic about the talent Avila left him (e.g. Green, Torkelson, Meadows(s)) than we are. Or that's he's writing off 2023. The latter take being the more widespread reading.
  4. Interestingly enough, with Lester gone, there don't appear to be any pure 1b on the Toledo roster right now....
  5. For sure they don't much like Carpenter in the OF. I could see them being perfectly happy to let him marinate in Toledo to verify the HR pop is still there, waiting to call him up to the DH spot when Cabrera inevitably goes to the DL. Baddoo is such a bundle of contradictions. Could go any way with him I think but so far he hasn't done enough in this ST to force their hand. I expect to see him play a lot the rest of the way to give him a chance improve the 611 OPS of his first 30 AB.
  6. this would certainly jibe with past practice, though when Harris came on board his statements could reasonably have been taken to mean that philosophy would shift. But the reality is that once you are in the position making those decisions you become more susceptible to the same kinds of imperatives the guy you replaced was.
  7. IOW, another form of projection. That word should go down as the title for this whole era in GOP politics, in fact in all the right side and facist movements of this era.
  8. Trump does have a certain flair for this though. He's is very well versed at the Capo's art of suggesting other people do wrong while leaving lots of ambiguity in the liability of this own direct actions. It's probably his one real skill in life and he is well practiced at it.
  9. while generally true, I don't put too much stock in ST playing time because it can sometimes be an ambiguous marker. Guys they are completely settled on may get less PT than guys on the bubble who may get the longest looks only to get cut in the end. And we don't have that much track record to read Hinch from either.
  10. If Torkelson can hold down the everyday 1b gig, then Schoop is probably adequate depth for 1st, depending on what they think of Schoop by the end of ST. He didn't show much at WBC. I would think(hope!) that after last season's disaster he can't have too much time left to show something. I'd like to see Nevin get a shot though, some HR potential there maybe.
  11. I think Jake has already left Knapp in the dust, unless he gets hurt again...
  12. I heard a few minutes on the radio and when someone called in to ask what the Lions were doing, Karcsh said that he thought they wanted to use free agency to pre-patch all the potential glaring holes (CB, RB, DL) so that when the draft comes, they won't feel any pressure to draft to need but will be free to go BPA no matter how the picks before them went down. Seemed like a take that matched the evidence.
  13. Yeah - 'irresistable' is a good word. I'm trying not to get too excited about this, after all the pitching he's facing is going to improve, but man it's a nice sign.
  14. I had a fast car and I used to drive pretty hard but ironically (and mostly luckily) enough I always ended up with the car under control after someone else's accident. Funniest one was one night late coming back from A^2 as a student I had gone via Brighton (the current southern route of I96 wasn't in yet) and I was on Grand River instead of I-96 and all of sudden there are headlights on the ground in front of me. A guy had fallen asleep at the wheel, careened off the FW and rolled over ending up with his car upside down on GR Ave right in front of me. The guy was just crawling out of the window (had used his seat belt!) - seemed to be alright. I put a warning flasher I had on the car and drove the guy - 35ish upperclass by all appearance - over to the Mobil station that used to be at KentLakeRd. So the funny thing was when the State Troopers showed up they immediately start interviewing me - the long haired scuffy looking kid, about how I totalled my car. I took it as one of the great moral victories of my young life to be able to point the cops across the room to my rescued Yuppie. So maybe Carter is alright....maybe.
  15. Torkelson with another big exit velo (107) off a fast ball for a base hit. This spring has been quite the turnaround - if can keep this up.....
  16. Last has exactly the correct term: "Serious People" I think affluence has left us with too many millions in this country that span from the boomers right down to the millenials who have led such sheltered lives, whole lives so protected from consequences, who've had somebody else ffollowing behind them to clean up all the messes they have made in lives, devoid of any need to actually consider that actions have outcomes, that they simple don't qualify as serious people. And they make bad voters.
  17. So after Trump wipes the floor with DeSantis in the early primaries, who are the GOP rump anti-trumpers going to throw in with?
  18. I wonder if the next one will be sent out with a couple of F15s loitering 20k feet above.
  19. That is true, but Ukraine is fully mobilized, motivated and has been able to train, re-arm at with increasingly modern weapons, and rotate and reconsititute its forces. The Russians are throwing the dregs of their society - convicts and what's left of the young adult population that didn't have the sense, ability to think for themselves and social competence to flee the country already and often with 80yr kit, into a fight they have no interest in. Take your choice.
  20. If you pay attention to Cramer, you deserve what you get! CNBC is the finanace version of Fox news. In a way, Cramer and Carlson are basically the same person journalistically speaking, in the sense that the show is 100% about stroking the viewer's existing sensibilities for ratings and not the value of any information presented.
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