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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. yeah - all kinds of reporting from NY State last week that an indictment was 'imminent', and thus far....crickets.
  2. Most cancer clusters go unsolved. You have a sample of 350 million patients, you are going to see a lot of things just by random chance, and you have an incredibly complex chemical environment in the modern world and everybody has lived a slightly different life so tracking that is nearly impossible, and you have an incredibly complex human genome that makes the odd person here or there responds to something no-one else does. So sure, do the level best you can to figure it out, but don't go into the task with too much optimism.
  3. UM - if you have a *surplus* that's because you are selling oil but no-one will sell *you* anything. Seems that is pretty much what the international community has been aiming at. No-on had any illusions you could stop India and China from buying Russian oil.
  4. LOL. But the etiology of Legionaires is well understood. The bug actually lives out in the environment everywhere, whether it can concentrate pretty much comes down to plumbing design and water supply properties. It had never been found because it wouldn't grow in any of the conventional lab media being used up until then. One of my wife's coworkers has a strain of legionella named after her as she was the first to isolate it in a UM clinical pathology lab.
  5. Certainly ominous, but OTOH, it can be very hard to achieve much scientific certainty with clusters of rare cancers. It's probably the case that millions have had significant exposure to PFAs, but millions haven't gotten glioblastoma. Can they/have they determine(d) if the Phillies were doing something to their field that that all the other teams from the era with similar turf were not? etc. Which is not to say the civil courts might not reach their own verdict.
  6. https://emersoncollegepolling.com/new-hampshire-2024-trump-holds-41-point-lead-for-republican-nomination/
  7. We'll see in the next few months where the capabilities of each side actually stand. Russia has thrown everything they have and fundamentally have not moved the line. Ukraine has withstood all that so far and is still building capability - enough to force the Russians to sue for peace on their terms? Unknown, but I think we can be pretty certain they are going to try before the year is out. Then final outcome likelihoods will become clearer.
  8. you remeber the old line: "There is no clock in baseball"? As of today you can retire it. Who thought they'd ever see a baseball game end on a clock running out?
  9. Netherlands eliminated at WBC so we get Schoop back. He was 1 for 13 with 6 K's. ........whoopie.🎉
  10. Greiner hits it to the CF wall and is out. HR at new COPA?
  11. And they *would* move Stafford if they *could*
  12. Wagner opening up recruitment centers around Russia. How stable can a country be with growing private army running around? Maybe we shouldn't discount that one way this war ends for the Ukrainians is when Prigozhin's Wagner and Putin's MOD break into open warfare with each other to control the country. Sort of a repeat of the Russian exit from WWI?
  13. reports that a US B-52 with Polish figher escorts "toured" the Gulf of Finland today - virtually on the Russian border. I wonder if a part of this is NATO is saying to Russia - "You can make a 100% resource commitment to your operations in Ukraine but there is no free lunch - it's going to cost you not being able to respond to who knows what we might be up to on your borders. Have a nice day Ivan."
  14. I think Riley has said that Parker was the best outfielder of their group when they played together in the minors.
  15. right. Riley plays better than his speed, whether Vierling can play up to his speed is what they want/need to find out.
  16. OK-OK! I'll take Lipcius! The last player I took who walked as much as he struck out was Adames. (Ooops, we know what happened to him....)
  17. Yooper used to make a table of all the Tiger players at all levels and do the fill ins to prevent duplicates, that's about it. But what's missing is sig lines in this BB SW. That's sort of made AAT work. Without those you don't really know who players belong to. So that's a bit of a limitation.
  18. Brees' playing weight is listed at 210 and he carried that well. There seems to be some question as to whether that +200lb number Young showed up with at the combine is real or not. But someone is going to pick him and at some point they will be able to look back and see whether it was a mistake or not, but that won't until long after they have made the call on the pick. 🤷‍♂️
  19. I don't even really think the long downfield bomb is the toughest test of arm strength. You generally have time and can put a lot of air under 'the bomb' to get distance. To me what requires the strongest arm with the quickest delivery is the diagonal throw against the zone when you have to get the ball there on a rope with no tell-tale wind-up before the defender - who is watching the play in front of him - can react/close. Which, btw, was something a young Stafford was quite good at. The long bomb is all about throwing accurately to the right distance/timing - which is a different skillset than arm-strength alone, though it certainly helps.
  20. My music library, which I have digitally cataloged, is 70% classical. She is correct that none of the common tools handle classical music worth a damn. The mass market streaming services are mostly bad at it also other than a couple that specialize in it. I'll have to check this out, but in general I really dislike working in the apple SW world, so I'm not optimistic.
  21. Torkelson with exit velos of 95 and 110. Both on fastballs. Seems to be having a bit less trouble squaring up the ball so far this season.
  22. All income is fungible. 2.5 million tickets at an average of $50 plus another $20/head on concession plus 500K parking fees at $20 is $185million in attendance income/yr. The gate can still a major piece of a successful team's income.
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