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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. I've heard about it, never used/interacted with it.
  2. anybody know their immigation policies? asking for a friend of course....
  3. Maybe it helps to be named Joe.....Montana set the bar for cool under pressure.
  4. Nice to see Brieske have a better outing. Maton looking like the real deal - and Jake (fingers crossed).
  5. odd box so far - 2 runs in, one for each team, no RBI yet - the steal and a run in on a DP.
  6. Yup, The plus thing is the guy who can roll and then throw on the run. As you noted - that's Rogers and Mahomes mostly. You have to distinguish between that and the college style dual threat - tuck the ball and just run. That is not worth as much in the NFL as the guy who can use his legs or size or just quickness to keep the *pass* play alive.
  7. Baddoo has not impressed so far. That could be one less OH OF.
  8. and of course, a stupid lie to speak in terms of his own constituents, who certainly almost all know perfectly well where El Paso is and can only hear that as a blunder, so no value there. If he's running again in '24 and trying to polish his anti-Biden bona fides I guess maybe it works.
  9. I'd argued long before the war started that the history of Crimea was more complex than the Ukraine mainland. If Putin had played a civilized hand instead of immediately going to war, maybe a better outcome could have been reached, but at this point Russia has pretty much forfeited any consideration of civility toward its preferences by its demonstration of a preference for barbarity.
  10. in fairness - I haven't watched the interview - IF they were talking about a particular issue at the Matamoros area the statement may have made sense - given that he still probably mispoke deliberately in saying "Biden hasn't been to the border" instead of 'the valley'
  11. TBF to lyin' Ted, he is both right and wrong in this statement. El Paso is clearly the border, his is 100% wrong there. ElPaso is also on the Rio Grande. BUT - the area which is called 'the Rio Grande Valley' is several hundred (more like 7 than 8 )miles away where the river reaches the gulf coast.
  12. Which is why immigration reform might be a really good idea. But the unemployment is just picking up the trend that started long before the pandemic and probably was driven by so many years of near zero interest rates. The odd part really was why the economy stayed so inflation resistant before the pandemic despite low interest rates and falling unemploymnet - and I think that had to do with a period of uniquely high management leverage over workers and wages. The loss of unionization plus a psychology of weakness got baked into the psyche of the American worker and I think it overran reality by quite a bit. What the pandemic did was wake workers up to the fact the labor market is tight (because of those demographics) and they do have more normal leverage now. So now low unemployment is driving wage gains in a way we weren't seeing in say 2019 even though UE was already very low. As I've said before, personally I'm OK with a some wage inflation - the American worker needs it. Clearly the Fed can't let it turn into 1977, but I can only hope they don't overdo it.
  13. and it's a least a little bit of a false comparison isn't it? A dual threat QB runs up big offensive AV stats, but it's a bit of zero sum game because it's only a function of his higher use rate. If he runs for 20yds, that's 20 yds one of his receivers or RBs doesn't add to his total. So I'm not that impressed is a dual threat QB can put up a huge AV because he's not necessarily adding that to his team total as opposed to subtracting it from other players totals if he were a more successfull passer. "Escapability" I do like, but being a QB that actually runs for a lot of yards is not the only way to get that. A guy who has a good sense of how and when to step up, or even one who is big and strong enough and has a good first step to fight off first contact (i.e.Rothlesburger type) can give you a lot of the same value without rushing for >500yrd.
  14. Most recent ADP employment survey was above forecast - don't see the Fed backing off with the job market so tight. I don't think there is any historical precedent for a 3.4% unemployment rate to be sustainable/compatible with stable prices. The Fed won't stop pushing at least until unemployment stops going down further. EDIT: Initial UE claims came out this morning - up some from last month so maybe the trend has broken, but 211K is still a small number. Don't expect to see the Fed relent until there is a solid trend upward.
  15. Ted's timing is exquistite. Where do you suppose Biden will be next week? Apparently on Ted's maps when you go south from San Diego you get to Arizona. https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/politics/story/2023-03-08/president-biden-prime-ministers-san-diego
  16. that he's a better qb or that the price is too high?
  17. Yeah, that too. Nor much to hope for at this point beyond some better lottery luck.
  18. Yes and no. There are a lot of critical variables but they are mostly not on the battlefield at this point, they are in Washington Paris, London and Berlin. The Ukrainians will go as far as US/EURO arm them to go. If the US had sent ATACM and started the Ukrainians training on F16s a year ago, the Russians would have already lost or maybe started WWIII. It can be argued that to have gone too fast would have sent Russia over the nuclear edge, it can be argued the Western powers are ultimately cynical and would just as soon see the Ukrainains bleed Russia out as far as possble by moving so incrementally. But Russia cannot win this based on any choices it makes. It will emerge with exactly whatever status NATO decides the end point is going to be. And granted, *that* is an open question.
  19. Yzerman may have had to do what he did as a good GM, but for a team to fight its way right the edge of contention and then have management pull the plug has to be a big let down in the locker room. Add that to the talent loss, I'm not taking the over on any estimates of how many more they win the rest of the way.
  20. Report of a large scale missile strike heading into Ukraine tonight. Probably a sign that Bakhmut has bogged down for Russian forces.
  21. Yup - an "alternative minimum tax" equiv for corps and all individual income at one set of rates. With the reduction in the Corp tax rate, the argument that dividends and interest are seriously double taxed is no longer true. I guess I would leave a maybe 5% break on the long term/short term split, but that is all.
  22. I wish you were right but I think his direct fundraising capabilities are stilll going to be pretty strong. But you may be right that the bigger swing won't be so much direct money but what FOX does. If Murdoch throws him overboard hard, or something actually comes out of the Dominion lawsuit that constrains Fox's ability to support him even if they wanted to, then I think he could end up seriously behind the eight-ball.
  23. In the end the House will accept a tax increase (probably over the objections of the freedom caucus group) because they they know proposing cuts of their own is a loser and they can use a tax hike in the campaign against Biden, plus if part of the increase is corporate it will be manna for GOP PAC fundraising.
  24. Doesn't benefit him? Really? For Trump, campaigning is one big gold plated expense paid ego massage junkett on other people's money. Hard to imagine what else he could be itching to spend his time doing instead.
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