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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Doesn't benefit him? Really? For Trump, campaigning is one big gold plated expense paid ego massage junkett on other people's money. Hard to imagine what else he could be itching to spend his time doing instead.
  2. LOL - Which is why Biden just decided not to veto the DC crime bill and his next big PR push is going to be on the deficit. Very lefty....NOT.
  3. You'd have to posit that Trump and the regular GOP candidate split the vote regionally instead of within states. If they split in within states clearly the GOP would have no hope, Dems could waltz to a win. But if Trump could actually win some states and Desantis (or whoever) some others, it could deny the Dems 270. I'd call that scenario conceivable, but pretty unlikely. But what about the whole Trump era ever seemed likely?
  4. Well, she released a DNA test indicating there probably was an ancestor, but it pretty much undercut her own case because it showed the ancestor was *way* back there and objectively it was a stretch for her to claim any kind of status based on it. Her 'excuse' such as it is, is that she was going by what her own family had told her when she was young. Well, when you go into real life you probably should check that kind of thing before you try to use it to your advantage. That said, the comparison to Santos is still nonsensical. She may have bootstrapped herself into school, but once there her subsequent accomplishments have been real enough.
  5. Long story in NYT today on a Chinese aerospace espionage case. If you haven't used up your NYT freebies for the month it's a good read, and of course a sad story for the people ground up in the friction between the two nations. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/07/magazine/china-spying-intellectual-property.html?action=click&algo=bandit-all-surfaces-time-cutoff-30_impression_cut_3_filter_new_arm_5_1&alpha=0.05&block=more_in_recirc&fellback=false&imp_id=782378144&impression_id=b4a5fa86-bdff-11ed-949b-5bd1d064119f&index=4&pgtype=Article&pool=more_in_pools%2Fmagazine&region=footer&req_id=451321468&surface=eos-more-in&variant=0_bandit-all-surfaces-time-cutoff-30_impression_cut_3_filter_new_arm_5_1
  6. "It's time for everyone to be an ex-twitter employee!"
  7. if he starts getting out ahead just a millisecond quicker those are going to be HRs to LF.
  8. yeah - this too. Progs have no use for Bill Clinton's 80's vision of the Democratic party as the 'GOP Lite' and IDK if Hillary ever got past that with them. OTOH, a lot of the progressive wing if the Dem party is their women, and at least in my limited experience, I never met a Democratic woman voter who didn't love Hillary. Whatever kind of bad likeability vibes she sent the men, Dem woman were in her corner.
  9. I'd rate that one a fail, and it's a really interesing suggestion if you have a little imagination - which is probably exactly the issue!
  10. The key for Nevin is his power potential. They'll find him PA if turns out he can put the ball in the seats as well they are hoping.
  11. For me it broke this way: Plenty of reasons in her long public history to believe she would not be a good leader and oppose her in the 2016 primaries. None-what-so-ever to have opposed her in the general once she had the nomination. And don't understimate the 'likeable' part. Presidencies are about leadership and people don't like to follow people they don't like. Hill's is sort of the inverse image of Reagan. I think many people voted for Reagan who did not particularly agree with him on policy but they trusted certain things in his character/judgment when it came to leadership (esp after Carter's fecklessness wrt leadership qualities), and to a large degree, they were right. Reagan left behind a legacy of a lot of bad ecnomic policy, but leadership wise his presdency was a great success. I think a lot of people stayed home who agreed with Hillary on policy, but felt low confidence/enthusisam in her leadership qualities, and a lot of that exactly because she was so easy to dislike.
  12. Hernandez is not part of the Tiger future. If they give him one AB that would be better to be given to anyone under 25 that is a total mistake. They don't have the luxury of giving 10 seconds of concern about the risk of losing CH. He should only play if in the end none of the youngs manage to put up any reasonable challenge.
  13. I would argue that in some sense it's the fact that they've lost the economic theory war which reduced the GOP to adopting the cultural war stance as their core in the first place. The party may still be the party of corporate tax cuts, but that part exists strictly as a recognized campaign funding payoff, no-one (well except maybe Paul Ryan) still believes that Reaganomics is actually sound economic/social development theory. Romney's loss was the pivot. He & Ryan were probably the absolute best most attractive faces you could put on robber baron economics but the voting public still refused to buy in again. If a widely admired, well accomlished, deeply ethical and personally attractive man could no longer sell trickle down, Ted Cruz and the rest of the rogues gallery in the 2016 GOP primary field sure weren't going to be able to either.
  14. Not to mention that the "toilet bowl sticking out of the Parthenon" has to be the most disgusting mishmash piece of archetecture executed in the US in recent years.
  15. My Chinese friend was telling about the file that follows you around your whole life in China. Just to add to the insult they even make you carry yourself and give to the authorities at your new residence when you move. But they give it to you sealed and you dare not open it if you know what's good for you.....
  16. I like the theory that it Poles did it to boost the marketing of their new pipeline. 🤔 The 80 meters thing really puts it in a new light to me. It really could be have been anyone or any kind of free lance team. A 40 ft fishing boot with station keeping thrusters and a gps is all the surface presence necessary. also-Report in the twitterverse that something in Berdyansk was blown up this evening.
  17. except that the he's looked pretty hitterish in his last two outings. We'll see if it keeps up - he may yet put our fears to rest.
  18. How much value is there in keeping Schoop around in the last year of deal if he's not performing? This is something that has been enough to drive a sane person crazy with the Tigers - their attempts to hold guys to the deadline who they keep playing hoping for an uptick in trade value but who just underperform and kill whatever residual trade value they had by the time they are dealt for a bucket of balls. Moving off a Schoop in March/April if he doesn't find it in ST is just the kind of risk I don't mind if Harris wants to take.
  19. Tigers lost to Toronto by 13, StL losing to Det by 13. I don't think the Cards should play the Jays......
  20. Nice day for Tork! so far. Made a loud out pulling a FB in his 1st AB. Got nothing close and took the walk in his second, and banged a hanging breaking ball 1st pitch for a 105 mph 2B.
  21. The damage was at 80 meters, which means the sabateurs really didn't need to mount that big an expedition to do the job. The early reporting implied only a state actor would have had the resources, and that is probably accurate if we have been talking about a spot in +1000ft of water. But mixed gas scuba divers can reach 80m, not to mention commercially purchasable submersibles.
  22. the other thing about QB's is that as long as their health holds, many tend to continue to get more effective with experience - their panic factor falls, recognition experience goes up, the coaching staff's familiarity leads to a better fit between the ask and capability. There are reasons to think that when you see a mid career QB start creating better outcomes that it's a real effect.
  23. Poor Torkelson. Made another 100mph out in his 1st AB. Kids is banking a lot of good karma for something later in his life.
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