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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Yeah - it may be that the the most useful thing to for China to learn from the war in Ukraine has nothing to do with the specifics of military tactics and strategy end at all, but just coming to the realization that given the destructive power of modern weapons, you are going to have to destroy the geography to conquer it if your adversary is willing to fight. The idea of ruling the current Taiwan is pretty attractive until you understand that the reality may be more like gaining control of an island that looks like Donbass.
  2. this is so stupid. If you want to work all year from 7 to 4 instead of 8 to 5,then work all year from 7 to 4. Putting the middle of the solar day at 1 or 2 pm to accomplish the same thing is the height of silliness..
  3. I tend to think it all converges to a single system, but I tend to think it will be at the other end - every thing IP and on demand. The current edifice was all driven by the needs of over the air broadcast. As over the air goes away, they whole idea of programming on a schedule becomes superfluous. Ironically the only thing left where 'broadcast to a schedule' makes any sense to contnue is sporting events.
  4. I have a hard time believing you could find 3 in 10 of even the most interventionist US sub cohort willing to send troops to Ukraine so that makes me doubt what the Economist baked into their question biases. Of course the other big question reading a survey presented like this is did they force party ID or only include party self-identifiers? >50% of the US self-identifies as independent - so are they in the survey or not and if not where are they?
  5. That's getting to be a smaller step all the time though. If your TV does WebOS the difference between running programming from a 'cable' provider vs a stream is nearly non-existent. Well I suppose the catch would be if you are buying your IP and your television from different providers so your television set doesn't have direct access to your IP. But then again, if the set is wireless capable, which most are now.....
  6. this is correct. As per what I have read, according to the existing contracts, in case of bankruptcy, rights are going to go back to the teams, the current Bally share holders will be wiped out and the Bally creditors (primarily the teams who have not been paid) are literally going to 'inherit' the company. Of course that was the plan - I suppose once a Bankruptcy is filed the Judge will may decide on something else!
  7. If the Sox were losing, Hawk could be fine - there was nothing wrong with his game analysis. The problem was that when they were winning he was insufferable. Bremer in Minny is good. But when we were living there was before Morneau and I don't remember whoever it was he was working with at the time being that great (maybe Gladden?)
  8. Right. There is a presumption that children working for their parents around a home business or family farm have the benefit of their their parents' interest in their welfare protecting them from the kinds of abuses more likely to be seen in corporate or 3rd party employment - and thus that activity does not present the same need for general legal prohibition.
  9. I'm trying to find an analogy..... I think screenwriting is sort of like building with Legos. You can't actually build the real world with Legos, and everything you do build with Lego's has same set of properties and limitations - a similar look and feel. Screenwriters have a tool box full of unreal things they appear to accept by tribal convention and another big set of real things they choose to ignore by similar convention. Thus a majority of everything you see in movies and TV suffers from a similar set of unrealities whether they be scientific, emotional or practical ones.
  10. Granting this in general, but in this case - is Girkin part of anyone's inner circle any more?
  11. ER probably made a strategic error in being too enthused. In any case it's going to be the league's decision. If they approve it I don't think any manager will be able to tell his staff they *can't* use it as matter of team policy without engendering rebellion. And if a manager decides he has a pitcher that's overusing it, he'll be faced with the same situation he has with any other player that doesn't swing at strikes or throws to the wrong base - how much winning value does he bring and is it worth living with the non-compliance? I think it's always been true for pro athletes - if you are good enough, they pretty much have to let you play the way you want to, if not - not so much!
  12. LOL- I DO have DirectTV stream , and my ISP is ATT, which is still DirectTVs home essentially. The tech just doesn't work on my end! 😢 Otherwise the service does work pretty well. Of course if ballgames start ending on time it may be a while before I can test whether it now works this season or not.....
  13. I don't know if 'gut' has that much to do with it - it's how he senses a particular pitch is working for him that I would be concerned with. There are all kinds of things a pitcher has always been able to communicate to his catcher about his physical condition wrt throwing a given pitch etc., that always had all time the time needed to get communicated to his catcher, either in mound visits or just by shaking him off to get the where he (the pitcher) wanted to be. As much as I love the pitch clock, combined with visit restrictions, it does very arbtrarily cut off the abilty of that return communication from the pitcher to the catcher. That's not a matter of romance but of practical teamwork.
  14. Arod did have the J. Lo thing going for him for a while though.....
  15. This is 100% true by virtue of Arod defensive contributions alone, but how weird is this?: After 20 yr careers they sport lifetime OPS and OBP within a single point of each other. (380/930:380/931)
  16. because you're allowed to be bad, but not allowed to go backward. Ask Avila.
  17. SY did leave himself a big hill to climb in the offseason. Even with the most optimistic progress by all the minor league guys in the system, he's going to have to get a quality experienced Dman and probably two forwards via trade/FA just to get back to where they were before he pulled the plug. The picks are great for the view over the horizon, but they still can't miss the playoffs again next season.
  18. Time travel plots that stand up to any kind of dissection are nearly impossible to write - but they keep trying. To me only one I've seen ever stood out. Back in the day STTNG did a season ender two parter where Data's head gets left in the 19th century and the plot is clever enough that at the end the timelines merge right back into themselves closing off the loop so that everything that happened in the past ends up having been part of the current present's prior past. You might not have to lose sleep over that one.
  19. whether he did it by the book or not, seeing the end of his career approaching, Ortiz motivated himself to do some things he hadn't done for a previous decade or so. And whether PED catalyzed or not - I take no view on that at all one way or the other - he still had to put in the work for the PEDs to have done him any good. IIRC, Miggy tried losing weight exactly once in his career in Det, quickly settled on the convenient claim that it was sapping his power, and that was that. It's water under the proverbial bridge now and with all the injuries Miguel probably can no longer train to recover much trim if he did try, but it's all good. His lack of fitness increases the probability he will be off the active roster sooner, which is the best result for the Tigers.
  20. Of course if you retire earlier it's usually assumed you are foregoing regular employment income, which over 3-5yrs in many cases will be more $$ than the difference in SS payments over any difference in time frame. Of course you have to put in time to get those dollars. So, unless you are RIFFed or are not working through some other choice not of your own, the question of what your time is worth to you each year at each age may rightfoully be more important to your decision than the difference in what SS is going to pay you either way.
  21. Parker is 23 1/2 yrs old. If he hits he should be on the Tigers NOW. Period. You are either hitting MLB pitching or you aren't. If you are, another 10 minutes in the minors is just 10 min wasted. No such thing as a guy who is hitting that needs more seasoning time in the minors. Now once the pitchers get into better form Parker's bat may well disappear, and that's fine. Then you have a different conclusion, because he is NOT hitting MLB pitching. But the seeming presumption that a guy always needs time in the minors until he has spent multiple seasons at every level just to do the time, seems to have been overdone in this org in the past. And I think it was in part because they had sooooo many guys who just never progressed. They got to AA or AAA and hit a wall so it was easier to believe guys just 'need more time' instead of admitting they were busts and it was like the prevailing mindset or something. You hit your way onto a roster and then of course you may well hit your way back off!
  22. does sort of blow up the Edgerrin James comp a bit though.
  23. Last season I never got a complete baseball game that ran over slot unless I had set the post game to record. Maybe it's something in the way Bally manages the source transmisison that defeats DirectTVs function, but if I didn't set to record the post game, the recording always ended on 'time' despite the 'extend' function supposedly being active. It's cut off Wings games that went to OT as well.
  24. That's the thing with Miguel, for a number of years now his in-game enthusiasm has far exceeded his off season discipline at becoming a player that can safely play enthusiastically, It's just who he is. That switch that flipped for a guy like Ortiz never turned on for Cabrera.
  25. I think the most likely scenario is that Miguel is going to way overdo it in a close WBC game, tear something or irritate the knee running the bases too hard, and take himself and the tigers right out of having to worry about his '23 Tiger playing time.
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