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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. If you want to stretch the point, it can be argued that the US/NIH have been less than clear on gain of function research policy over the years (not the least driven by ambitious *US* researchers) and that a clearer more carefully constructed policy on GOF by the US research establishment and funders would likely have had a certain amount of influence all over the world, including Wuhan. In the *most* general sense you can certainly lay some of the ambiguity on GOF on US administrations who over the years have appointed political hacks with bad agendas and 'kill the beast' mentalities to US scientific agencies. This is for sure a 100,000 ft level critique, but I'm just pushing a point that a lot of things have consequences that appear many miles down the road and in unforeseeable places when the US makes bad decisions for bad reasons. And Xi is probably dealing with the same kind of realizations on his own end. Whatever else is true about his ethics and political ambitions, he's no fool, he has no interest in killing his own people (even if he only sees that as the Han Chinese), and he's had enough scientific education (probably more than the average US president) to have some appreciation of what happened, the how and why.
  2. something to this. But the weapons angle doesn't really make a lot of sense tactically or strategically - I think that aspect is as much a matter of fevered minds as engineered fever inducers.
  3. I get the strategic ambiguity, but I don't know how much attention any team pays to what any other team says leading up to the draft. I suppose somewhere out there there is a really stupid FO or two and you want to take advantage of that if you can but I'm sure most teams plan their draft assuming nothing anyone else says means anything. and 10 yrs is forever in football.
  4. The IDF in Cairo would truly be a case of the dog catching the UPS truck....🙃 We are all waiting to see if the optimistic take is correct and the Russians will have punched themselves out this spring to where they collapse under an anticipated Ukrainian counter offensive. If the Ukrainians do not have a strong upper hand be the end of summer....it won't be good.
  5. Han Zheng as 1st vice premier is maybe a not crazy. Shanghai guy, economic development history. Didn't see any time in Russian schools in his bio. I've spent some time working with a Chinese ex-pat faculty member. Cantonese. Interesting to hear the disdain he holds for the Mandarins. Dismisses them as half-Mongol stock. Frustrated at having to try to disabuse his mother - still in PRC, of all the state propaganda she believes.
  6. My guess is that he doesn't need to do much in ST to go North with the team, but if he doesn't hit once the season starts they won't give him all that much rope before sending thim to Toledo. No reason Harris should be particularly wed to him.
  7. Admin exuding confidence.... https://news.usni.org/2023/03/02/high-cost-of-taiwan-invasion-will-dissuade-china-pentagon-official-says
  8. this team.... always giving it up the last seconds of a period and the last seconds of the PP. Three goals in this game after a PP almost or completely killed. It's like they always exhale a few beats too early. And Seider can't be taking that penalty in OT.
  9. did they ever say what Raymond's injury was. Sure doesn't seem to be a full speed yet.
  10. Veleno is such a waste of a pair of skates. Deked himself right out of a goal.
  11. Pretty play by Walman. Tied again. Wings forwards are so weak taking rushing opposition forwards to the boards. If you force a guy to the boards there should be no way he goes right through you anyway.
  12. Red Wings lose players in front of the net again. Down again
  13. Wings get themselves back into this one
  14. that should about do it. They hadn't gotten much from Bert but you can't subtract Hronek and Ras and hold ground unless someone comes up from GR and explodes - and there's no candidate there for that. Soderblom could come up and *help* but at best he's unlikely to be able to make up for Ras yet. and just to put an exclamation point on it the Wings give up a bad goal.
  15. LOL - we won't hold it against anyone who thought we could get two 1sts for Bert. The wings apparently also picked up some of his remaining salary.....
  16. The non Sci-Fi version of the Terminator?
  17. I generally disllike all films about musicians that don't do justice to the musician's music and virtually none ever do because any musician famous enough to have a film made about them was a singular talent whose performance you can't duplicate within your film - unless you use real footage, and then you've made a documentary, which is probably the lesser evil..
  18. I think Dan is on the verge of an actual campaign to reform scoring....
  19. The NCAA's angle is to try to protect the schools from an explosion in direct expenses.
  20. Sometimes you're just limited by the subject matter.
  21. of course. But if you are releasing guys you have to replace that depth. If you draft well enough to do that you are golden - but then again, if you draft really well in the NFL you are golden - period. It solves basically all your problems. If you can't draft well enough to replace guys then you're not in such great shape because you're going to have to turn around a spend that cap space signing guys to fill lholes or risk not having injury depth. An example would be what the Lions did a few seasons ago when IIRC correctly, they recovered cap space by letting Reiff walk but then had to turn around and sign Wagner for virtually equal money. So cutting guys is fine, but only if you can draft well enough to replace them cheap - so it's still the drafting (or scouting UFA etc) which is the critical piece. Being able to cut guys is a contingent option. It's not something you can count on on a regular basis unless you are doing other things well. That said, the Lions are in pretty good shape ....this year....
  22. It's not so much specific to how the Bally RSN's get replaced in the immediate future, but I still don't see how they make up the revenue that used to come from the cable systems once the audience is reduced just to people who actually watch baseball (or hockey or basketball) games. Maybe I'm overestimating what the cable system fees used to generate, but I'm seeing a pretty big gap between that and what reasonable subscriber fees can replace.
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